Syraen Draecy

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DPBH Chapter 2 Syraen Draecy   “The patient is stable and the vitals show no signs of abnormality, she will be able to leave the hospital in just a week of rest and recuperation.” The gentle voice of Doctor Steven occupied the constant calm beeping sounds in the room as he informed housekeeper 025 before going out of the VIP patient room 7 to continue his rounds on the VIP patients in other VIP rooms on the Seventh floor. Syr opened her eyes at the sound of the door closing. Her golden pupils shining with a resolute light that of a person that is ready to face her own reality. Living a new life after experiencing the destruction of everything she treasured in her past world, Syr felt reluctant at first but she also understood that it is a huge unattainable blessing to be able to continue on the future that originally belongs to her if not for that catastrophe. “Lady Syraen, I have already informed the lord your father of the state of your condition.” Syr did not look at the talking silver metallic puppet as a huge surge of foreign memories slowly and silently poured out from every parts of her new body to her consciousness. The two decades life memory of Syraen Draecy, the young lady of the noble Draecy family with the rank of a Viscount pulled Syr in a seemingly endless dream of haze and illusions. Syraen Draecy is the second child of Viscount Drake and is born from his second wife Silf Mircell, and she also has a younger brother from the same mother named Siello Draecy who is only ten years old. Her father Viscount Drake Draecy married three wives, the first from a marriage arrangement, the third from a mistake due to making the other pregnant, and Syraen’s mother married her father because of love though it is unknown to what the viscount feels especially with his alienation of Syraen and her little brother. It is love that lasted until Silf Mircell’s death, and the original Syraen could not even blame her mother for being so foolishly in love to heartless man such as her father. The original Syraen and her little brother faced silent and covert criticisms and bullying from the third wife and her twin daughters who are only 18 years old. There is also the indifferent first wife and her son, Quinn Draecy who is the only heir to the viscount title and manor. Although she lived a sad and suppressed life, the original still wishes for a happy and loving family that will care for her and her little brother because even though they are not favored in the viscount manor, only the third wife and her daughters dared to verbally abuse them outside of her father’s sight. The original was even on her way out of school to celebrate with her father, elder brother and little brother for her birthday when an accident happened. The cosmic ship she was riding encountered a malfunction on its system and collided with a traffic bot. She was put in the emergency capsule to preserve her life and was in a coma for a month though her original soul could not persevere even for a day and she died before being replaced by Syr’s soul from the world of Meos. The soul of the dragon princess is so overbearing for the weak human body of the original and it took a month for it to adapt to the new soul residing in it. Syr’s soul has also been slowly integrating with her new body and it will take time for her to go back to the peak state she had in her past body. It will take years but she isn’t in a hurry. Syr sighed at the life of the original, but she will live for her like the brightest star in this new era of interstellar that is wholly different to Meos, the world she had lived in that is the era of magic. A wisp of a smile painted her lips as Syr’s restless heart settled down in peace and determination to her new life. “025, can I leave this place today? I’m already fine.” Syr rummage through Syraen’s memories and swallowed up the valuable and basic knowledge for her own use or else she might be seen as a monster for not being able to understand anything. She seems to be in a hospital that is where the human beings are treated if they are sick or injured. It is like the temples of the priests in Meos that you will need treasures and money to be able to have treatment. “The Doctor instructed for the lady to stay for a week.” Housekeeper 025 mechanically voiced out while giving Syr a bottle of warm chocolate milk who gladly took it sipping with leisure and bright eyes, easily forgetting about her request to leave the hospital. Syr started to pay attention to her new life after her initial struggle and it caused her to discover food that tastes a hundred times better that what she was used to eat in Meos. She especially liked the flavor of chocolate. It’s a novel taste that did not exist in her past world which ignited her curiosity into this new world and new era. A beep sounded in the room from 025. “Lady Syraen, the young lord Quinn and young master Siello are here to visit.” Syr raised her head from sipping the chocolate milk and saw the