Ancestral Ridge Restaurant II

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Ancestral Ridge Restaurant II Silence pervaded the air as soon as Syr and the two brothers entered the lounge room. Viscount Drake did not raise his gaze much less pay any attention to the three of them as he busied himself with the files and business deals sent to his quantum chip. Quinn could only smile helplessly at his little sister before urging Syr to sit down on one of the couch in front of their father. Although Quinn deems his father as an indifferent man, Viscount Drake is still his father, and for him, blood and familial love matters the most in such an era where one doesn’t know if the peace that they have right now will still continue on the following days. After all, the interstellar might be prosperous but hidden under any peaceful times are the seeds of greed and ambition that will not stop at nothing to achieve their goals, even if it concerns the innocent lives of others. Quinn sighed in his heart as he sat silently next to Siello and Syr while waiting for their father to open up the conversation. “Father, what do you want to talk about with me?” Syr isn’t an individual that is versed in waiting, much less waiting for someone to speak who is typically ignoring them because of whatever kind of pride is running through his bones for being their father. Her sudden voice that pierced through the silence startled Quinn, and even the Viscount himself, because the past Syr would not even open her mouth in the presence of her father, much less talk to him in this manner full of confidence and straightforwardness. Viscount Drake finally lifted his head to gaze in front of him directly at Syr. There is no expression on his face, but a flicker of scrutiny gleamed in his pupils while staring straight at his eldest daughter. It took him a minute to retract his gaze at the expanse of Quinn’s nervous and worried look. “We will be meeting with the Alraym family a week from now in the Ancestral Ridge Restaurant at the Central Gaia District.” Syr did not react as she casually nodded her head. She already felt that their conversation would be about the matter of her betrothed and she was right. The Central Gaia District is part of the triangular formation with the Central Commercial District and the Central Military District that makes up the center of the Capital city. Different from the Central Commercial District that can is lively and bustling with the citizens of the Capital city, the Central Gaia District is a noble and luxurious district that caters to the wealthy and high society members in terms of accommodations, entertainment, fine dining and the many things that only the rich could afford. The Ancestral Ridge Restaurant is one of the best restaurants in the Central Gaia District. It is said that the founder of the restaurant is an awakened ancestral, and although there are no awakened ancestral among the current descendants of the founder, it still retains its reputation that deters others to make a commotion while dining inside it. The invitation from the Alraym family in such a renowned restaurant at least calmed down Quinn, because it gives face to his little sister, especially in such a rushed engagement like theirs where there are too many intricacies and issues involved. “I understand. Father does not need to worry; I am not against the engagement.” Syr revealed her thoughts. She does not care about the worrisome things about the engagement, because she really does want to have her own family. A dream that she did not think would be so clear the moment she arrived in this new world. It might be because even though she has her elder brother Quinn and little brother Siello, the notion of having her own family, the desire to create a place where she would wholly belong in this foreign place sprouted inside her heart like an unstoppable yearning. It is in the nature of any being to create a home, to shelter them from all of the pressure of the world, and Syr is not an exception. Viscount Drake could not believe his ears. His pupils trembled while looking at his eldest daughter that had always repulsed to even communicate with him. Many thoughts rushed through his mind, but he merely nodded in response to Syr’s words. The engagement is really beneficial to Viscount Drake’s second branch of the Draecy family, because they have been declining for years and underneath the luxury and wealth, his Draecy family is barely holding on to their losing business and authority. The old master of the Draecy family has three sons and one daughter, and Viscount Drake is the second son that entitled his own family to be the second branch of the Draecy’s. The Draecy family has been part of the aristocrats for generations, but in this generation, it is only Viscount Drake that continued on in being one. The first son and third son of the old master entered and dabbled in business, and both could be said to be successful, while the only daughter is married to a leader of a branch planet. The businesses under Viscount Drake are given to him by his father when he decided to follow the path of their ancestors, but after being promoted into