Chapter 3 Surprising Identity

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Dizzily, I shook my head and squinted at him. In that instant, I sobered up a little. It really was Aidan. And he was drunk. Was it because of Galilea's wedding? A sense of mockery welled up in me. "Don't think too highly of yourself. Aidan was only using you to get at me." Galilea's words suddenly replayed in my mind. I clenched my fists. Since he was only using me to get at her, I might as well take advantage of it. I didn't know whether it was because of the liquor, or because of my rage and desire to get revenge. When I was sure that Aidan was here on his own, I ran off. I quickly contacted a friend to take Heaven home, then got the owner of Night to lace Aidan's drink. Later, everything happened naturally. The moment we were in the hotel room, he pinned me against the door and kissed me urgently and forcefully. It was as if he wanted to swallow me whole. His fiery palm pressed against me over my clothes. Seemingly not too happy with this, he reached underneath my clothes instead. A strange sensation washed over me, almost pulling me under. "Aidan, let go of me." My head spun as I tried to push him away. I regretted doing this. I was afraid of what was going to happen, and I was also afraid that he would hate me when he realised what had happened. He didn't budge, and his actions became even more forceful. His scorching breath fanned out over my ear, making me burn up. My body's reaction embarrassed me, but I couldn't help responding to him. In that instant, I decided to f*ck it. At the very least, he was the person that I liked. I'd just have to wait till he was asleep, then take a few photos and leave. He was drunk anyway, so he probably wouldn't remember any of this. Suddenly, pain tore through me, making my toes curl. "No, stop..." Aidan let out a sneer. His voice was hoarse as he said disdainfully, "Stop? Why the f*ck did you drug me, then? Were you worried that I wouldn't perform to your expectations?" I honestly regretted lacing his drink, because he made me pass out. When I woke up, I was sore all over. My nerves were on high alert as I heard his deep, steady breathing coming from beside me. I quickly took a few ambiguous photos and sent them to Galilea. "Audrey..." Aidan suddenly mumbled. This scared me, and I didn't hear him clearly. Had he mumbled Galilea's name? It looked like he was really in love with her, to the point that he would call out her name even in his sleep. Bitterness washed over me. I probably wouldn't ever see him after this day. My heart twisted painfully. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed. My legs were still trembling as I crept out of the room. As I walked out of the hotel, I felt like my world had been flipped on its end. I couldn't believe I'd actually done something like this. It seemed that the alcohol and rage had got to me. I went back to the flat that I'd temporarily rented to shower and change before heading to the hospital. My mother happened to be awake. I wanted to ask her who the person who'd sent her the photos was. But I was afraid that it would aggravate her, so I didn't. It was Monday. There were only a few days left before she was due for her surgery. When I arrived at the office, it was only 8.30. I sat down at my workstation and called Heaven, wanting to borrow some money from her. However, it turned out that her father had frozen her credit cards. She transferred all the money in her bank account to me, but she only had less than 30,000 dollars. I was a long way away from 200,000. I was preoccupied by this for the whole morning. When it was almost time for lunch, someone suddenly patted me on the shoulder, which made me jump. "What's up?" It was Willow Adams, a colleague that I got on pretty well with. She looked shocked as she asked me, "Sara, are you the heiress of Storm Corporation?" Taken aback, I frowned. "Where did you hear that from?" My maternal grandparents had provided the funds for my father to found Storm Corporation. He'd been a poor, young man at that time, and they hadn't agreed with my mother marrying him. They'd only given in upon my mother's insistence. Now, Storm Corporation was quite well-known in Los Angeles, but I'd never brought up my family to anyone. Willow looked at me, looking like she didn't know what to say. She turned her phone screen to me. "You should probably take a look at this. That's you, isn't it?" "Sara Mcknight, heiress of Storm Corporation, spends the night with a gigolo." The huge caption seemed to etch itself into my mind. The article went on to blow things out of proportion, making me seem like some promiscuous woman. The photos used were the ones that I'd sent to Galilea just this morning. I'd deliberately snuggled up to Aidan and made sure that the marks on my shoulder were clear as day, just to get on her nerves. Aidan had even been made out to be a gigolo. My mind went blank and I stiffened. The blood rushed to my head. Galilea was the only person I'd sent those photos to! My phone suddenly rang and I answered it. Galilea's mocking voice rang out from the other end of the line. "So, do you like my gift?" I was furious. "You again!" She laughed. "Yes, me. I know that you wanted to make me mad with those photos to get revenge for your mother, and I don't deny having feelings for Aidan, but money means so much more to me." I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath. "Does love mean nothing to you?" She scoffed. "Love comes with terms and conditions. Aidan's nothing but the vice president of a small company. If you like him, you can have him. Your reputation's completely ruined now, Ms. Mcknight." I couldn't believe her. Angrily, I asked, "What are you going to get from ruining my reputation?" She laughed with delight. "You turned Storm Corporation into a laughingstock, and your father wants to disown you. It just so happens that I'm pregnant, so with you out of the picture, Storm Corporation will be mine. You'll end up just like that sorry mother of yours!" Galilea was pregnant! I lost control of my emotions, and my blood boiled. "Galilea Cooke, you foul, shameless woman! You're a wonderful schemer!" In that instant, I honestly wanted to kill her. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the elevator. The only thing I could think of was to find a way to immediately take down that article. Not only would it affect Aidan, but it would probably make my mother's condition take a turn for the worse if she were to see it. Panic washed over me as I called a friend who was in the media. However, they told me that it was too late to do anything. I'd just hung up when a notification popped up on my phone. It led me to an article about Aidan's shocking identity. After reading it, I was so shocked that I dropped my phone. Rooted to the spot, I couldn't believe what I'd just read. It was just too much to process. Despite my disbelief, I had to admit that his noble, elegant manner didn't match up with his identity as the vice president of a small company. Perhaps Aidan really was the sole heir to Los Angeles' Foster family. The Foster family owned at least 80% of River Corp's shares, and River Corp owned at least half of the businesses in Los Angeles. It was obvious how powerful and affluent the Foster family was. Compared to them, my father's company was nothing. Galilea had to have seen this. I wonder how much she regretted choosing my father over Aidan. Suddenly, I wished that this was true. I couldn't help feeling thrilled. I came to my senses and squatted down to pick up my phone. A black Buick sped over to me. Caught off guard, I stumbled backwards as the Buick stopped in front of me. The window rolled down. Aidan looked out at me and raised his jaw. "Get in." I steadied myself and took a deep breath before getting into the car. "I'm sorry, I didn't think that the photos would..." He curled his lip coldly. "Revenge, huh? Sara Mcknight, you're the first person to have the nerve to pull something like this on me." I clenched my fists. After a moment, I said cautiously, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to get rid of the article as soon as possible, and I won't latch onto you because of this. You used me once at the Mcknight family, so we can just take this as..." He tapped a finger on the steering wheel and interrupted me coldly, saying, "Let's get married."
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