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Encounter Syr flitted her golden pupils around the spacious hall that made her feel as if she’s back in the Black Dragon Kingdom’s royal palace aside from the modern architectural design that gives off a cutting edge feeling similar to the buildings in the metropolis made from metals and rare ores. The floor is tiled with a porcelain white smooth stone material that gives off a comfortable and soft ambiance in the surroundings while the carpet colored in devilish red adds a different taste that seems to contrast innocence and evil. The Draecy family of five was led inside a fifteen meter transparent glass elevator that allows the guest to see every floor as they rise from the first to the ninth floor. The ninth floor of the Ancestral ridge restaurant symbolizes the highest wealth and authority of those that could enter it. It really is a sign of one’s background to have the ability to reserve a private room in that floor, especially with the ninth floor only having three private rooms. Syr and Siello looked on as the elevator slowly passed through each floor with full blown curiosity gleaming in the depths of their eyes. Quinn noticed their expression and he could not help but stifle a laugh because of Syr. Quinn could understand Siello being curious as he is still a child even with him being slightly mature for his age, but Syr is already 20 years old, and though it is her first time to enter this renowned restaurant, she had been to other restaurants that are also pretty famous in the city. Quinn wonders if it the reason is her coma, but he threw it at the back of his mind as soon as the elevator stopped at the highest ninth floor. “Wow…” Siello could not stop himself from murmuring in awe as the door of the elevator opened and they stepped into the ninth floor. The lower floors that the family of five has passed look better than the last, whether it is the refined design and the furniture and decorations that must have cost them millions of cosmos at least. But, all of it could not even be mentioned in the same breath as the ninth floor as each piece of decoration and furniture could be deemed as built from the most precious materials, like the stardust doors glittering like the galaxies and moon jade silk curtains that is emitting a pure and sweet fragrance that calms the mind and body. Quinn felt his lips eyelids twitch at seeing such extravagance and wasteful use of rare precious materials. Stardust is always out of stock because it is useful in transforming the defense of mechas, so some rich second generations would splurge lavishly to buy some so that they could ask an expert to modify their licensed mechas. It is hard to collect stardust as most of it comes from the ruins of a star that has undergone its supernova explosion, and it is one of the most dangerous places known in any galaxy. The moon jade silk is also a rare material processed from moon jade. Moon jade is specifically found in any moon that is rich in minerals, though it is a little bit troublesome to mine some as it will affect the moon itself, that is why most forces that deals with the moon jade business first have to have all of the professional certificate for moon mining and one must of course should own the moon first before doing anything with it. The cost of doing such a business is not small, but the profit is also satisfying. Quinn could not believe that these two rare materials are being used as a door and curtain for the private rooms of the ninth floor of the Ancestral ridge restaurant. It is really true that comparison is making oneself uncomfortable. At Quinn’s twentieth birthday, he had also wanted to buy even just 100 grams of stardust to modify his licensed mecha, but there is no supply for the demand and the price is even more ridiculous for him that is only starting to work at their family’s business. Syr did not know what his elder brother is thinking, but with her keen eyes, she could see that the door and the curtains of the three private rooms are good stuff, though it could only be ranked as good in her eyes. The treasures inside her crescent soul bead are much more precious than these two. “Let’s go, don’t talk rudely and pay attention to your manners.” Mrs. Draecy flatly instructed Syr, Quinn and Siello. She held onto Viscount Drake’s right arm before following the staff to the reserved private room of the Alrayms. Syr did not mind Mrs. Draecy’s slightly ordering tone as she followed behind along with Quinn and Siello. The door of the private room that is made of stardust shone brightly under the hallway ceiling lights that gives off a soft light like the moon’s light. Siello’s big eyes glimmered at seeing the door looking like it is made up of an entire galaxy of stars. It is much better looking at a close range. The staff knocked on the door three times and a vigorous and steady voice could be heard from inside the room. “Come in.” The guests of the Ancestral ridge restaurant could open and close the soundproof function of each room, and those that meet here would only turn it on when the two sides have arrived. “Dear guests please enter and enjoy the delicacies of our restaurant.” The staff opened the door and bowed before the family of five, gesturing for them to enter with a professional warm smile on his face. Viscount Drake and his first wife entered first, followed by Quinn, Syr and Siello, and the staff respectfully closed the door before leaving. A wide ten meter long hallway greeted