Getting rejected

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It was a shock when he held me away looking at me with blazing eyes . Stop Ellie! I am taking a home. he said bitterly and I was staring at him with wide eyes. Will you come to see me tomorrow ? I asked him gathering my courage. “Tomorrow I am going to London I'm taking over the office there.” he responded . “You mean to say you are not coming back?” I was shocked and very hurt . “Not for some time.” he said. “But what about us our relationship Gray? I ask him impatiently. “us? There is no us Ellie !you are a child I was just helping you to grow up and now you've reached your maturity I think I've taken care of you enough.” He said harshly. I thought I was struck with lightning. “You made love to me, I'm not a child.” I said “I did not make love to you I kissed you on your birthday after you tried to kiss me. It was my last effort to teach you the ecstasy of a kiss. Now you can go swim and kiss anyone but I'm out. “Is there a woman in London? “I asked.  Remembering his long absence for the past few years. Yes, a real grown up women, he agreed cruelly “You are seventeen and have a long way to go. To me you are a child, stop dreaming foolish dreams Ellie and make your own dreams.  One day you will find just the person you are looking for. I just turned and ran blindly tears streaming down my face not caring where I was going, fighting wildly.  when he got me. He grabbed and put me inside the car, neither of us spoke. But when we reached my house he turned and said, “You've never had control over your emotions in your life, if you go mad whenever anyone kisses you, you will end up in trouble .  No I wouldn’t, I thought nobody could make me feel like Gray did.  I was not looking at him as I got down from his car and he said goodbye and left. I knew he was going away to another woman and I felt my life was over at seventeen. He kissed me like a lover, which meant nothing to him at all because he already had a women in London I cried all night and in the morning I hated him remembering nothing but the bad times as far as he was concerned he did not exists. Now he was back and I was going to his home for his brothers engagement party and it was totally different. I knew what he was, he did prove it last night when he had come into my room, I decided I would ignore him and enjoy my life as it is and let him teach me whatever he knows about seducing men. It is an irony that I must learn it from the man whom I had loved with my all heart and soul when I was growing up but now I am taking his help to seduce Troy. I smiled  and started wearing my heels which matched my beautiful gown for the evening.   The Spencer’s house was blazing with lights as I walked inside with my family. I was very anxious and had butterflies in my stomach. My brothers were looking very handsome in their dark suit and looking at them I felt very proud. My sister in law was looking gorgeous in her strapless gown which showed her beautiful cheekbones as she smiled. I was holding Cory’s hand and walking inside. He was being stared  at by almost all the women inside the room. He was a celebrity so everyone started taking his pictures. But I was not looking bad myself as I had dressed to kill as Terry had mentioned. So even I was getting few glances. Terry had made sure that my hair was properly managed and she had rolled it and made it into thick curls, it was looking naturally wavy. She had taken few strands and clipped it behind, which made my face glow in the light. She had also applied mild make up and had enlarged my eyes with mascara making it look big and beautiful . I looked around and knew I was looking alluring tonight, as people were trying to approach me and whatever Terry had planned I needed to help my best friend and so I let her do whatever she wanted to do with me.   Diana Spencer Gray’s mother was delighted to see me she swept across  to greet us. “Paul, Cory! It’s so good of all of you to come for the engagement. Ellie my sweetheart, you look beautiful!” she spoke gracefully. Acknowledging everyone. It brought a lot of attention to them and I was aware of that brilliant chocolate brown eyes inspecting me from head to toe. Gray merely smiled and nodded in my direction. Terry came and greeted everyone and snatched me away from my family and whispered in my ear, “ Just look at Patricia” I had already noticed her and could she the way she was standing very closely to Gray. Every time Gray moved, she moved with her. “she has been acting like this since the time Gray walked into the house the day before yesterday.” Terry said angrily. “People are looking at them and gossiping anyone will have other ideas about their relationship. Mum is really embarrassed.” But I could clearly see Patricia was getting full encouragement from Gray. I wanted to know. Had it been Patricia he had gone to when he left five years ago? If so, then what happened between hem that Patricia is now marrying Ralph? She was certainly very beautiful with really sharp features. She had beautiful blonde hair and she was very tall. Her slim figure was showing off the very expensive green laced dress that she was wearing. “ She looks ravishing.” I murmured fairly. “ I feel like we are the one’s looking like clowns in front of her.” “Ellie, just remember,” she whispered in my ears, “She is your target. You are the most beautiful thing here tonight. Your sexy and you look lovely today. Stop blushing. And act normally.” “You should stop complimenting me or I  will keep on blushing.” I scolded her.  “Nothing is right here Ellie you have to help me.” Terry pleaded looking at me.    
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