Chapter 2 A Chance Encounter

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It was only then that I returned to my senses. I could feel my ears burning as I hurriedly broke free of his embrace. "Sorry." I suppressed the pain coming from my knees. My injuries looked rather scary, but at least they weren't bleeding anymore. He glanced at me indifferently before getting into his car and leaving. I watched him leave, feeling a little stunned. A wave of guilt washed over me. Not too long ago, I'd almost confessed to him. Yet on this day, his girlfriend had dumped him and married my father. What a joke. By the time I got to the hospital, the sky was already turning dark. I limped my way over to a doctor to attend to my injuries. The moment we were done, a nurse walked past, then poked her head in and said, "Sara, you're back? Your mother's in the emergency room." I shot to my feet and asked anxiously, "What happened? Which emergency room is it?" "I'm not too sure what happened, but I heard that she suddenly had difficulty breathing. She's at the emergency room on the 5th floor." My mind went blank. I ran over to the emergency room, as if I'd miss something important if I were to take a single second longer. The moment I got to the emergency room, the doors opened, and the doctor walked out, looking serious. "Your mother isn't doing well. She needs to undergo surgery as soon as possible, otherwise things will only go downhill from here." My chest felt extremely stuffy. I nodded and said, "Alright. When's the earliest that the surgery can be done?" One of the younger doctors handed him a folder, and he glanced at it. "Next Thursday. It'll cost around 200,000 dollars." "Alright, please make sure to arrange for the surgery to be done immediately. I'll... I'll settle the bill as soon as possible." I went to the counter and checked the balance of the deposit I'd paid. There was only a little over 3,000 dollars left. I didn't have much money left on me after paying the deposit. I walked back to the ward dazedly. The doctor's words repeatedly replayed in my mind. I wanted to cry, but when my gaze landed on my unconscious mother, I raised my head and forced my tears back. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my contacts before finally stopping at Giovanny's number. After a long moment of hesitation, I walked out of the ward and called him. Soon, a woman's cold and indifferent voice rang out from the other end of the line. "Sara?" It was Galilea. I fell silent. "Where's my father?" She said cheerily, "He's resting. He had a little too much to drink today because he was happy. Why can I do for you?" My grip tightened around my phone. "Get him on the line." She let out a disdainful laugh. "You can just tell me. He won't want to speak to you." I stood in the corridor and glanced towards the ward, instantly tearing up. My mother was still in the hospital. They had yet to get divorced, but my father had already married someone else. He wasn't even willing to talk to me over the phone. I took a deep breath and said, "Let him know that my mother needs to undergo a surgery, and it costs 200,000 dollars." Galilea said mockingly, "You crashed our wedding a few hours earlier, and now you are asking for money. Don't you think you're going overboard?" I wanted to laugh at her. "Galilea, why don't you teach me how to be as shameless as you are? My parents haven't even got divorced yet. How can you possibly marry my father?" She let out a contemptuous laugh. "Your father took care of the divorce two days ago. You can come and take a look at the papers anytime you want. If it's not convenient for you, I can take a picture." I was taken aback. Two days ago, my mother had fainted whole day away. I'd been by her side the entire time. There was no way they could've got the divorce settled. I was about to say something in retort when I suddenly realised what had happened. With Giovanny's connections, he could get the divorce settled with just a snap of his fingers. My heart sank. Hatred mixed with sorrow welled up in me. I couldn't help feeling angry on my mother's behalf. I laughed bitterly. "So you guys won't pay for her surgery?" Without hesitation, Galilea said, "No, I won't, and neither will your father." Sorrow washed over me. I couldn't help feeling grateful for the fact that my mother was still unconscious. If she were conscious, her heart would probably break at her husband's heartlessness as well as Galilea's cruelty. Galilea was my father's chauffeur's daughter. When we were kids, she'd often come over to my house, and she'd practically lived at my house during summer and winter break. My mother felt sorry for her, growing up in a single-parent family. She'd bought plenty of things for Galilea. Basically, everything that I had, Galilea would also get. Yet, Galilea had repaid her kindness with betrayal. Galilea added contemptuously, "Also, don't think that you're actually worth something. Aidan was only using you to get to me." I leaned against the wall, lost in thought for a long time. By the time I returned to my senses, she'd already hung up. She was right. Aidan's affection had been nothing but a show. I sat down by my mother's bedside and stared at her bloodless face with a heavy heart. It was laughable how I, the daughter of the Mcknight family, was in a pickle because of a mere 200,000 dollars. I used to walk around dressed in clothes worth several thousand dollars on a daily basis. As I tried to think of a solution, my best friend, Heaven Charles, called me. She wanted me to go to a bar, Night, to accompany her. I was exhausted and didn't want to go, but she'd just been through a breakup. She wouldn't be safe getting drunk on her own in a bar. I wouldn't be able to rest assured without watching over her, so I agreed. I walked over to my mother's bedside and grabbed her phone to charge it before meeting Heaven. I accidentally unlocked it and subconsciously glanced at the screen. I stiffened. I saw a w******p conversation with a photo of my father and Galilea's wedding. I took a deep breath and scrolled upwards. There was even a photo of them being intimate. The person who'd sent the photos to her was someone that she'd only added this afternoon. Aside from the photos, there wasn't anything else. Waves of shock washed over me as I thought of the nurse telling me my mother had been taken to the emergency room because of breathing difficulties. Why had this person sent these photos to my mother? Were they trying to warn her or kill her? I shuddered involuntarily. I wanted to block and delete this person's number, afraid that they would do something else to aggravate my mother, but I was worried that it was someone that my mother actually knew. I had no choice but to hand the phone over to the nurses for safekeeping before heading over to Night. Night was one of the most famous bars in Los Angeles, because of its exorbitant fee. By the time I found Heaven, she was already drunk. There were a few empty bottles scattered over the table, and she pounced on me, her face red. "Sara, you're the best!" I held her up and wiped her tears away. "Why'd you get yourself so drunk? I'll take you home, okay?" She shook her head vigorously and poured me some liquor. "I want you to drink with me." I sighed. As if wanting to vent my frustrations, I grabbed the liquor and downed it, coughing as it burned my throat on its way down. I had drink after drink. As I became more and more drunk, I felt like I could have a temporary moment of peace. I came here to talk some sense into Heaven, but now I was the one who couldn't even walk straight. As I stumbled out of the washroom, I rammed head first into a hard chest. I hurriedly said, "I'm sorry..." The guy staggered back a couple of steps, but he ignored me. Subconsciously, I looked up. He looked very familiar. Was that Aidan? Was I so drunk that I was already hallucinating?
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