
3331 Words
Daft Punk- Pentatonix     Since the Great Invasion, Astronomy became a must in our educational system. Everyone has to learn where each federation is located in the United Intergalactic Empires. Six federations in total. Each planet with its own form of government. Each planet consists of many races and languages. All of them bred and fit to inhabit the condition of their planet. Each one has a system built for visiting outsiders.     It's beautiful. The mesh of all the different colors, skin tones, features, and textures. Traveling the world seems so trivial now. Why travel this world when there are six other inhabited planets out there to see?      In the establishment of the U.I.E, everyone migrated to their choice of region. The world was rebuilt to accommodate not only homo sapiens but other species. Weapons of mass destruction that were once housed on earth now have their own station just outside the earth's atmosphere. With the help and technology advances from the other planets, the earth was cured. The technological advances of this time and nature now coexist in harmony. History states that the earth has never thrived like this. Everything changed since with the Great Invasion. All for the better.     My curiosity had always gotten the better of me. I had started learning other languages since Hinge moved in next door to us. Hinge is from the Seven Sisters Federation located by the constellation of Taurus.  Not long after, Axe her mate joined her. Their planet's name is difficult to say in their language but it translates to the Pleiades. They came to earth to start a new life and found that in each other.     At first, they didn't seem too different to the rest of us. They actually seem like hardcore hipsters. Teal blue hair, tanned skin, icy cold blue eyes, and heavily tattooed. Well, what I had thought were tattoos were not. They're all born with the marks of what they're supposed to be on their planet. Marks passed down generation to generation dictating each person's life regardless of what lies in their heart. Axe came from a long line of Lumber Jacks, but all he really wanted to do was write. Hinge came from a family of welders and all she wanted was to be a fashion designer.      Hinge speaks Taurean. It's like English on earth. Almost everyone on their planet speaks it. There are four different dialects of Taurean. She started teaching me almost as soon as she arrived. It's beautiful. Axe speaks Pleiadian. It was a lot harder to pick up. It's a language spoken by the underclass workers that live in the forests of Pleiades. It's very similar to Taurean but if I had to describe it I'd say it was more of an upbeat slang of the language.     Hinge was nineteen when she came to earth. I was eight. My mom had just past away and my dad was always working. Her first job on earth was babysitting me. I was the center of her designing career. I always had a new outfit to wear. She'd be damned if she ever had to see me wear it twice. My dad adored her and the way she treated me. I was eleven when she met Axe and married him. He'd tell me the coolest stories about love and warriors on his planet. Taureans deeply believe in love at first sight.     By the time I was in high school, Hinge was one of the top designers in our region, and Axe had published his eighth bestseller. They had become my family. I didn't feel so alone with them around. My dad wasn't alone when we were all together. He smiled again and laughed. He never remarried when I was at his side, I think that was because I reminded him so much of my mom.     "I'm going to miss you, baby," my dad said as the loudspeaker called the name of my transfer pod. "You're going to call right?"      "As often as I can," I promised.      "I am going to send you a treasure chest of my best designs every other week. I would die if you are caught in anything twice. My reputation would be tarnished," Hinge informed me while fixing my scarf.      "Okay," I laughed.      "I've equipt your tablet with all the trending series happening now and of course my newest novel. You got the first edition download. I will be sending you links every time something amazing comes up,"      "Really?" I asked reaching for my tablet.      "Not right now," my dad scolded, grabbing my arm. "Go down this terminal. There are only six other passengers and one of them is a little girl,"      "Thanks, dad. I'll call as soon as we arrive," I promised.      I looked my family over one last time before picking up my school bag. I put it over my shoulder and began to make my way down the long hall. I lifted my arm with my identification bracelet to the scanner. My name and identification were brought up on the hologram.      "Welcome Trinity Finley. You are today's honorary traveler. You have been upgraded to first class. We hope your travels are comfortable," the voiceover called back to me.     A woman came out from inside the terminal. Her long crimson red hair goes amazingly with the bright yellow and orange uniform tightly clinging to her curvy body. Her lemon yellow-toned skin is the most beautiful shade of yellow I have ever seen my entire life.     "Miss Finley?" she asked. A really thick accent lingers in her speech. I nodded. She took my bag. "My name is Liona Rush. I will be your personal stewardess,"      "My personal stewardess?" I asked. Her bright golden eyes are amazing. She has to be from the Centaurus Federation.      "Yes," she nodded struggling with what to say next.      "Are you alright?" I asked in Flamian. Her eyes lit up. The gold in them almost looks like the dark shades and the light shades are stirring.      "You speak my language?" she asked.      "I speak many languages. My life's dream is to see every constellation in the empire and I'd like to be able to communicate with people wherever I go,"      "You say, people, not species?" she asked guiding me to my seat. "You may have whatever you please. Compliments of the University,"      My seat isn't like the regular seats we had passed on our way to the front of the pod. It's white leather, bigger with an entertainment center, and easy access to food, drinks, and snacks.      "Have you ever read the history of earth?" I asked when she put my bag down next to my seat.      "I'm not settled on earth. I work on Imperium. I was hired to accommodate you on your journey. I wasn't told you were a linguistics major. It's rare for a homo sapien to take an interest. It must be why you are such a valuable asset,"      "Earth once had this thing called s*****y. Where they chose a group of people to do hard work, clean, and serve without pay simply based on their skin color,"      "That is terrible," she said helping me with my seatbelt once I sat down.      "Yeah, and they had terrible names for the slaves. I really rather not say it but it starts with an N. They made these people into accessories. So in honor of those people who were much more than what they were forced to be, I decided that everyone everywhere will always be a person to me no matter what species they are,"  She looked me over and smiled. "That is very beautiful, Lady Finley. More should have those ideals you hold so dearly,"      "Thank you,"      "You will be great at Imperium. If you need anything please call me and I shall assist you,"      The voiceover gave us an estimated time of arrival. Two days which means my family wouldn't hear from me two weeks, earth time. As the pod set to take off, the warp was activated. I sat back feeling the pressure of the warp before we hit high speed. It was like my body had gotten heavy and then relaxed. After a few minutes, the seatbelt light turned off and Liona got up and began to move around the cabin. I picked up my tablet and found Axe's book.       "Would you like earbuds, Lady Finley?" Liona came over to me with two white buds on a small tray.      "Thank you," I nodded, taking them.      "Wave your hand in front of you once they're inserted. Artist will come up based on your memory waves," she instructed.     I put them in my ears and waved my hand in front of me. Daft Punk 3000 was the first to pop up. I selected the first song on the list and began to make a playlist to accompany me in my reading. Reading became the number one form to escape.      If the book supplied the proper description or name of the actors that would play the role, the literature would be transformed into a film. The story became more like memories. A movie inside the mind of the reader. Complete with three-dimensional figures and full high definition colors.      Once the tech was created reading became the number one form of entertainment. Television became a second class. Theaters became the third class. But in my opinion, there is nothing better than the classic form of live theater which ranks fourth, mostly because not a lot of people can afford it. I would never have experienced it if it wasn't for Axe who has written four plays now.      It's easy to waste away the day like this. I had gone through half the book when my body demanded food. I pulled the earbuds out of my ears and looked around to see that Liona was nowhere in sight. I checked the travel log to see I had been reading for a little over nine hours. I stretched and reached for the button to get some water.     A glass digitally materialized in my cup holder and was filled. I picked it up putting it to my lips. My stomach growled when the cool liquid reached my stomach. A menu appeared in front of me. I looked around before looking it over. I pressed the number with the chicken tenders and fries option. A few minutes later Liona appeared with a plate. She waved her hand in front of me. A small table materialized on my lap and she placed the plate on top.      "Thank you," I said in Flamian while I sat up straight.      "You love to read," she answered.      "Yes," I nodded.      "I hear earth has the greatest stories in all of creation,"      "I don't know about the greatest but I've heard several others say that same thing," I said. "Would you like to take a seat?"      "Yes," she nodded, sitting in the empty seat across from me. "Tell me more about earth,"      "What would you like to know?" I love talking about everything. Curious outsiders are my favorite even though I don't come across them too often.     "Centaurian music is not as electrifying or as light as earth music,"      "That's because of the temperature and pressure differences. We go with what's appealing to our ears under our conditions. Have you listened to earth music?"      "Yes. I was listening to your playlist while you were reading. Is all music like that?"      "No. I like to listen to an electric trance type of music when I read but there are so many genres out there. I'll play some," I waved my hand in front of me and selected some of my favorites.      "What about the attire? I've never seen this before," she looked over my clothes. "I noticed several humans were dressed similar,"     "This is denim," I said pulling on my jeans. "And this is polyester. Where I come from, the material of your bodysuit is considered faux leather. Clings to your body and is easy to move around in,"      "Yes, it also keeps the warmth from escaping. Earth is very cold. So is Imperium. I have a long jacket in my bunk,"      "I think you'd like Arizona in the summer," I laughed.      "Is it warm?" she asked.      "Super warm. The color of my skin. I'm considered to be fair-skinned but in the summertime, it gets darker. We call that getting a tan,"       "Getting a tan," she repeated. "Would I be able to get a tan?"      "Probably not. Your skin adapts to the rays of sunlight. Even if it were over one hundred and ten degrees on earth you'd probably still have to wear a sweater,"       "You're right," she nodded. "Tell me what water is like on your planet,"     "Like this," I said lifting my glass. She reached for it moving it around.      "It's clear," she stared at it baffled.     "What color is your water?" she pressed a button on the glass screen. A thick glass digitally materialized in her cup holder. A bright orange liquid filled the glass. She picked it up and took a long drink.     "Refreshing," she mused with a smile. I reached over and touched the glass. I pulled away when the heat of it stung my fingers like I had pushed my fingers into a hot pan.      "That's blazing hot," I said looking down at my fingers. They turned red. Liona reached for my cup and jumped back as I had. Her fingers turned blue.      "That's cold," she said shaking her hand out. "This is very interesting,"      "Yeah, it is," I nodded. "Especially because you're only slightly warmer than I am,"      "Lioooooo," a little girl's voice sang through the room before she appeared running over to Liona. Liona stood up catching her in her arms and spinning her around. The little girl laughed.      "Please forgive us, this is my little sister, Cubby. I told you to stay in the bunker," she scolded the little girl. I wouldn't dare say she was a spitting image. Cubby's skin tone it a little lighter, closer to a ripe banana peel. Her hair isn't crimson but a solid red.      "It's okay," I said. "I don't mind,"      "She's not Centaurian," the little girl said looking at me probably wondering how it was I spoke her language.      "No, she's special. She knows a lot of languages," Liona told her.     "Titi, I'm cold. It's so very very cold here," Titi means sister.     "She's human. We can't turn the heat up in here. That's why I told you to stay in the bunker," Liona scolded.     "I want to stay here with you," Cubby said disappointedly.     "Then maybe you can put on your jacket. I wouldn't mind turning the heat up a bit in here," I said pulling off my sweater. Cubby's eyes lit up as she wiggled in Liona's arms. She ran in the direction she had come from as soon as her little feet touched the floor.      "Do you have siblings?" she asked sitting back down.      "No, I'm an only child,"      "I have eighteen brothers and fourteen sisters," my eyes widened. "I don't know how I would  fare should my parents only had me,"      "Are you the oldest?"      "Yes,"      "That's a lot of siblings," I whispered mostly to myself.      "We are considered to be a small family where I am from," I didn't know what to say after that.     