a viscount, his climbing streak in the aristocrat career froze with no sign of ever moving up again. It became one of the topics that the aristocrat circle would joke and mock about on every occasion. This is also the reason of why Viscount Drake did not hesitate to tie their family with the Alrayms without the opinion of Syraen. He needed the authority of the Alrayms to help him build his reputation, and to get back on those that are looking down on him. At the end of the day, it is all about the Viscount’s pride. And Syr cannot even be bothered to pay attention to such a father as she excused herself to go to her room. Syr’s room is on the third floor of the manor, and at least in this aspect, the viscount did not let down his daughter. The room is filled with the luxury that an eldest daughter of a viscount should have. This is also the reason of the envy and hate of the twin younger sisters of Syraen. Only because they aren’t treated the same as her, whether in the size of the room and the branded clothes. But, unfortunately it is not what the material things that the original Syraen wanted to have. Syr plopped down on the big and soft black bed and stared at the ceiling while lost in her deep thoughts. She still does not know anything about her betrothed other than his gorgeous and lethal looks, but it did not matter. She will just get to know him at their meeting a week from now. On the other hand, Kallum is entirely disinclined to even think about the ridiculous engagement that his mother made. He merely treats this upcoming marriage as one of the things that he needs to fulfill to allow his mother a sigh of relief. Kallum already felt useless at his current state, and the despair in the eyes of his mother only fueled it and his guilt, so what of marriage if it could make his mother less worried about him? Kallum is a rational person in the midst of his indifference to most of things, and he treated this arranged marriage as a business deal that will benefit the mental and emotional health of his mother. He has been waking up for a longer time in these past five days since his mother mentioned the engagement to him. Kallum leaned against the back of the black modified wheelchair prepared by his elder brother Alric. He looked downwards at the stretching view of the verdant edelweiss forest being illuminated by the millions of stars and dozens of moons of the Blue moon galaxy from the balcony of his patient room in their private medical building. His immaculate face shrouded in the moonlight could bewitch even the fairies of old. “Beep, Beep.” The unforgettable painting of the man under the stars and moon that seemed to be drawn due to the serene atmosphere broke at the sudden and intermittent beeping sounds and flashing lights of notifications from Kallum’s quantum chip. Kallum glanced at the flashing notifications of messages that came from his cousins and friends. Loric Mortel: When do you plan to let us visit? Do you even think of us as family? Mom is so worried about you, but you keep on distancing yourself from us! Loric Mortel: Wait, you’ve already found a replacement for that shameless witch? Leem Mortel: Recuperate well; I’ll visit when you’re ready. But, what’s this about you getting engaged? Sirk: Bro, I heard you’re engaged? Are you serious? Is she prettier than that thing you called fiancée for three years? “Hah…” A quiet sigh could be heard inside the balcony. Kallum helplessly closed his eyes. It seems that his mother cannot even keep a secret for a week. Day and night interspersed and the day of the meeting for the engagement came. Syr donned in a rose gold long-sleeved simple dress that reaches below her knees stood in the parking space across the towering nine stories Ancestral Ridge Restaurant in the Central Gaia District. Quinn and Siello stood behind her with different thoughts of their own about the meeting while simultaneously peeking at Syr’s expression every now and then. Viscount Drake and his wife descended from the door of the black littered with gold cosmic ship of the Draecy family. The family of five crossed the street and was welcomed by the service staff of the restaurant as they entered the spacious hall. The Ancestral Ridge Restaurant does not undermine its own reputation. The spacious and bright hall is like another world as soon as they stepped inside. It’s like they entered a medieval castle that speaks of wealth and nobility, but disdains the vulgar stereotype of gold and glitters means luxury. Murals and ethereal paintings littered the white walls, and the ingenious interior design of intersecting the medieval designs to the modern designs created a unique ambiance that feels both alluring and satisfying. “The master and madam of the Alraym family invite Viscount Drake and his family to the ninth floor’s utopia room.” A middle-aged skinny man wearing a navy blue suit approached Syr and the others while gesturing for them to follow him up the elevator. This kind of meticulous gesture from the Alrayms is already respectful manner between the two families that are like heaven and earth in the places of the high society.
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