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DPBH Chapter 1 Evergreen Blue jarring electrical lights flashed past the artificial pupils of the silver humanoid housekeeper steadily standing in the bedside of a luxurious modernize room filled with high-end medical machines and carries the atmosphere of a cold metallic room that doesn’t seem to match the beautiful figure lying motionlessly on the bed. “Housekeeper 025 is reporting to the main system 01.” “Housekeeper 025 is reporting to the main system 01.” “Lady Syraen’s vitals are all in the normal line, and it is estimated to gain consciousness at any moment.” “Lady Syraen’s vitals are all in the normal line, and it is estimated to gain consciousness at any moment.” The mechanical voice with no fluctuations coming from the humanoid housekeeper dispelled the stale air of silence inside the room as a locked virtual folder from its mainframe storage was sent to another humanoid housekeeper inside a large mansion-like palace in one of the private residential areas in the Gaia capital city of the Evergreen main planet of the Human race civilization. Inside the Draecy Mansion of Viscount Drake Draecy, humanoid housekeeper 001 received the locked virtual file inside the secured line storage of the Draecy family. The humanoid housekeeper that is currently cleaning the rear courtyard of the mansion dedicated to house the ancestral tablets of the Draecy family efficiently moved past through the rear garden, the winding hallways and wide living room to enter the spacious study of the lord of the mansion. Hearing the orderly footsteps and the creaking of the door, Viscount Drake turned his sight from the holographic files being displayed in front of him to the flashing red pupils of the main humanoid housekeeper. “Lord Draecy, 025 sent the young lady Syraen’s vitals and that the young lady will be able to gain consciousness today.” Viscount Drake merely nodded at the news of his only daughter’s condition before going back to the important files about the businesses of the Draecy family. A notification sounded out from his quantum chip and he saw the black strip on his left wrist lighting up in accordance to the sound along with the palm-sized holographic image of the sent file. Housekeeper 001 had sent the locked virtual folder of the young lady’s vitals to the Viscount before going out of the study room to continue on his everyday work around the mansion. Year 8001 of the Earth calendar, the human race is now one of the higher civilizations living inside the Blue Moon galaxy billions of light years away from the Milky Way. On the year of 2530, the Blue planet known as Earth and the home of the human race faced its destruction due to the accumulation of hollowing out the precious energies in its lands that made the environment to collapse in just a decade. The lives of humans shifted from leisure to a harsh living wherein half of the population all over the world perished in that short ten years, and leaving the half to finally decide to mount across the stars as they watched from above as their planet crumbled into nothingness. The half of the human race managed to enter the void of the galaxies and continued on to wander to find the planet that is innately similar to Earth, and the thousand years of journey ended as they entered the Blue Moon Galaxy and claimed the Evergreen planet as their main planet. Year 6900 of the Earth calendar, It is the end of the grand migration of humans that is recorded down in history, and a new chapter of the human civilization started on Evergreen, a planet lush with plants, seas, wildlife, and beautiful and indescribable landforms like that of Earth, only that it is ten times bigger. The human race struggled in the passing of the years to steady their foundation in the interstellar, and to not let them be forced to suffer under the other higher civilizations or to be devoured by the heinous void parasites. Wars ensued in the void of stars and the human race conquered a territory in the Blue Moon galaxy for their own. Hundreds of sub-planets, and energy planets that served as the foundation for the human race to spread and formally enter the interstellar along with the sharp intake of knowledge regarding the technology traded from the other higher civilizations. Year 7010 of the Earth calendar, the human civilization is marked as one of the respected higher civilizations of the Blue Moon galaxy, and the Human Race Star Union was founded becoming the first pillar of the human civilization. Year 7015 of the Earth calendar, the Military Command and the State Interstellar Law formally formed as the second and third pillar of the human civilization. Year 7020 of the Earth calendar, the Vern Monarchy was founded and became the fourth pillar of the Human civilization. With the adaptability of the humans, they ushered in a prosperous age where technology accompanies their daily lives, whether it is the military where soldier that controls huge humanoid mechas strive to protect their territory or in the field of medicine wherein almost all of the incurable diseases of the past can be cured with nanotechnology. It is a prosperous and dangerous age that humans use their ingenuity to strive and flourish. At a private medical facility in the Gaia City’s central, Housekeeper 025 dutifully stayed beside the bed to wait for its young lady to awaken for her month long coma. The organized beeping sounds of the medical equipment along with the regulated soft breathing of the figure on the bed was broken by the sudden sharp ringing sound of the transparent screen situated at the wall diagonally across the bed. The transparent screen shows the identity of the patient as well as the vitals, and the ringing sound along with the flashing of green light on the screen only means one thing, the patient is awake. Housekeeper 025 looked at the flashing transparent screen before staring straight at the young lady at the bed with her eyes still closed. The closed eyelids of the pale and thin young lady slowly showed a slit as her curled lashes fluttered like butterfly wings frolicking through the lake. Her dry and soft looking lips moved a few times seemingly wanting to say something but no words came out in the end as her eyes fully opened welcoming the glaring light coming from the silver white ceiling. Her prominent golden pupils collided with the silver light creating a spark similar to that of a falling comet streaking with its mess of burning colors. Syr squinted at the silver ceiling as the harsh throbbing of her temples along with the numb and sore feeling of her whole body stupefied her into zoning out. “Argh…” A burst of messy images intruded her blank mind as Syr sat