Cubby asked a lot more questions than Liona had. It was the cutest thing ever because like most children she didn't hold back on the obvious differences between us. Halfway to our destination, the voiceover announced some turbulence. Liona had to go to the other side of the pod to help with the other passengers. Cubby didn't want to stay alone in their bunker so she sat next to me. I helped put her seatbelt on and then turned the seat warmer on for her so she wouldn't be as cold.      We were both falling asleep when something caught my attention at the window. I covered Cubby with a blanket and reached over as far as I could to see. A thick cloud of white gas. If I'm right that means there's a massive electric storm is about to hit. I looked down at the beautiful little girl falling asleep next to me. This is bad. I sat back turning anything that could cast a bright light inside the room off.      I watched the window hoping the pod would pass the storm soon. I couldn't see up ahead and I really didn't want to. I began to drift off again when the first crackling sound of thunder erupted outside. I jumped sitting up in my seat. The white gas had surrounded the pod. I removed my seatbelt and went over to the other side to see we were right in the center.  No sign of the darkness of space on either side.     Cubby stirred in her seat but didn't wake up. I walked towards the back of the pod to see that Liona was still busy. The windows are all being covered. I walked back and started shutting the covers on the windows to help her. I jumped again when another c***k of thunder rumbled outside. This time Cubby sat up and looked around disoriented.      "Where's Lio?" she asked rubbing her little eyes.      "She's with the other passengers. She'll be back as soon as she can," I reassured her.      "I'm scared," she said lowering her head shrinking into the warmth of the seat. I sat down next to her taking the seatbelt off of her. I sat her on my lap wrapping the blanket around her.      "Better?" I asked and she nodded. I tucked her into me and pulled the seatbelt around us. Liona rushed in going for the windows. "I saw you shutting them earlier,"      "You shouldn't have gotten up," she scolded but then took a seat where her sister had been.      "She was scared," I said motioning her sister. She's starting to fall asleep again.      "Thank you," she sighed with relief. "You would have made a wonderful big sister,"      "That is the coolest compliment anyone has ever given me," I admitted. She smiled placing her warm hand over mine. "Do you know what's going on?"      "The storm came out of nowhere. It wasn't broadcasted to show for another two weeks lightspeed time. It was why our voyage was cleared. It's rolling in fast. The pilot has called the rescue speeders already,"      "Rescue speeders?" I asked. "You mean the pilot doesn't think we'll make it out of here unscathed?"      "I hope he's wrong," she whispered.      A few hours past. Liona had fallen asleep. Since her little sister hadn't woken up she stayed in my seat. I looked around when a blue light began to emit from all of the seats. I looked over at Liona. The light hovered right over her head. My heart began to beat fast in my chest. It's the auto sleep of the plane. I looked behind me to see that because there are two of us on the seat the auto sleep couldn't read our position. I unbuckled the seatbelt when the pod rocked. Knocking both Cubby and me onto the floor.      "Triny," she cried grabbing my arm.      "It's okay," I said pulling her to me as blue electric waves licked the walls of the pod.      I couldn't get up. My body is too heavy. I was able to reach for Cubby's jacket. I wrapped the coat around her hoping the jacket would provide some kind of protection. She couldn't move any more than I could the panic in her eyes is the only thing keeping me calm. Another wave of lightning hit the pod. The lights all flickered. Everything began to smoke around us as lightning killed any electrical circuit inside the pod.      Cubby gripped my t-shirt tightly as another wave hit. The burning started in my hands. I pushed away from Cubby as more electricity coursed through the ship. She cried out for me not to let her go but if I held on I'd kill her. The burning continued stronger and stronger. I tried not to cry out so that she wouldn't freak out more than she already was.      I wouldn't be able to keep my promises. I wouldn't see my dad or my family ever again. My body aches, the smell of burning flesh, and piercing cries of the beautiful little girl echo in my head. My thoughts are peculiar. I never got to live, I never got to find out if love, at first sight, is true and worst of all I never got to finish reading Axe's book. 
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