Sweet seventeen

1057 Words
As I got ready for the engagement party and was thinking how will I avoid Gray and his piercing eyes. Now that I have readily agreed for his help I couldn’t even avoid him.  I walked to my bedroom window and looked across towards the Villa situated in the far end corner of the estate. It was gleaming with lights and it looked so beautiful. But I was frightened as well as excited to meet everyone there.   Five years ago on a late summer evening, the gardens were still smelling sweetly, filled with flowers and Gray had taken me out to dinner. As it was my birthday a day before and he had promised me he will take me for dinner as a birthday present. He did not invite anyone except me and so I felt incredibly special. Gray always treated me differently. Always taking care of me more than my brothers but he bullied me as well. I was already studying in the college, and Paul had started running his business, Cory had gone to London to pursue his acting career. Gray was always around as Paul needed his help in running the business, so I saw him very frequently.   I had always been attracted towards Gray but kept my feelings under control knowing he was a grown up man and was simply kind and protecting her as I was his best friend's sister.   At seventeen  it was different I felt like a women and he  actually treated me like one very courteously and gently. I always made sure that I would be close to him whenever there was a party at home and looked at him with dreamy eyes and he simply smiled and disrupted my hormones. We were seated at the restaurant having dinner and I was enjoying this company. I was giggling at a joke that he was telling me and in between, my thoughts wandered and I went to my dreamland. But I tried to focus on what he was saying. He asked me to dance with him and he took me by his hand and held me tightly in arms and started dancing gracefully with me . At one point of time, I felt like his lips had brushed my hair, but when I looked at him with wide dreamy eyes, he simply smiled and ask me if I was tired and told me he will drop me home. I was not tired but simply mesmerized and entranced by his charms. He had parked the car outside in the parking lot which had a beautiful view of the mountains ans it spread across the lake. As it was a beautiful summer night the moon swam through a perfect Sky and I stopped by the gravel drive and held Gray’s hand saying,” look Gray the moonlight is so beautiful.” I did not want to go home and wanted to stay there with Gray for some time. “Yes, it's very beautiful,” he said standing close to me looking very amused. It was a little bit hot and sweaty so I lifted my hair and tied it  into a bun His eyes were following every moment that I was making and I swayed towards him my face filled with longingness. Ellie ! he retreated back and said. He put me further away from him and I was hurt by his tone. “What is it? what's wrong ? I want to kiss you.” I said boldly. “Just like the others kiss you ?I am not your boyfriend.” He said harshly. "I know, I hung my head in shame tears in my eyes and said, “ but I don't kiss them, I've never kissed anyone.” “ They must be really dumb then,” he taunted  “ they missed their opportunity.” “I don't let them kiss me, I don't want them to I don't like it.” I said earnestly. “Do you expect me to believe you? you just invited me to kiss you .” He sound angry and lifted my face.  He tilted my face and I saw his face softening, when he saw the tears on my cheeks. “This is different, I belong to you Gray and only you.” “Don't say that .” His hands cupped my face and he wiped my tears. I am telling you the truth I said and I started crying and he pulled me in into his arms stroking my hair. “Don't cry Ellie,” he whispered “you will grow up and you will move on and you will forget that this happened.” “I am grown up and I don't want to recover.” I looked at him and said determinedly  he looked at me and did not know what to say. “Be sensible you are just in the verge of your womanhood and the night is very romantic so you are  having illusion and you are just seventeen and it’s the age when you will be attracted to the opposite sex.” He tried to explain. “I am being honest Gray in what I feel for you, I don't have to tell you that I belong to you already know it, you can see it in my eyes so why are you rejecting me. I told him and tears were falling down my cheeks. I was crying miserably and his face tightened. His fingers suddenly started touching my soft skin I thought he was angry because he was not smiling and I was expecting I'll be slapped by him but he pulled me into his arms and covered my mouth with his. His kiss was a warning but flame shot through my entire body and I felt him stiffen as soon as I started touching him. He tightened his arms and lifted my face and his mouth started ravishing me. He kissed me hungrily. Within seconds I was filled  with desire, moaning with pleasure. I could feel Gray’s heart pounding over my own, his breathing was very heavy. Once for an second he pushed me away but his hand seems to be unable to stop reaching for me and I was back into his arms his kisses were like fire against my neck and cheeks his murmurs of encouragement mixed with my pleas of love .   When he started stroking my body I curled against him and moved my fingers in his thick hair I was filled with longingness, I was going to be his. I thought now he will claim me and marry me and I will always be with him .
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