Chapter 13

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Snow POV   I woke up late afternoon. To my amazement, I feel a lot better. I begin to play back everything that happen from the party, having two mates, and the morning incident with Mr. Possessive. Wait... "Sky are you there."   Sky: Yes, Snow, I'm here. Me: What is a Kitsune fox? Sky: The most powerful supernatural fox in the world. Snow: WHAT! I thought I was just a human. Sky: Sorry to break it to you, you are not just a human. The type of fox you are does not awaken until their twentieth birthday. You are so magical which I will discuss your abilities later, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about me.” Me: Wait, What? Why, Not even my parents? Sky: No, it's just to keep you safe because once people know about your powers... They will try to take your powers. Me: They would not do that? My parents love me, and they will keep my secret. Sky: Soon they will but for now I am masking your scent so you can smell like a human. I have no doubts that they love you, but magical powers have a way of changing people. Me: If they want my powers, how could they take them? Sky: If they know about your star which is the source of your powers. Without it we cannot use of powers, we become weak and then die. Me: Ok, I understand. I need to tell my Aunt Carrie. Sky, I think we have two mates.” Sky: We do! Ghost is trying to communicate with me. I blocked him because I’m not sure if we can trust him yet. Me: Yes, we do and who is Ghost? Sky: Ghost is Alpha Azazel’s wolf. Me: Oh, Okay. I feel the same about Mr. Possessive. We both laugh at his new nickname.   I go to the bathroom, take a shower, and get dressed. Once I excited my bedroom, notice that all my senses are heighten. I can smell everything and everyone; I can hear everyone talking even whispers; my vision is clearer; and I feel stronger. Maybe, I should try that mind-link thing that everyone does. Before I try, Sky yells "NO!! Remember don’t tell no one about your new powers… I will teach you to mind-link". "Ok! Sky, you don’t have to yell".   I walked to the kitchen and was greeted by my mom and Ms. Jean. My mom looks at me with the biggest smile and says, "How are you feeling, baby girl?"   Me: I'm fine, Mom. Mom: You seem different... Wait your hair, what did you do? Me: I didn’t do nothing Mom. I woke up and the white patch was bigger and longer. Mom: Well it looks good you on, baby girl. Well, someone found their mate last night? Me: Yes, Mom… I was there. Please leave it… Mom: Are you hungry? Me: Starving, Mom.   My Mom says, "Ms. Jean, please fix Snow a plate and then we have to meet your father in his office." Here we go, my day is about to get very interesting...   While I was eating, Kim enters the kitchen.   Kim: Hey boo. You party was lit, and you feel any better?"   She starts to point at my butt.   Me: Yes, I do, thanks Kim.   My mom and Kim were talking about her meeting her mate. I was ate while I listen to their conversation.   Me: Mom, I am ready. Mom: Ok, baby girl. Let’s go. Me: See you later Kim. Kim: Ok Boo.   My mom and I walked up the stairs. Mom says, "Are you okay?"   Me: Mom it's just been a long night and morning. Mom: It will get worked out have faith baby girl. Me (with a heavy): Okay, Mom.   We reach my dad's office, I took a deep breath, and look at my mom. She seems so happy and why does she have a huge smile on her face. Mental note: I think my mom is looney... My mom knocks on the door. "Come in"   We enter my dad's office to see him seating at his desk. Mr. Possessive stands up to greet us and we lock eyes, again. Why do I keep looking at his eyes… Mr. Possessive moves closer to me and says, "Good Afternoon, Little One” I closed my eyes and whisper, “That’s not my name” When I see my dad, I walked pass Mr. Possessive and kissed my dad on his cheek. This action cause Mr. Possessive to growl and frown his face. I guess he didn’t like that... My dad says, "Don’t be rude and say Good Afternoon back" I look back at Mr. Possessive and say, "Good Afternoon."   My dad stands up to say, "We will let you two kids talk privately and then we will all talk together" My mom and Dad exited his office...   3, 2, 1… Again, I'm pinned to the wall by this Possessive Alpha and he says "MINES" What is wrong with him. I replied, “Okay… Okay… I know I am your mate. Can you please stop pinning me to the walls” Sky intervene, “You know you like it because I love it. Touch his chest and kiss him” I yell, “NO, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN… NOT TODAY OR EVER” Once I stop talking to Sky, I hear him talking to me. He says, “Come and seat on the coach so we can talk”. So, we walk to the lounge area.   We stand in front of the coach; I look up at him waiting for him to say something. It seems that he is talking to his wolf or mind-linking. I tried to get my hand out of his hold which makes him hold my hand tighter. As we seat on the coach, I was immediately pulled onto his lap. This time I can feel his arousal which makes me jump to the seat next to him. When I look back at him, he has a smirk on his face and one eyebrow raised. He looked so damn good. Snow, stop...   I start the conversation "So, we are mate, huh" "Yes, little one, you are my mate" "So, I attend Mansfield University and I live on campus. I will be leaving next month to go back to college”, with a stern tone. He looks at me with a blank and calm expression "You’re not leaving without me. Ghost and I need our mate. Our pack need their Luna". "I’m very aware of this and I know how the mating bond works. I want to finish college" "I understand so when are you supposed to return to college." "I return back to school in three weeks". "Can I propose a deal?" "Okay, what's the deal" "Come stay at my pack for the three weeks so I can get to know you better and we will discuss you returning to college, deal?" "Okay, that sounds like a plan. When do you want to leave?" "Tomorrow."  I went to get up and was pull back onto his lap. I turn to look at him and our faces were so close. He has the most amazing looking lips... Then it happens... HE KISSED ME... I KISSED HIM BACK... He wanted entry so he licked my bottom lip and I oblige. I never knew how great French kissing could be... It was mind blowing... I was lost in the moment until I needed to breathe...... 
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