Chapter 12

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Snow POV   I woke up, feeling like a truck ran me over with a massive headache. I felt something underneath me moving. s**t! My butt takes to hurt! I jumped out of bed and run to my floor length mirror in my walk-in closet. I was shocked to see this brushy white tail... WAIT!!! ITS TWO OF THEM!!! So, I head back to my bed and then double back to the mirror to look and touch my new tails. I must say that they were soft and full of white fur. Then, I notice that my skin had a shimmer shine to it and my white patch of hair was bigger and grown the same length as my brown hair. My arms had muscle tone and my breast were bigger. My eyes seem to have a swirl of gold in them. I look at on the left side of my stomach, I see a fox and moon tattoo. WHAT!!! Think Snow, what's happen last night and when did you get a tattoo. My memory started slowly coming back to me.... Alpha Azazel was my mate, he sandwiches me between him and the wall; then I fainted. I must talk to someone. Yes, I texted Kim.   Me: 911 COME NOW!!!   Ten minutes later, Kim busted through my door.   Kim: SNOW, WHAT’S WRONG?   All I could do was laugh because she in a fight stance like she was in a wrestling ring.   Me: Kim, look!   I came out of the closet to show her my two bushy white tails.   Kim: Hmmm… Snow, do you know that there are tails behind you. Me (palming my forehead): Kim… Yes, that’s why I called you. They are connected to my butt. Kim: Damn Girl, they are… so we can’t cut them off. Me: What? Kim: No, I am just joking. Where and how did you get them? Me: Kim if I knew the answer. Do you think I would have called you? Kim: Did you tell anyone else? Me: No, you are the only one I called. Kim: I think you should tell your mom. By the way, I founded my mate at the party. Me: You did…. Who? Kim: Jason, Beta of the Riverbank Pack… Your mate’s pack. Me: Please, don’t remind me… Kim: Have you seen him yet? Me: No and I hope I don’t. Kim: Well at least we will be together. Me: I guess. I am going to get dress so I can talk to my mom. Kim: Ok, I will see you later.   Kim leaves my room.   I throw my clothes on trying my best to cover up my tails. When I open my door, Alpha Azazel standing in my guest room's doorway with a smirk. Snow, remember his eyes... DONT LOOK IN HIS EYES... So, I turn to walk pass him… Again, I'm pinned between the wall and a hard, smooth, and muscular chest.... He smells so good… Before I could look at him, there was darkness....   Sky (Snow's Fox) POV   The impact that Snow received from being pushed up against the wall, made me wake up. She fainted and I immediately took over her body. I push the guy so hard (a little too hard) that he fell to the opposite wall and slide down the wall. I turned around and floated to our room. I turned around so he could see my eyes. I slammed the door and locked it. The next thing I hear was him and Snow’s Dad banging on the door. They keep screaming for Snow to open the door. Well, Snow is not present. I didn’t move but now is the best time for me to introduce myself to Snow, so I gave her back our body.   Snow POV   I came too and I was seating on my bed. The pain in my head has increase and it was being unbearable. Why do I keep blacking out? Then I hear a voice... "It’s because of me." So, I look around my room and bathroom but there's no one here. I hear the voice again... "I am apart of you and you can hear me in your mind" It is no time for me to be going crazy I thought. "No, you’re not crazy, my name is Sky and I'm your fox" "My WHAT?" "No need to yell, you are a Kitsune fox. But you need to rest a little longer, I will heal you. You will feel a little better when you wake up.” “Question, how do I get rid of my tails?” “What do you mean; they are a part of you” “I can’t walk around with big clothes on. I meant can I hide them” “Oh, yes you can. Just think of them gone and they will disappear; think of them to show and they will appear.” “Thanks.” I begin to feel dizzy, so I went back to sleep ignoring all the commotion outside my door.   Alpha Azazel POV   I was laying on the guest bed and I hear a loud thump from Snow's room. I jump up and hurry to the door. Once I open the door, I can hear her moving around in her room. I decided to wait for her in the doorway. I saw Kim enter and leave her room. Kim says, “Good Morning, Alpha.” I replied, “Good Moring, Beta Kim.”   