Chapter 4 You've Crossed the Line

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I was so stunned by his words that I suspected that something had gone wrong with my ears. "What?" Indifferently, he said, "I said, let's get married." Let's get married. It wasn't a question, nor was he proposing to me. ... He was sure that I would agree, whether to get revenge on Galilea and my father, or to save my mother. Or even because of my secret... because I liked him. I didn't know which one mattered more, but there was one thing that I knew for sure. There was no way I would agree to this if the person asking was anyone other than Aidan. With a shred of hope, I couldn't help thinking that maybe he had a smidgen of affection for me. Perhaps that was why he'd taken the initiative to bring marriage up. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. At my silence, he lazily lit a cigarette and said, "You tricked me into sleeping with you to get revenge, so you owe me. If you marry me, I'll pay for your mother's surgery. My only condition is that our marriage only involves money and sex." With one simple sentence, he extinguished the ridiculous, immature shred of hope I had. I suppressed my emotions and tried to make myself as indifferent as he was. "I'll get the money I need from this marriage, but what will you get?" Both parties had to benefit for a deal to work, but I had nothing that Aidan would benefit from. He gave me a meaningful look, and I instantly felt humiliated. He'd already made it clear that our marriage would be about money and s*x. Since I was in it for the money, he had to be in it for... In the past, I'd occasionally imagined what my marriage would be like. However, I'd never thought that it would have nothing to do with love. Then again, if one-sided love counted, then we would have that, at least. I laughed with self-mockery and said, "Okay." That afternoon itself, Aidan and I registered our marriage. I even met his family and moved into the house that the Foster family had prepared. Yes, he truly was the Foster family's sole heir. Throughout the 4 years of our marriage, he'd kept his word. Our marriage only involved money and s*x. At first, I refused to give up and tried my best to win his heart. Eventually, though, I realised that it was nothing but wishful thinking. I don't know when it started, but after getting married, his attitude towards me had taken a turn for the worse. He barely spoke to me and gave me the cold shoulder. On this night, I waited for him to come home while watching a late-night soap opera. I'd done this every night for the past 4 years. Even though I knew it meant nothing to him, I still wanted him to know that there would always be someone waiting for him at home, no matter how late it was. I gradually dozed off in the wee hours of the night. I curled up on the sofa and closed my eyes. When I was half asleep, a familiar scent enveloped me as a pair of hands made short work of my nightgown. I moaned and tried to push him away when he suddenly rammed himself into me. The pain immediately woke me up. "You're back..." I couldn't see his face clearly, thanks to the dim lighting. Without saying a word, he lifted me into his arms and strode upstairs, moving me from the sofa to the bed. He seemed to be angry as he gripped my waist tightly. He was much rougher than usual. I bit my lip and tried to ignore the pain tearing through me. I just... I wanted a child, one that belonged to us both. I suddenly caught the faint scent of perfume, and it pulled me out of my reverie. My voice trembled as I said, "Did you meet her?" Last Wednesday, I saw Galilea's text to him. I'd only caught the first half of it, but it was enough to tell me that that wasn't their first time contacting each other. However, it wasn't my place to ask him anything, and I had just concealed my sorrow and disappointment. However, in this instant, the familiar scent of Galilea's favourite perfume seemed to rip through my rationality. He pulled away from me and said indifferently, "Sara, you've crossed the line." That's right. To him, this marriage was nothing but a deal. In fact, I was nothing more than a woman who'd sold herself for money. What right did I have to ask him anything? I suppressed the inexplicable pain coming from my stomach and pretended to smooth my hair back as I wiped my tears away. "Aidan, I just wanted to remind you that even if my father and Galilea are getting a divorce, she's still your mother-in-law." Yes, I'd heard that my father and Galilea were getting divorced. I didn't know why, nor did I want to know. He let out a chuckle. It carried a hint of mockery. "Thanks for your kindness." After that, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed into the washroom. The moment the water started running, his mobile phone started to vibrate. I leaned over to glance at it and froze. I felt possessed as I reached out to reject the call. It was Galilea. It was obvious that her and Aidan's relationship had been mended to the point that she could call him at two in the morning. I once thought that Aidan would never be able to forgive her for betraying him and sleeping with my father for money. Now, I was obviously wrong. I stared at the ceiling in a daze as bitterness washed over me. Aidan didn't like me bringing love and affection into our marriage, so I had never mentioned it. All I'd done was to play the role of his wife to the best of my abilities. However, no matter what I did, I was still no match for a woman who'd betrayed him. I curled up in bed and rubbed my stomach. Pain washed over me in waves, and I soon broke out in a cold sweat. Feeling irritated, I kept a hand pressed to my stomach as I got up to look for some medicine. At this moment, Aidan walked out of the washroom. He wore a dark grey bathrobe with the belt loosely tied. It gave him a hint of laziness. He dried his hair single-handedly and glanced at me, then frowned slightly. "Is your stomach hurting?" I was about to answer when his phone started to vibrate again. I lowered my eyes rather nervously. It was probably Galilea again. Aidan glanced at the caller ID and answered the call. "Galilea, what's wrong?" I abruptly looked up at him. I couldn't believe that he was answering his ex-girlfriend's phone call in the middle of the night right in front of me, and that he'd addressed her so intimately. I don't know what Galilea said, but his frown deepened as he said steadily, "Don't panic. I'll be there right away." He hung up and changed before turning to leave. I grabbed his wrist helplessly and asked lowly, "It's already so late. Can you not go?" My tone was so inferior that I was pleading instead of asking. I was begging him to give me, his wife, a shred of dignity and respect. Aidan said blandly, "I have something to do." I couldn't stand his indifference anymore and said tearfully, "What is it that's so important? Don't you know why Galilea slept with my father? You've only just become the CEO of River Corp, and here she is, getting involved with you again." He shot me a sharp look, but his tone was cool as he asked, "What about you, then? It's only been 4 years, yet you've already forgotten why we got married?" His insinuation was clear as day. Both Galilea and I had done what we'd done for money. We were the same. My heart twisted painfully, and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. "If you insist on going, I'll divorce you." I knew that he wouldn't divorce me, which was why I dared to threaten him like this. I could accept his indifference and coldness. In fact, if he were to fall in love with someone else, I would generously step down. However, I would never accept him being with Galilea. My hatred for her ran much deeper than her ruining my family. Aidan ripped his wrist out of my grip and leaned down to say warningly, "Sara, don't ever threaten me."
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