blurry glass door open and two individuals entered the room, the small one with white and tender face quickly sprinting to her side to hug her while bawling his eyes out and the tall one just stood near the bedside with an indifferent expression on his handsome face. “E-Elder sister…” the small boy kept on calling her elder sister while his face flushed red due to crying nonstop as his tears smeared his tender cheeks making Syr feel sad for him so she caressed his soft black hair with her free hand. “Elder sister is fine hmm…Siello does not need to cry.” Her pure voice seems to carry a calming effect on the young child as he started to quiet down but still did not let go of Syr’s waist fearing that her sister would be gone once he let go. Siello had been always clever since he was young and he is already a 10 year old kid that can do and think for his self. He had long been aware of his father’s strict attitude and the malice from his twin half-sisters, and the only one he could trust in the Viscount manor is his elder sister and his indifferent but not heartless half elder brother. His awareness caused him to be clingy and sticky to the ones closest to him, and it almost petrified him in fear when Syr’s accident happened. He had lost weight in the month that Syr was in a coma, and if weren’t for the care of the nanny sent by Viscount Drake, Siello might have also fallen ill due to his depressed mood. Quinn merely watched his two younger siblings playing the ‘I cry, you comfort me’ skit in front of him. They go back and forth a couple of times before both of them felt tired and Syr could only helplessly cover Siello with the blanket for falling asleep with tears on his cheeks. Feeling the stare of his new elder brother, Syr raised her golden pupils to meet his brown ones that have been inherited from his biological mother. Syr smiled sweetly at Quinn with the same smile that she gives to her elder brother crown prince of the dragon race. She had been spoiled by him but she didn’t even have the strength to protect him once that tragedy happened. It is one of her regrets, but when Quinn Draecy entered the room, Syr felt her heart tremble at his uncanny resemblance to her elder brother Cross Dracier. Excitement and anxiety erupted in her entire being at the sight but she slowly calmed down after comforting her new little brother. Syr knows that even if Quinn and Cross have the same appearance, it would be impossible for them to be the same person unless her elder brother also reincarnated like her with all her memories of the past. Quinn Draecy’s indifferent face cracked at the bright smile directed to him from his younger sister. This is the first time that he saw her willingly smiling at him since she stopped following him like a little tail when Siello was born and their mother died in labor. Quinn at that time was just a teenager but he is already aware of the infightings that happened between the women in the family so he guessed that maybe his younger sister thought that his mother, the viscountess did something to lady Silf that resulted to her death or else why would she ignore him?. He had felt depressed and sad at that time, but he didn’t have the confidence to talk to his younger sister as he also felt dubious about lady Silf’s death because she is clearly healthy and the doctor even reassured them that there will be no complications as both the child in the belly and the mother are both in excellent condition. “Uh…elder brother…?” Seeing the dazed out of his mind elder brother, Syr tentatively called out to him which made the complicated expression on Quinn’s face to harden before softening out as he gently shake his head at Syr. “Are you feeling any discomfort?” Quinn’s stale voice reached Nem’s ear and it made her froze for a second before explaining that she had been feeling great and that she can already leave the hospital if not for the doctor’s insistence to let her wait for a week. Quinn nodded at her words before quieting down again and the room was drowned into an awkward silence aside from the constant beep of the medical equipment. The estrangement of ten years made Quinn nervous and unable to say something while it is a different reason for Syr as she reveled in the voice of her new elder brother that is the exact copy of her elder brother Cross’ voice. Is this fate pitying her or playing a trick on her? Syr leaned back at her pillow as she closed her eyes. Although she had already accepted this new life, seeing and hearing something that reminds her of the past is still a painful blow that makes her feel tired. Seeing that his younger sister looks tired enough to close her eyes, Quinn settled down as he sat beside her bed and opened his quantum chip to browse the star network to pass the time. Seeing the hot topic on the star network, Quinn’s calm expression hardened for a bit before looking helpless as he remembered his conversation with his father. Breaking News: The third son of the Union leader was met with an ambushed in the border stars and it led to him being paralyzed from his waist down. This article was posted at the 12th of the 2nd month, year 8001.   