I stood in the doorway for another fifteen minutes. Once she opens the door, I'm faced with the most gorgeous mate in the world. She didn’t even glance my way. She turns to walk away. Oh no she didn’t: she must not know who she is dealing with, but she will soon find out. I grabbed both of her arms and pin her to the wall. Within a quick second, I was push hard against the opposite wall... When did she get supernatural powers, I thought in my head...? When I turn to look at her... WAIT, SHE WAS FLOATING!!! I quickly rubbed my eyes, jumped up, and froze in my spot... When I looked into her eyes, they were gold with swirling of black in the center... I never seen that before. Now what is going on here. She enters her room and shut the door... Within seconds I run to her door and jingle the handle... Yea its locked...    I hear Alpha Blake running down the hall screaming, "It’s 7am what is going on down here" I replied, "Alpha Blake, Snow woke up, she came out her room, I tried to talk to her and then she pushed me to the wall." I felt hurt to tell another Alpha that I was pushed by my mate. He looked at me and then the wall. My body print was on the wall. With a surprising tone, he says "she did that?” I just shook my head "Yes" so we both tried to get Snow to open the door, but she didn’t.   Alpha Blake says, "Go get dress, come down for breakfast, and hopefully she will join us." With a knobbed, I walk back to the guest room, shower, and got dress.   I walked to the kitchen which is very lively due to the incredible amount of people. I take a seat on the left said of Alpha Blake and next to Jason... Jason looks me in my face and then mind-linked me "Mr. Lover Boy you look like shit... you didn’t get any sleep" "I knew your new-found manners was just an act for Kim. To answer your question, it was a long night and morning" "Details... Details..." "Jason we will talk about it later." I shook my head and ate my breakfast.   Snow did not come down for breakfast. Alpha Blake and I went to his office on the sixth floor. When I walk in his office, it looks like a man cave and very spacious. He had a lounge area with a mounted TV on the right, a mini bar, a conference table in the middle of the room, and to the back of his room was his desk with two chairs with black and white decor. Alpha Blake took a seat at his desk and I sat in front of him in one of his chairs. He offers me a cigar, but I respectfully declined.   He leans back in his chair and says, "Alpha Azazel, what are your attention with my Princess?" I sat up straight and looked him straight in the eyes. "Well I plan to get to know her, love her, make her my Luna and mark her, Sir." He seemed excited and happy with my responses. "Son, is it ok to call you that?" I just nodded yes. "Son, she has a lot of things going on in her life right and I know it is our custom for her to return with you to your pack. Are you willingly to respect her decision if she chooses not to go with you?" Ghost and I was hurt by his question... Ghost started running around in my head yelling at me "NO, SHE MUST COME WITH US... WE NEED MATE... WE NEED MATE!!!" "Calm down, Ghost. I got this". I turn to Alpha Blake and says "I will talk with her, but she must come with me. I will compromise with her about whatever she has going on if she is with me. Can I ask you a question?" Alpha Blake just nodded his head "yes" "Do Snow have any supernatural powers or was she born a shifter? Her eyes turned gold with swirling of black in the center " "Son, we adopted Snow when she was three years old. Our pack's witch, Carrie, found her in the forest outside our territory. She was so small and weak. My wife took one look in her eyes and fell in love... I did too. It pains to have tell Snow that we have no information about her parents. I can’t seem to find any information on them. To answer your question, no she does not". I must find out what's going on with her. It looks like Alpha Blake is mind-linking someone... Snow is awake.   About a half of hour later, Luna Bella and Snow walks in Alpha Blake's office. Snow looked so beautiful: standing there looking innocent and shy. Alpha Blake stood up to say, "We will let you two kids talk first, privately and then we will talk as a group" Alpha Blake and Luna exited his office…
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