them after stepping inside the door and on the end of the hallway is a closed moon jade silk curtain that leads to the dining area. A soft gust of wind flittered past the curtain and lifted it slightly, giving Syr a vague view of five individuals sitting properly on the right side of the rectangular obsidian wooden table with the sides carved intricately like an embroidered piece of dragons and flying across the horizons. But what caught her eyes isn’t the meticulous and grand appearance of the dining area, Syr’s golden pupils flashed in brilliance at the sight of the expressionless young man sitting at the center of the two adults and two teenagers. She could not forget that face. It is not because of anything fancy like liking him or falling in love at first sight. Syr would always feel a deep sense of pure admiration whenever she looks at that face from the letter sent by her future mother-in-law. After all, who doesn’t love to admire beautiful things? Syr’s footsteps faltered for a bit when the curtains stilled and cut off the scene on the other side. A faint feeling of disappointment welled up inside her heart before it disappeared at the realization that the other is soon going to be her husband. The Draecy’s passed through the curtain and the Alrayms made up of Madam Astir, Union leader Klay, Alex and Art stood up from their seat aside from Kallum who is obviously sitting on his own modified wheelchair. “It’s a pleasure to meet with the Union Leader and Madam Alraym.” Mrs. Draecy smiled widely though a flicker of contempt flashed in the depths of her eyes as she lightly glanced at the seated Kallum. Even if he is the famous successful third young master of the Alraym family, he is now merely a disabled man that was abandoned by his long time fiancée. Although marrying with the Alrayms will give their Draecy family a lot of benefits, Mrs. Draecy still felt dissatisfied at the thought that there will be a lot of gossip about it on their circle that will mock their family for marrying off their eldest daughter to a paralyzed man. “Haha, the pleasure is ours, come sit and order what you want. Let’s discuss the important things after the meal.” Madam Astir smilingly gestured to the five chairs on the diagonally across them. Viscount Drake nodded with a small smile before sitting in front of Union leader Klay, Mrs. Draecy sat in front of Madam Astir, while Quinn and Siello faced the twins of the Alrayms. Syr froze for a bit while staring straight at Kallum whose gaze is on the cup of coffee that he is stirring. Syr seated herself directly across Kallum which is the only free chair left on their side. Syr is still on the learning phase about using the star network on her quantum chip, so the only thing that she knows about Kallum is his face as she doesn’t even know his name. It is the reason why she does’t know the accident that happened to Kallum, so her golden pupils could not help but to stray at Kallum’s direction every now and then. Madam Astir and Master Klay’s gaze lingered on Syr’s figure for a bit before giving each other an appreciative glance. The master and madam of the Alraym family simultaneously though inside their hearts that Syr is really a notch higher than Cleo in terms of looks, and even the aura that is presented in the way that they move or act. They would never have known that being the Dragon princess of the Black Dragon Kingdom in Meos shaped Syr’s temperament, to an extent that it will unconsciously leak without her doing anything out of the ordinary. Axel and Art are much more straightforward than their parents due to their young age. They boldly scrutinized Syr without batting an eyelid, and the more they look, the more they find her pleasing to the eye, well in terms of the scale that they put in the hearts with Cleo as the model. The twins thought that if the new fiancée of their third brother is in any way similar to Cleo, even a tiny bit of similarity, they would be the first to stop the discussion of the engagement even if they incurred the wrath of their parents. Syr felt the searing gaze of the twins, so her gaze on the indifferent Kallum moved to the two handsome teenagers. Three pairs of eyes met, Alex and Art felt their cheeks burning when their new sister-in-law stared at them directly without any shyness that they are used to seeing in the prominent young ladies whenever someone is staring at them, instead they were the ones who felt shy and awkward that they quickly moved their gazes away to the side. “Ahem…let’s order first.” Master Klay coughed while berating his youngest sons with a side glance. Madam Astir nodded with a wide smile as she suddenly took Syr’s left hand and held it in her palm. “Dear, don’t mind your two brothers-in-law. They are still young and insensible, so they can be rude at times. Come and order the food that suits your taste.” Madam Astir instantly skipped the marriage before referring to the twins as Syr’s brothers-in-law, because she already treats Syr as her daughter-in-law. Syr smiled sincerely at the future mother-in-law that amused her since that time with the letter. The frank and reckless attitude under the tempered manners of being the madam of a powerful family is endearing to Syr. Dragons are, after all frank and straightforward beings that disdain the scheming and pretending characteristics of an individual. At their first meeting, a wordless Kallum and an eager Syr sat across each other with thoughts of their own.
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