Encounter II

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Encounter II Kallum lifted his gaze to the young lady who is smiling softly at his mother’s words. This is the first time he saw the new fiancée that his mother decided for him, and he could say that Syr really is an outstanding beauty. But, he had long gone past the point when he would care for the outer appearance of a person after what happened that led him to only leave his home in a wheelchair from now on. The engagement with Cleo was proposed by the Martin family, and at that time, Cleo was only 18 years old and full of youthful charm. Kallum has no special feelings for her, but seeing that she is sensible and pure, he slowly treated her better and better without letting her feel wronged when she is with him. Kallum would have never guessed that the real Cleo would be a person so far from the pure and innocent young lady that he had interacted with for three years. After the blow of his legs being paralyzed due to the accident at the border, Cleo’s actions really affected Kallum’s state of mind. After all, although he is a successful businessman and a rational person, under his calm façade Kallum is still a human that is also vulnerable when it comes to his emotions. The accident and Cleo’s breaking of the engagement made his subconscious to build numerous walls around him, a kind of defense mechanism that most humans would do once they tasted being hurt in most circumstances. Not knowing what Kallum is thinking, Madam Astir enthusiastically introduced him to Syr. “Syraen dear, this third son of mine is named Kallum and he is a very responsible individual, so you do not need to worry about being together with him.” Madam Astir lovingly caressed the soft and slender hands of Syr. She had seen a lot of prominent young ladies across the planets and stars in the entire human civilization, but Syr’s looks and temperament really strokes her pleasantly than most of the cold and arrogant young ladies spoiled by their backgrounds. Syr could not help but chuckle at her future mother-in-law’s words. Madam Astir really sounds like she’s eagerly selling her own son. “Yes, forgive me for forgetting to introduce myself, my given name is Syraen Draecy, but I would like it if you could call me Syr. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” Syr politely uttered while her eyes stayed on Kallum’s figure the entire time. Syr wanted to see if Kallum will express any other emotion on his face aside from the mere indifference that has been there since they have entered the dining room. Madam Astir and Union leader Klay looked at each other with understanding as they could clearly see from Syr’s actions that she likes or have a favorable impression of Kallum. Madam Astir nodded inside her heart, saying to herself that her third son is really handsome that no one can dislike him at first sight. “Introductions aside, everyone should order first.” Union leader Klay gestured to the menus at the table, and after everyone finished ordering, the adults made a couple of small talks about the current business dealings in the capital city and the small issues of the Union that are not entirely a secret in the civilization. Axel and Art felt bored at seeing the adults diving on their own world full of boring adult stuff. Their elder brother Alric and elder sister Kassia are busy with their works, so the two of them accompanied their parents and third brother to show that their family is taking this engagement seriously even with it being decided hastily by their mother. After all, a marriage contract between the two families is still a marriage that is a once in a lifetime even that should be celebrated with both families. The delicacies ordered by everyone arrived after only ten minutes passed, it shows just how good the service is in the Ancestral ridge restaurant. “The food here is really worthy of its reputation.” Mrs. Draecy commented while eating elegantly. Viscount Drake also nodded in agreement to his wife’s words, and the good food made the atmosphere between the two families to warm up. The twins conversed with Siello and Quinn on the side, and with the adults being engrossed on their own bubble, it is only Syr and Kallum that are silent while in the midst of eating. At this age and time, it is only those reticent old generations of aristocrats that would harshly and strictly pursue the perfect manners in any situation which looks so rigid in the eyes of the current generation, so, conversing while eating isn’t a big deal at such meeting and occasions. Syr would glance at Kallum at intervals without saying anything. Her bright golden pupils took in his elegant demeanor when eating that adds a certain charm to his already devastating looks. ‘Wow...elder brother Cross would have ogled at me in doubt for catching someone like Kallum.’ Syr muttered in her heart with a laugh. She is already treating Kallum as her other half the moment she entered the dining room. They’re already engaged so she’s not entirely wrong. And aside from his lethal looks, Kallum’s silence and indifference made her wholly intrigued at what may lay underneath his calm surface. “Have you had enough?” Kallum could no longer ignore the burning gaze on his body as he lifted his silver pupils to meet Syr’s golden ones. His new fiancée has been staring at him since she entered the dining room that her gaze is already creeping underneath his skin. Kallum had been long used to the infatuated, seductive, flirtatious and crazed stares of those women that pursue him, but it is his first time to be met with such an intense and straightforward gaze. Syr was slightly shocked the moment those lips uttered out words in a low and hoarse voice that sounds so pleasing in her ears. Syr immediately brightened up as she stared back at Kallum without feeling shy or awkward at being noticed for her staring. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” Syr’s words made the eavesdropping Quinn, Axel and Art to almost choke on their food as they stiffened in their seats. Quinn did not know when his little sister grew her guts, while the twins felt that their third brother’s new fiancée is really bold with her words. Kallum did not expect Syr’s response, though he did not dwell on it too much when both their parents started discussing the engagement. He lowered his gaze to his legs that could not move nor could feel a thing. His hands resting atop the wheelchairs arms clenched slightly before loosening. “When and where will we hold the engagement party?” Mrs. Draecy opened up the topic and Madam Astir looked at Kallum for a second before replying. “I wanted to proceed with the wedding at the 28th of the next month, so why don’t we celebrate the engagement party a week before it?” Viscount Drake did not propose any ideas, while Mrs. Draecy looks towards Syr to ask for her opinion. “Do you have anything to add? It is your engagement and wedding day after all.” “Hmm…I think its fine to follow Auntie’s words.” Syr directly called Madam Astir as he aunt, as it is still a bit early to call her mother or mother-in-law at their first meeting. “Great, great…I will let my people prepare for everything at the earliest time possible. Mrs. Draecy and I will discuss about the arrangements of the wedding and engagement party further after I settled the venue.” The two madams reached a deal with only a few words, and the date of the wedding is already decided. “Syraen dear, I am really looking forward to the day that you will enter our abode as my daughter-in-law.” Madam Astir beamed at Syr who smiled back in response to the sincerity in those words. Mrs. Draecy and Viscount Drake did not care much about Syr’s interaction with the Alrayms, the husband and wife only wanted to benefit greatly in this deal. Knowing what the two are thinking, Union leader Klay invited them to the lounge area of the private room with his wife while leaving the young individuals inside the dining area. Quinn watched from the sidelines as his parents leave with a helpless emotion in the depths of his eyes. Didn’t they think it’s inappropriate to look so eager to discuss the benefits that they could have from marrying off Syr while being in the same vicinity as her? Quinn could not resist the building disappointment that he has for his parents. In contrast to Quinn’s disappointed feelings, Syr is in a bright mood, especially with the wedding being finalized to happen next month. Her positive outlook on life wants her to enjoy the blessings that her rebirth is going to give her. And marrying Kallum for Syr is also a kind of blessing. After all, if you have the chance, who wouldn’t want a handsome husband?
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