Contract Marriage II

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Contract Marriage II Syr lightly quirked her eyebrows upwards as she dived inside her own soul consciousness. The feeling of her soul slowly integrating with her new body is somewhat peculiar with a slight numbing feeling, but other than that, no one can even tell that such a thing is happening inside her. The wisps of her light golden soul move in a cycle in her new body, and every cycle allows an almost negligible and pitiful amount of her soul to meld in it. This process is the most difficult type of soul integration, but it is also the best in terms of allowing the body and soul to be as one. After all, forcefully integrating a soul to someone else’s discarded body could lead to unimaginable damages, whether the soul breaks first or the body crumbles in a second. Syr did not want to injure the body that was given to her by the deceased Syraen. She wanted to treasure the new life that was given to her. Syr wanted to live. She wanted to live a life that she will be satisfied from. No descendant of the royal bloodline of the Black Dragon Kingdom lives a mediocre life. No matter in what era this wide galaxy is, Syr wanted to live next to its stars and become the brightest of them all. After diving inside her own consciousness, Syr instantly discovered an anomaly that is so conspicuous inside the light golden soul. There is a floating crescent shaped object at the center of her soul, and Syr’s golden pupils brightened at the sight of it. Syr’s greatest treasure that was given to her by her elder brother Cross really did travel with her soul to this new and strange era. She felt lost and hesitant at first due to the huge difference of this era to her past one, but with her treasure, Syr felt a lot calmer. Having something to depend to on a foreign land is still better than having nothing at all. After securing herself with the company of her treasure, Syr heaved a sigh of relief and opened her eyes to the warm light of the patient room. The light breath next to her and the strong and rigorous breaths near her bed made Syr narrow her eyes from confusion in a second, before remembering that her new little brother and elder brother are still inside the room with her. She had almost forgotten about the two due to the joy brought by the precious treasure. Syr gently turned to the side to face the peaceful and tender sleeping face of Siello with her peripheral view on the visage of Quinn seriously reading something from a floating blue screen. Syr’s heart seems to finally calm down completely with their presence. White slender fingers caressed the tender porcelain like cheeks of Siello, and seeing the small smile emerging at the corner of Siello’s lips, Syr suddenly felt acceptance with both her soul and mind, and it even made the cycle of the soul integrating to speed up for a second before resuming back to normal. Quinn noticed the movement of his little sister, and his eyes darted to the two siblings with an inexplicable emotion welling up in his chest. They were also like this before the death of his little sister’s mother. Looking down at the clustered information on his quantum chip, Quinn remembered Syr’s bright smile. His mood instantly hit rock bottom knowing that the news that he will convey to her might just destroy that beautiful and peaceful smile. Quinn wanted to go back to their manor to dissuade his father, but doing something meaningless will not let his father change anything, especially with the benefits that came with it. Knowing that there would be no way out of the situation, Quinn cleared his throat to attract Syr’s attention, which he did. Syr innocently looked at Quinn with her bright golden pupils that made the latter to once again feel the guilt creeping up in his body. “Syraen…” A sigh of exhaustion escaped Quinn’s parted lips. “My purpose by coming here is not just to visit you.” Quinn lightly retracted his eyes from those soul searching ones, before looking out the window as he stated these words in a low stale voice. “You…father wanted you to marry into the Alrayms. He had already betrothed you to the third son of the Union leader.” Not wanting to beat around the bush, Quinn plainly laid it bare to Syr before placing a sealed letter in the bedside table. It is the letter sent by the madam of the Alrayms to Syr, and even his father does not know what is written inside it. Quinn stood up from his seat, his tall figure shrouding Syr with his shadow, and because he did not want to face her reaction at the moment, he lifted his gaze to housekeeper 025. “I’ll talk to your doctor for a bit.” Quinn literally fled the scene thus he did not notice nor see the bewildered expression plastered on Syr’s enchanting face. Her eyes stretched wide that made it appear bigger as if she’s acting coquettish and her mouth hanging open made for an amusing sight. She did not hear it wrong right? Her elder brother clearly said that she already has a betrothed. She had only been awake for a day and she is already engaged to someone else. Syr could only wow at her own fate. If her parents and elder brother knew that she is betrothed, they might have already celebrated with the whole Black Dragon Kingdom and pushed her to the wedding halls lest she hesitated for a bit. After all, they have been urging her to find a betrothed and marry since the day she turned 200 years old and had her coming of age ceremony. “Pfft-…hahaha.” Syr could not stop herself from laughing after imagining the look on their faces if they knew of it, and it was only when she felt Siello stirring from his sleep and looking at her with big misty eyes, did she embarrassedly cough to stop the chuckles already at the tip of her throat. “Siello, did elder sister wake you up?” Syr gently patted Siello’s hair, the apology dripping in her tone awakened Siello completely. He immediately sprang up from the bed while shaking his head at Syr. “Elder sister...I heard what elder brother said. Do you not want to do it? If you don’t, let’s run away from home.” Siello called out obediently but his next words made Syr gape at him. This little brother of hers is really clever at such a young age, and he is not one of those kids that will obediently follow whatever their parents say due to fear. He did not even think what will be Viscount Drake’s reaction once they really did ran away from home, because he treats Syr as his closest person. Such a little brother, Syr wants to treasure him forever. “Siello is always looking out for elder sister huh?” “Don’t worry…I don’t intend to run from anything.” Siello did not understand much about the deep meaning behind Syr’s words. But he calmed down quickly after hearing that his elder sister did not object to the marriage that his elder brother mentioned. As long as his elder sister wants it, then it’s fine. The little master of the Viscount manor have long been aware that he needs to protect his elder sister, since they grew up being mocked and bullied by his half sisters from the third madam of the family. After all, the situation inside the Viscount manor is really chaotic with the third wife’s schemes. Leaning against the wall next to the blurred glass door of Syr’s patient room, Quinn raised his head with his eyes dazedly gazing at nowhere, as he put his left arm to cover it from the lights. The words of Syr and Siello made him both relieved and guilty. And Syr’s reaction at the engagement baffled Quinn. Although it is for the best that she will accept it, Quinn is curious as to why she suddenly felt different from before. She felt much more alive and confident. Did it occur because of the accident that almost took her life? Nonetheless, Quinn will be at her back to support her. Even if she really did want to run away from everything. Quinn wasted a few minutes outside in the hall before entering the door and directly meeting two pairs of shining golden pupils. They really are brother and sister. The thought lifted the edges of Quinn’s lips in a small but genuine smile. “It is already late. We need to go now.” Quinn glanced at Siello, and the latter obediently jumped down from the bed and walked over to hold Quinn’s right hand, not before waving at his elder sister with a blinding wide smile. “We will visit again tomorrow, and remember to read the letter. It is from your betrothed’s mother.” Quinn and Siello bid their goodbyes and left the hospital on a cosmic ship marked with the image of a coiled black snake which is the insignia of the Draecy family since the time of their ancestors. Kallum lifted his blank gaze to stare straight into his mother’s eyes. The corners of his lips moved before slightly opening and closing as if not knowing what to say to the stubbornness burning in Madam Astir’s pupils. “A contract marriage, who…who did you find for this kind of farce?” Kallum’s voice is very soft and light though it has an inexplicable tinge of alienation. It is not directed to his mother or the twins, but to the idea of the contract marriage itself.
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