Chapter 17

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Snow POV The ride to Riverbank Pack was quiet. I asks, “Sky, I want to mind-link Kim. I feel bad that I have not told her about my powers. She is my best friend and I want her to know.” Sky says, “As long as you don’t tell her about any of your powers. Just let her know that you are a fox without powers.” Me: Ok. Keep my powers a secret. How does this mind-link work? Sky: Just focus on talking to only Kim through your mind. She will hear you.   Here I go…   Me: Kim Kim: Snow, is that you?   She looks at me surprisingly.   Me: Yes, Kim. It’s me. Kim: What is going on? How can you mind-link me? Me: This will shock you, but I can mind-link with all supernaturals. Kim: WHAT? What else can you do? Me: So far that is it… How was your night with Jason? Kim: It was awesome. We talked all night long. Me: I thought you would have been mated and marked by this morning. Kim: In due time, we decided to take it slow. Yes, he is a sweetheart and I love him already. Me: You love him… How slow, Kim? Kim: Yes, he wants to wait until our mating ceremony. Me: When will that be? Kim: In four weeks. When are you planning to get mated and marked, Luna? Me: Kim… I am not a Luna, but I am not sure… It’s a lot I have to think about before I do that… especially about college. Kim: You still on the college issue. We can take online classes. Our safety is more important than college. Me: Yes, I know Kim… I just want to go back to college. Kim: I know you do… We will work it out together. Me: Thanks, Kim. Kim: How is Alpha Azazel?” Me: Possessive!!! Kim: Well, he is an Alpha! Me: Yes, I know but its two much deal with right now. I wanted to stay home during my transition; he was not having it. Kim: You mean is wolf was not having it. Me: Yea but I have another problem. Kim: What is it? Me: I have two mates.   Kim turned to look at me….   Kim: WHAT? Me: Yes, there is another man who is my mate too. His name is Aaron. Kim: Did you tell your Mom and Dad? Me: No, you are the only one I have told. I want to make sure. Kim: Do you feel the mating bond with him? Me: Oh Yes…. Kim: He might go crazy since you left. Me: I hope not. Hopefully, I can talk with him when we return for my brother’s Alpha ceremony. Kim: You better… You a lucky girl…. Will you be able to handle two d***s!!!! Me: KIM!!! I don’t even know how one feels yet…   We both started laughing, which made Jason and Mr. Possessive look at us confusedly. We continue to mind-link during the ride. Jason intervene, “We would like to join in the conversation too.” Kim says, “Aww baby, you feel left out.” Mr. Possessive laughed at Kim’s statement. Jason says, “Not fair, Kim… Not fair.”      We arrived at the Riverbank’s pack house. I must say the pack house is smaller than our pack house. The pack house had a vintage look on the outside. We were greeted by Jazz, Zion and Zack when entered the pack house. Alpha Azazel and Zion went to his office to discuss an incident that happen during my birthday party. Jason took Kim and I on the tour of the pack house. The pack house had four floors. The first floor was common area and offices; The second floor for the unmated werewolves; third floor was for Jazz, Zack, and Zion, and the fourth floor was for Alpha Azazel and Jason. Jason should Kim to their room. She decided she would unpack and take a nap. Then, Jason took me to Alpha Azazel’s room which I did the same thing as Kim. Jason informed me that dinner was at 7pm. I nodded okay and told him thanks for the tour. Jason says, “Luna, since you are able to mind link, please don’t hesitate to use it if you need anything. I mind linked Jason and said, “Please call me Snow. No problem.” He left out of my room.      Alpha Azazel’s room had blue, white, and grey décor, king size bed, 75-inch TV with an entertainment center, a lounge area, huge his/her walk-in closet and a private bathroom. I walked in the bathroom which had a jacuzzi that looks like it can fit four people, a shower, and a double vanity. I love his bathroom. I seat on the coach and turns of the TV.   Sky: What you think? Me: About? Sky: The pack house... This is your new home. Me: Don’t know about that but it’s nice. I must get use to a new place. I didn’t plan on meeting my mates this soon. I am overwhelmed with all the changes in my life. Were you able to talk to Aaron’s wolf Sky: Yes, I understand… No, his wolf has been blocking me. You want to try disguising your image. Me: Why? Yes, sure. Sky: Let’s do our clothes first. Me: Wait, I can change anything on my body? Sky: Yes, you can. Just think of the item and snap your fingers. Me: Ok. Here goes nothing.   I walk over to the floor length mirror. I image myself wearing a red short-sleeve top and black skinny jean with black sandals. I snapped my finger and the clothes appeared immediately. Oh, I think I am going to like this. The tricks I can play on Mr. Possessive will be priceless…   I woke up with Mr. Possessive looking at me while was taking a nap. I murmur, “Why are you looking at me”   Azazel: I am just admiring your beauty.   Turning to a tomato, “Aww, thanks. Its creepy to stare at someone sleeping,” I say.   Azazel: Well, you’re going to have to just deal with it. Tomorrow, I am going to take you to my special place. Me: Okay, sure.   I try to roll over, but he turned me back to face him.   Azazel: I was not done talking to you, Little One. Are you hungry? We can eat up here or downstairs. Me: Yes, I am and up here is fine. I am really not in the mood to talk to anyone.   I TRIED to get out of the bed and was pull back onto the bed. I do not understand how I got underneath him. He went to the crack of my neck to smell my scent, but it was gone. I quickly release my scent which calmed him down.   He whispers, “No more illusion tricks, Little One.” Looking in his eyes, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I need to get up so I can use the bathroom, or I can go right here in your bed”. He moved to the side of me so I can get out the bed to use the bathroom. I come out the bathroom and our dinner were placed in the lounging area. I TRIED to seat on the coach, but I was pulled onto his lap.   I asked, “Can I seat on the coach?” He replied with his sexy husky voice, “No I am going to feed you.” I harshly replied, “I am not a child... I am feed myself…” He says, “Yes, I know Little One. I want you to know that I can going to pamper you every chance I get. I am going to feed you, carry you, bath you, dress you and kiss you from your head to your tiny toes.”   Why did those few little words send tingle down my spine to my private area. Lucky, I learnt how to hide my arousal cause my panties are dripping wet and his erection is between my butt cheeks… I am in for a rude awakening… After dinner, we watched movies until we fell asleep…  
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