down in reflex with a tense expression exuding from her whole body. Her golden pupils flickered with vigilance as she took in her surroundings. The last thing she remembered before falling unconscious is the horrendous image of the kingdom being destroyed to smithereens by the hateful invading species that suddenly popped out of nowhere and started war with the whole world. Syr felt her heart thudding strongly in her chest as her bare feet touched the cold smooth floor then a sharp surge of dizziness struck her, eliciting a groan from the base of her throat. “Warning, unusual heartbeat pattern detected.” “Warning, abnormal brain waves activity.” “Emergency at VIP patient room number 7, calling Doctor Steven for immediate assistance.” The transparent screen of the patient’s records flashed a continuous red before a robotic voice emerged from it, and in the doctor’s lounge on the seventh floor, a scholarly looking man wearing white coat and white spectacles bolted out of the room while his quantum chip let out intermittent blaring sounds as a holographic chart of a patient’s records floated from it. Housekeeper 025 immediately stood next to Syr to stable her footing before carefully sitting her down on the bed. “The doctor is on his way, 025 suggest Lady Syraen to stay still and wait for a full body examination before making any unnecessary movements.” Syr held her buzzing head with her left hand as her right hand touched the arms of the individual who suddenly appeared without her knowing. Vigilance and caution made her body rigid at the emotionless voice because she did not even notice any breath of life around her the moment she woke up, and her right hand froze at it touched a cold metallic feel coming from the stranger’s arm. Lifting her head up sharply, a silver humanoid like puppet graced her vision and her heart settled down knowing why the other did not even have a breath of life. Puppets are widely known weapons created by the crazy wizards of Solom and it is not unusual to see one in their kingdom, but it is her first time to see one that is able to speak. Did those crazy wizards managed to breakthrough some kind of profound ancient spells? Before she could continue on her train of thoughts, the blurry glass door beeped three times before a panting Dr. Steven took a few big breaths as he quickly approached Syr though he isn’t as panicked as he was earlier because the red emergency light settled down to green in just a few seconds of his arrival. Both the heart rate and brain waves withdraw back in the normal line and Dr. Steven already deduced that it must be the effect of waking up in a different environment, especially for a patient that has been sleeping for a month. “Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?” “It’s normal to feel numb and sore due to the duration of your coma, so you don’t have to panic.” The gentle voice of the newly arrived stranger as well as the untainted look in his eyes calmed down the hostility burning inside her as Syr silently stared at the man who is currently placing some kind of needle on the transparent glass bracelet on her right wrist. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you be accustomed to the nutrient solution for the time being, and you just need to wait for three days more before being allowed to eat solid food.” A strange sense of restlessness and unfamiliarity caused her to be silent as the blue liquid inside the bottle connected to the needle poured unto the transparent glass bracelet into her veins. Syr restrained herself from making any moves because the blue liquid didn’t cause her any harm but instead made her feel revitalized and warm, making her look curiously at the bracelet. The first thing that came to mind is that she is not in any way inside her royal manor, and not even in their kingdom, because all of it has already been destroyed. The memories of that moment made her close her eyes, and it caused her to vaguely remember that the strange mountain-sized weapon of the invaders engulfed every corner of their kingdom causing it to be crushed into smithereens. It is also the same for her and her family. They did not abandon their own kingdom and died with it along with the thousands of others that made up their whole population. The dragon race ended with them all. And maybe even their whole world ended with the suppression of those invaders. Syr opened her golden pupils abruptly and one thought only came to mind. Where is she? The puppet and the human in front of her looks so strange no matter how much she tried to think that everything is normal, that she survived and is being treated by some human healers. That her parents must have found some wizards to make her a puppet to help with her recovery, and that she is still in their kingdom and once she walked out the door, she will be able to see the faces of her worried parents that looked nothing like the rulers of the Dragon Kingdom due to their teary appearance, and the caring face of her elder brother that spoils her to bits by giving her anything every time she wanted some kind of treasure. Syr might be mischievous and spoiled since a young age, but she isn’t a flower base protected inside a greenhouse. Syr Dracier is the Dragon princess that manages the external affairs of the Dragon Kingdom, and is a clever child born from the King and Queen. She is a 300 year old young dragon that dealt with the different kinds of races in Meos, travelling through it and checking every nook and cranny because of her curiosity. So how could she not know that everything before her very eyes doesn’t exist in their world? The silver metallic puppet that speaks, the blue liquid called nutrient solution, the transparent screen with strange words that she could shockingly understand, all of it is unusual in her eyes. Although it is absurd, Syr did not hesitate to believe that she is in a different space and time. “Reincarnation huh…” It seems that the priests of the holy land speaks true of this strange word that refers to living another life after entering the afterlife. The inaudible whisper of the young girl in front of him did not bother Dr. Steven as it is normal for one to be confused from waking up in a long sleep, so he took his leave after making sure that the abnormal vitals at first is caused by panic of waking up in an unknown environment. After the VIP room regained its silence at the departure of Dr. Steven, Syr tiredly shut her lids, suppressing the pain of reality. Housekeep 025 stood silently beside the bed as he watched the young lady slowly closing her eyes along with the steady soft breathing sounds accompanying her in her sleep.
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