Breaking News: The third son of the Union leader’s engagement with the young Miss Cleo of the Martin family was announced to be void due to the third son’s disability. Young Miss Cleo also stated that the Ancestral bloodline Star headquarters backs her up to break up the engagement as it is a loss for the human race to let her awakened bloodline go to waste because of the third son’s disability. This article was posted at the 15th of the 2nd month, year 8001. It was already the 17th; Quinn had been cooped up in the viscount’s manor because of Siello so he only saw the news today. There are also thousands of comments under the article and some of them felt bad for the third son of the Union leader while denouncing the Young Miss Cleo of the Martin family for being heartless as some defended her that has the same views as what was said on the article of not letting her awakened bloodline go to waste by marrying a waste as if they do not know that awakening ones ancestral bloodline is as hard as ascending to be an immortal. After all, there are only five thousand awakeners in the entire human race that has over five hundred billion individuals all over their territory, and it is also the reason why there is a sole force like the Ancestral Bloodline Star Headquarters to protect and supervise them while giving them the best privilege in the entire human race. Quinn remembered the arrogant young miss of the Martin family and he couldn’t help but to let out a sneer in contempt at such a malicious and greedy human. The news of the third master of the Alraym family being paralyzed due to the ambush has only been on the star network for three days when that fame and wealth-seeking young miss already decided to tear up her gentle facade of being an elegant future daughter-in-law to the Alrayms as she resolutely breaks up the engagement. Quinn Draecy, being the young heir of the Viscount manor had seen and socialized with a lot of young individuals from the high aristocrats to the young military and civil officials that came from affluent families, but he had never seen such a young lady of an elite and rich family doing something so disgusting as to humiliate her fiancée for three years at the Star network after the other met with an accident that led to him being disabled. It seems that you can really meet and see a lot of different types of people in the universe. She can’t even match up with my little sister’s finger. Quinn sneered in his mind before his thoughts came back to what his Viscount father had told him about his little sister, Syraen’s sudden betrothal, and to none other than the man that was cruelly left behind by that Young Miss Cleo of the Martin family. The Alraym is one of the wealthiest and influential families on the main planet Evergreen due to the Union leader being the family head of the Alraym’s, and them having the monopoly of the production line of mechas and food across the human race’s territory. Viscount Drake wanted to help their plunging business by marrying off one of his daughters, and he had been thinking of it for a long time. The sudden breaking off the marriage engagement between the Alraym family and the Martin family due to Cleo’s insistence, gave Viscount Drake the chance to save the Alryam’s face by betrothing his eldest daughter, Syraen to Kallum Vin Alraym, the third young master of the Alraym family. This is also the reason why Quinn wanted to accompany Siello to visit his little sister. He had wanted to tell her face to face, but he couldn’t. He doesn’t know what her reaction will be. What if she cried? If that really happened, Quinn might as well just rebel against his father to take Syr to a remote planet, so that she can escape from the future of being sneered and mocked at for being married off to a disabled man. Quinn sighed heavily before turning off the Star network as he went on to his mails. He had paid a black hacker to search all of the information about his little sister’s future husband, so might as well read it to pass the time while waiting for Syr and Siello to wake up. As for the supposedly asleep Syr, she had been actually checking her soul that is still slowly integrating with the original’s body. Syr had not forgotten that she had an extremely precious treasure that was directly connected to her soul. It was her elder brother Cross’ last birthday gift to her before that tragedy happened. It is a treasure that contains the magic of space which directly made it so that the inside of the treasure is as big as her home planet Meos though it’s one of Syr’s regret that it doesn’t allow any living being inside. It could have save them all from that nightmare. As a genuine pure-blooded royal dragon, the inherent instinct of hoarding treasure and rare things made the young dragon princess to resemble a rich overlord that caused the other races and beings in Meos to go mad with envy.    
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