Chapter 11

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Alpha Azazel POV   I was dancing with the most beautiful woman at the party. I couldn’t stop look at her alluring eyes. They were the same color as my eyes, light hazel. I notice that she started to check me out which amused me. She notices that I was aware that she was checking me: she turned red as a tomato. Then I smelt her arousal which smelled so sweet. I wish I could taste her right now. She was in a complete shock and ran out the ballroom.   Ghost yells "GO GET MATE… DONT LOSE HER AGAIN!!!" Looks who back… With my maximum speed, I catch her before she exits the hallway. I lift her chin so she can look in my eyes. In my husky tone I says, "Don’t ever run away from me, Little One". She starts shaking uncontrollably and faints.   Alpha Blake, Luna Bella, Thomas, and the other guest comes running down the hallway. Alpha Blake asks, "What did you do?" Unknown man lets out a growl… We all turn to him and his eyes were black.   Alpha Blake asks again, "What did you do?" I replied "Nothing, I tried to stop her from running away from me so I could talk to her. She starts shaking uncontrollably and faints". Luna Bella looks so worry and says, “I’ll mind-link the pack doctor.”   Alpha Blake picks up Snow bridal which makes me growled. Alpha Blake and Luna Bella looks at me in shock. He says, "I'll take her to her room. She needs to rest. I think this was too much excitement for her. We will discuss this in the morning. You and your pack members are welcome to stay in our guest rooms". Alpha Blake mind-linked someone.   A little old lady comes and stand next to Alpha Blake. She says” Alpha, you need me?”   He says, "Yes, Ms. Jean, please show Alpha Azazel and his members to the guest rooms.” Luna Bella says, “Please, take Alpha Azazel to Snow’s guest room.”    She says, “As you wish, Alpha and Luna.”   I give Alpha Blake a nodded and follow Ms. Jean to the ballroom to talk to my pack members. I mind-linked Jason to send our pack members’ home. Jason, you will stay here with me for the night. Ghost intervene "I hope our mate is ok and we should go be with her" I replied, "No we will see her in the morning". Ms. Jean showed me to Snow’s guest room. I exited the guest room and Alpha Blake was exiting Snow’s room.   Me: How is she? Alpha Blake: She has not woken up. The doctor stated that her vitals are find. He will check on her in the morning. Me: Ok, Thanks for the update.   We walked to the ballroom in silence. The guest and my pack members were still having a good time. Alpha Blake went to talk with his sons and Beta. I headed to the bar for a much-needed drink. Again, Ghost starts telling me "Go be with Mate. She needs us!" This time, I blocked him out and he was pissed...   On my second drink, I see Jason walks over with a young lady. Jason says "Alpha, please meet my mate, her name is Kimberly Wilson. She is Snow’s best friend and Beta Mitch’s daughter." I look at him sarcastically. In my mind, I say to myself "Now, this dude has manners.” I respectfully say, "Nice to meet you Kimberly." Kim says "Please call me, Kim. I saw you dancing with Snow earlier. Where is she?" Rubbing the back of my neck, "Yes, about that... Alpha Blake took her to her room because she fainted." Kim says, "WHAT!!! I gotta go!!!" Before she could leave, I told her no because Alpha Blake said she needed rest; and we will see her in the morning. Jason and Kim went to the dance floor. I am so happy that he found his mate and its Snow's best friend.   Thinking about my mate, I was interrupted by my not so sober little sister who wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my back... Jazz says "I see you founded her... Is she a human because she does not smell like a she-wolf?"  I just rubbed my neck and sigh "I think so" She asks, "Are you going to reject her?" Ghost yells "HELL NO" I replied to him "I got this.” "Jazz, why would I reject my mate" in a calm tone. "Because she is human, and she can’t protect herself!" "Jazz, that's not true because we can teach her to protect herself that's why we have training classes seven times a week!" "Yes, true. Big Bro... I happy with any decision you make" "Thanks Jazz".   We sat at the bar and laughing at the other wolves who could not dance to save their lives. I notice people where leaving the party, so I mind-linked my pack members. I informed them that Jason and I was staying at the pack in order to handle some business. Jason and I said our goodbyes and made sure everyone was in their limousines.  I told Zion and Zack that they were in charged until I return home. Ms. Jean mat us at the front door, so she showed us to our rooms. Jason stayed on the first floor with Kim. Ms. Jean took me to the fifth floor. She says "You will stay in the room across from Snow. We don’t want your wolf becoming antsy and crazy. I am pretty sure he wants to be with Snow.” I replied, “More than you can image.” She says, “Alpha Blake informed me to tell you to meet us for breakfast at 8am and after breakfast you will meet him in his office. I replied, "okay and thank you".   I was not surprise that they let me stay next to Snow's room. I am pretty sure Alpha Blake and Luna Bella knows what I am experiencing being away from Snow. I hope this will calm Ghost down. When I heard Ms. Jean walk down the stairs, I went to Snow's door to hear any movement. With my enhanced wolf hearing, I could hear her steady breathing which meant she was sleeping comfortably. That made Ghost and I calmer.  Ghost says, "open the door and go be with mate." I replied, "No, we will let her rest and see her in the morning." I am blocking him for the rest of the night.   I walk back into the guest room, I notice the room decorated with black, grey, and white décor. There was a king size bed, 65-inch wall tv, loveseat and a private bathroom. This mansion is amazing. I lay in the bed; the bed is so soft too... Definitely, need to renovate our pack house…   Before I fell asleep, I received a mind-link from Manny informing me that rogues had enter our territory. They burned three buildings and killed ten werewolves. I mind-linked him back that I would handle the issue when I get back home to the pack. These damn rogues are working my last nerves. I mind link Jason, Zion, and Zack to inform them of the situation. Zack says, “He will assess the situation and get back to me tomorrow. Enjoy your night with your mates.” If only I wish I was lying beside her right now. I tried my hardest to go to sleep; I was unsuccessful…   Aaron POV   Snow’s birthday party was epic but was sad that I left early. I was so ecstatic to see my mate again. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. In time, she will be all mine. Havoc says, “Why didn’t you reject her?” I replied, “No, I want her. Why didn’t you tell her she was our mate?” Havoc says, “I want my Kitsune fox. I don’t want her. You have enough playmates. You do not need another one!”  Jack says, “The rogues are ready to go inside Riverbank territory.” I replied, “Tell them it’s a go!”   During the party, I had some rogues go to the Riverbank pack. They set three fires to Alpha’s Azazel’s businesses and killed ten of his contractors. Yes, one of the businesses was the “Blue Mates Bar”. Now, I just seat and wait for him to call me. My plan will begin…
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