Love Thy Enemy: Cade-1

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AWOLNATION- SAIL (Unofficial)  This class is boring.      Mathematics has never been a favorite subject of mine. Mostly because I can do it with my eyes closed. The professor's tone is disturbingly slow for my liking and the rhythm of the pulse coming from the human next to me is starting to make me drift off.     "Ms. Reign,"      A textbook was slammed on the desk next to me making me jump up to my feet. I looked up at Mr. Cooke to see him glaring directly at me as he backed away making his way back to the front of the class. The others around me snickered at the fact that I was caught falling asleep.      "Mr. Cooke," I sighed sitting back in my seat. I've been practicing holding back the beast in me with my Beta. I have to.      "Why don't you come up here and show me what  you've done today?"      I groaned loud enough to make everyone here laugh again. I took the notebook I had done my work in. I had finished it no less than ten minutes after taking a seat at my desk in the beginning of this class. I handed it to him giving him enough time to revise it. I know for a fact that he wouldn't find a single flaw with my work. My father had made sure that I give my very best in everything. Including my academics. There is no room for mistakes in my life. He had me repeat it as a kid over and over when I did make a mistake.     "Problem?" I asked when he didn't say anything.      "Take your seat. See me after class,"      I took my notebook back and let it my arm fall to my side letting him know his request completely displeases me. I sat back down and sat back looking down at my work trying to find something that would keep me awake for the rest of my unbelievably long time here. Half an hour can seem like ages when you're somewhere you don't want to be and this is the last place I would choose to be right now.      I must have dozed off again because the next thing I knew the bell rang. I slowly started putting my things away knowing that as soon as everyone was out of the classroom he was going to give me some kind of lecture. I'm going to have to apologize to this mortal for being rude to him even when I don't mean it. While my father had taught me to take s**t from no one. My mother taught me that there are times when I have to be a better person and do what's right.      Mr. Cooke came over to me leaning against the desk next to me. He crossed his legs at his ankles a little to close to me for comfort. He let out a heavy sigh before crossing his arms over his chest. To another mortal girl, he would be rather intimidating. Maybe even to a regular wolf but not to me. I've had to deal with the alpha since I was an infant. I have seen fury and ran into his arms with adoration. This man isn't s**t compared to my father.      "What am I going to do with you, Arcadia?" he asked.      His tone unnerved me. I've heard it before. Not directed at me of course but at my mother. It's the tone my father uses when he flirts with her. I looked up at him repulsed that he would use that on me. Him, a f*****g human of all people.      "Why don't you back the f**k up and I'll pretend this never happened?" I asked looking up making direct contact.      He pushed off the desk leaning forward. I had to hold back the growl itching in my chest. His scent is repugnant. Something sour and lonely mixed with the disturbing scent of his arousal. I can't hit him without him making a move against everything my kind stands for. It's the one absolute law we as wolves are bound with. No harm to a human unless they strike first.      "You like to test my patience, Arcadia," the way my name rolls on his tongue makes me want to reach into his filthy mouth and rip it out so he can never say it again.      "Mr. Cooke, you have no idea what it is that you are doing right now. You lay on hand on me and I will destroy your entire life. Rethink what you want to do right now because you will not get another chance," I warned. He stood up straight letting out a hearty laugh.      "I have been watching you for a very long time now, Arcadia," I quickly brought my phone out and opened up the recording app. I slipped it inside my binder before he turned to face me. "You are the smartest most beautiful girl in this school. You always get your way. Do you know why?"      "Mr. Cooke I'd like to leave now," I sighed feeling annoyed.      "Because you know what you want and you go after it. It's what we have in common,"      "You and I have nothing in common, Mr. Cooke,"     "That is where you are wrong," he said coming back over to me.      He gripped my shoulders turning me to face him roughly. I'm trapped between him and the armrest of my desk. I didn't think he'd take it this far. I was momentarily shocked. With his right knee, he pushed against my legs trying to pull them apart before leaning into me trying to kiss me.      "Get off of me," I shouted.     I pushed him back using a lot more force than I probably should have. He hit the desk behind falling over. He turned his body right before he hit the ground catching himself. I took the opportunity to grab my phone and put it in my pocket. I almost had all my belongings when he jumped over the desk pressing his body against my backside.      Without hesitating this time I pushed back against him and moved out of the way before I elbowed him in the chest barely missing his throat. He stumbled back before looking back up at me angrily.      "You are going to regret that you little tease," he shouted coming at me again.      This time I completely turned around lifting my leg up and kicked him in the face. He shouted in pain falling back. Unfortunately, it didn't knock his ass out. He got up again angrier than before. He spat a mouthful of blood in the chair I had been sitting in.      "Mr. Cooke please don't make me hurt you," I said putting my hands up in defense.      "I am going to f**k you. Whether you want it or not. I was being generous with you, Arcadia. I was giving you the option to choose this," he shouted.      "Mr. Cooke you're a dead man," I shook my head.      He came at me again. This time I didn't hold back. My arm shot forward hitting him right in the nose. The sound of his nose breaking was music to my ears. He fell back unconscious. I grabbed my things and rushed out of there going straight to the office.      The recording in my pocket was more than enough proof. By the end of all of this, Mr. Cameron Cooke was just another child molester behind bars and will remain that way for the rest of his pathetic life. After I had rushed into the front office, the police showed up and arrested him.      I f****d up his nose pretty bad but it was nothing compared to the way he looked when I saw him in court. When word got out that he tried something against me, the next alpha to the Reign throne, he had to be placed under protective custody.      Turns out I wasn't the only one. The only exception between myself and the others was that he never got anywhere with me. What he did to those poor girls is worthy of death and his day will come sooner rather than later. I will make sure of that. I had been a minor when all of this started and because of that, he got the maximum sentence.      The human system is flawed. Had he been a wolf, my father would have tied his naked body to a horse and taken him for a ride around the pack lands before all those he hurt killed him. Before the pack ripped him apart slowly to make him suffer.      "You should go to bed, Cade. You start school tomorrow," my mom said waddling into my room. Her pregnant belly is getting pretty big. There might be more than one in there.      "Yeah," I answered. She sat on my bed tapping the bed next to her. I shut my laptop and walked over to her.      "Cade, what happened at the school. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Humans aren't the smartest of beings," this is the first time she talks to me about it. I nodded looking down at the floor.      I hadn't admitted that the incident had done something to me. I brushed it off because he didn't actually do anything but grab my shoulders but the thought of him doing what he tried on me on those other girls and succeeding really f****d me up. Men can be disgusting. My father had been beyond furious. More so, at me for not killing him on the spot.      "I'm over it," I shrugged. She's the only one that knows when I'm lying. She says my dad and I have the same tell.      "Okay," she said without pushing the subject. "Little warning about your new school. We won't have this problem ever again. The majority of the school is Lycan. There are a few dampiers and some other things. So, worst case is fighting with a Ludborne or a Marvelle,"      "Right," I sighed. I am not excited about this change at all. I had gone to Ashford Academy so I didn't have to accommodate the other alphas in the neutral territory in the center of the pack lands.      "It'll be fine. You'll do great,"     "Of course I will. I am a Reign." she smiled.      "That's right. Now go and get em, killer," it took her some effort but she got off the bed without my help. When I tried to help, saying she got pissed would be the biggest understatement of the century.  Well. Here goes nothing. 
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