Ancestral Ridge Restaurant

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Ancestral Ridge Restaurant The afternoon passed with Syr finishing off her food at the restaurant and paying with her quantum chip. The efficiency of using the quantum chip in this era is really a good thing for Syr who is like a baby chick in a new environment. As long as she has her quantum chip, most of the things that she needs to do outside can be solved. It serves as identification, bank, communication, and a hub of immensurable knowledge and entertainment. A quantum chip is also modified to the user itself. An example is the military soldiers from the mecha unit that directly connects their quantum chip to the status of their mecha, its securities and many others. Syr walked out of the Ace hotel with a smile hanging at the corner of her lips. Eating good food is really a pleasant thing to do. The irritation from before due to the dispute with the arrogant young lady vanished without a trace. Checking her quantum chip’s interface, Syr wryly scratched her wrist-bearing quantum chip because of the dozens of messages and calls from her elder brother Quinn. It was at that time when Syr was preoccupied with Cleo that she did not notice the notification of her quantum chip. Reading a few of the messages sent by Quinn, a burst of warmth filled Syr’s heart at seeing such familiar concern. She typed a few words about going back immediately before raising her gaze around the street that has started to light up as the sun sets in the horizon. Syr is in the central commercial district and she needs to go to the eastern residential district where the Viscount manor is. The eastern residential district is divided into three levels, the sky, and star and moon residency. It is the biggest residential area in the capital city. The viscount manor could be found in the star residency where there are only five hundred manor and villas built. The sky residency is limited to one thousand villas and twenty apartment buildings ranging to 15 to 25 stories high, while the moon residency with its best and most spacious location, scenery, and luxury only contains one hundred manor and villas that are already owned by the wealthiest and powerful families or individuals in the capital city. Opening her quantum chip, Syr pressed the icon of the starship service and placed her current position and destination and it only took a second to be processed before the fee showed at the screen. Syr immediately paid it and waited at the right side of the Ace hotel where the parking space is. Although she can walk home to familiarize herself with the city, Syr did not want to worry Quinn as it will take her about two hours to do so. Riding a cosmic ship will only take her a quarter or half an hour to arrive at her destination. And in the midst of her thinking absentmindedly, a black cosmic ship landed a few meters in front of her. The door of the cosmic ship is painted with a yellow icon of the starship service company. The door opened with a beep, and a notification sounded in time in Syr’s quantum chip. Starship 153: Please board the ship dear customer. I will bring you safely to your destination. Syr raised her brows for a bit before getting inside the ship. She directly sat on the seat closest to the door before putting her seatbelt. The cosmic ship started with a silent whirring sound, and the feeling of weightlessness assaulted Syr with the instinct to fly. She would have done so if not for her human body at the moment. “Hah…when will I be able to fly again? It feels weird not being able to do so.” Syr muttered dazedly as she took in the picturesque scenery of colorful hazy lights flashing outside the window of the ship. The slower than turtle pace of her soul integration means that it will take a long time for her to regain her past body, the body with the blood and flesh of a genuine dragon. It means she would not be able to transform, thus flying is merely a fantasy for Syr at this point. The cosmic ship flashed through the central sky lines steadily flowing through with the others ships flying to and fro across the skies of the city. It turned into the arc of the eastern sky lines where a gorgeous view of villas, manors and buildings that dotted the area greeted Syr’s golden pupils. The serene atmosphere is worlds apart from the bustling and shining central commercial district. The three residencies are built across a mountain and the hilly area in front of it. The moon residency was directly constructed nearest to the mountaintop with its splendor vicinity full of fresh air and nature; the star residency was built at the foot of the mountain surrounded with valleys and springs. And the sky residency was directly built across the hills that have been long modified into a residential area with only leaving the greenery and trees to preserve the environment. It is really a wonderful place in the midst of the interstellar metropolis. The cosmic ship lowered its altitude to thirty meters above the ground as it neared the gate of the eastern residential district that is fifty meters wide and fifty meters high. A middle-aged man wearing a security uniform exited out of the two story building outside the walls of the residential district. Most of the cosmic ships belonging to the families or individuals living in the residential district that enters through the gate have been added to the database of the district security and they will only check hired cosmic ships such as the one that Syr is riding. “Please present your identification and the certificate of your home address.” The middle-aged security guards is a tall man with a sturdy body, his muscles could be seen bulging underneath his long-sleeved uniform. Syr could also see that the middle-aged security is a trained individual capable of fighting ten persons simultaneously without breaking a sweat. It seems that the security of the capital city is indeed strict. The window of the cosmic ship turned transparent and opened a slit where only a hand could fit. Syr extended her slender and porcelain white hand outside with the quantum chip displaying her identification and home certificate. The middle-aged security nodded at seeing the authentic logo displayed on the hologram screen. “Thank you for your cooperation.” The middle-aged security signaled back at the two story building and the sound of gate beeping could be heard before it full opened to allow Syr’s hired cosmic ship to enter. It isn’t the same for those with their own cosmic ships that are already marked in the data of the gate system wherein the gate would automatically open at even when the cosmic ship is still over twenty meters away. It took Syr half an hour to finally arrive at the gate of the Viscount’s manor in the star residency. The cosmic ship that she had hired also departed the moment she landed on the ground. And standing before the huge manor of the Draecy viscount family, Syr inexplicably feels nervous all of a sudden. This is her new home, and even though she will be married off soon, this will still be a home with the closest of ties to her, even if it is just from the blood that is flowing in her body. Syr took in a deep breath before ringing the gate. Housekeeper 01 inside the manor’s library immediately saw Syraen in the monitors of the manor that is linked to him, so he sent a bunch of simple codes to open the gate. With the gate opening on its own, Syr entered it and looked around the front yard of the manor where luxurious looking fountains and trees lined orderly at the side of the pathway from the gate to the front door of the manor. Before she could take a step forward, Syr’s ears twitched as she could hear two sets of footsteps rushing from inside the manor to the front door. The small and tall figure of Quinn and Siello entered her eyes, and the nervousness disappeared before further deepening in her chest. “Elder sister, welcome home.” “Welcome home.” Siello and Quinn greeted her with a smile and Syr hooked up the edges of her lips into a light and warm smile that carries her genuine feelings for the two brothers in front of her. “Let’s go inside first, father is also waiting for you.” Quinn hurriedly motioned for the three of them to enter the manor, and Syr did not mind that the viscount did not welcome her like the two. The waiting father in Quinn’s words must have done it because of the meeting with the family of her betrothed, and Syr could understand the Viscount Drake’s a little more because of this. There are many individuals that would place more importance to the profit and benefits that their family member could bring before them other than caring about the family member itself. It is just their ambitions taking over their emotions. Syr had seen too much of those kinds of people in Meos. Walking inside the glinting obsidian tiled floor of the manor, the smooth black and dark brown wooden furniture and the landscape paintings on the wall gives of a very ancient and noble vibe that seems cut off from this era. This is not the ancient home of the Draecy family, but Syraen’s father, Viscount Drake decided to bring the similarity to evoke his belonging to the main branch of the Draecy family. Like the Alrayms, most of the olden families have their ancestor’s home in a planet somewhere inside the territory of the human civilization. Syr along with Quinn and Siello walked in into the lounge area of the manor where they saw an upright and tall handsome middle-aged man leaning against the main seat and have his head slightly tilted downwards while looking at the hologram screen of his quantum chip.
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