Chapter 16

1250 Words
Snow POV I woke up and my behind hurting again. I ran to my mirror; yes, I have another tail… Number 3… Mental note: This is going to be a long transition. I get into the shower and let the water run down my hair to my toes.   Me: Good Morning, Sky. Sky: Hey, Snow. How are you feeling? Me: A little pain but I will get used to it. Sky: I see you have another tail. Me: Yes, I do. What powers did this tail bring” Sky: I am not sure, yet. But I will tell you when I know.   We became quiet… when we hear a loud growl... guess who is awoke… The Possessive Alpha… Then I heard a knock at my door…   Alpha Azazel POV  I woke up feeling dizzy… What happen last night and how did I get in this room? I swore I was in the room with Snow…  Ghost laugh, “Yea, you were but she is a tricky, Little One” Me: Huh, Ghost, what are you talking about? Ghost: i***t… You were tricked by your mate. Me: She wouldn’t. Ghost: No, but she did.   He starts to laugh controllably.   All I could do was growl loud and harshly. “What’s so funny?”  Ghost: You thought you was going to punish her and have some fun… I guess that didn’t work out on your behalf. Me: Hush, Mutt... Tell me what happen… Wait, how do you know all of this. Ghost: First of all, I told you she was very special. She is a Kitsune. Secondly, I mat her Fox. Her name is Sky… Such a beautiful fox and name. She used her illusion ability on you. Me: What do that entail? Ghost: She is able to manipulate people to see whatever she wants them to see. It was quite a show. Me: You didn’t help me. Ghost: Nope (popping the p). Me: What did she tell you? Ghost: Well, she did not tell me a lot, but she did ask if we could decrease our possessiveness during her transition. Me: What transition? Ghost: The transition of gaining all of her tails. Me: I must talk to her, Now!!! Ghost: Only if you promise to be calm. She is in pain and very weak. She can’t use too much of her energy or she will blackout. Me: Can’t make no promises.   I take a shower, get dress, and packed my belongings so we can leave after breakfast. I exit the bedroom and knock on Snow’s door. She tells me I can come in. I walk in her room and its so intoxicating. I love the strawberries and mimosa scent. She is seating at her vanity, brushing her long gorgeous hair. She places her hair in a high ponytail. The sun is beaming on her shimmer caramel skin. All I want to do is mark her right here and now.  Ghost says, “NO!!! We must wait until she is ready. Mating and marking can damage her transition.”  Me: How long is this transition? Ghost: Two weeks. Me: TWO WEEKS… I HAVE TO BE AROUND THIS EXQUISTE SPECIMAN FOR TWO WEEKS WITHOUT f*****g HER… f**k MY LIFE!!!”   She looks at me confusingly. I snap out of my conversation with Ghost.   Me: Sorry, Good Morning, Little One.   I walked towards her and kissed her softly on the cheek.   Snow: Good Morning, Mr. Alpha. Me: Can we talk? Snow: Yes sure. Me: What happen last night?   She seems as though she was debating on what she was going to say. She replied, “Well, I needed some alone time with my fox. I knew you would not let me, so I persuaded you to go to bed. You enjoyed it though, with a little giggle.”   Now, I looked at her with one eyebrow raised, oh she is good.   Ghost intervene, “See I told you!”   I shook my head and ignored him. “Little One, why didn’t you tell me about your fox, Sky.”  Snow: Well, I didn’t know I was a fox until the morning after my birthday. Me: Have or Can you shift to your fox? Snow: No, she said I have to wait until my transition is completed.” Me: Can I see your tails?   She stands up and show me her three tails. I must say they look just as beautiful as her. I reach out to touch them and she retracted them. I’m guessing she does not trust me yet.  Me: I know you can float and have illusion abilities. Are there any other powers you have? Snow: Yes, but I won’t know about them until I can use them. When are we leaving? Me: We are leaving after breakfast. Snow: I guess we should head down to the kitchen.   I walked to the door, open the door for her and we walked down to the kitchen.   We enter the kitchen and greets everyone “Good Morning.” Snow seats next to her Dad and I seat next to her.   Alpha Blake: How’s my princess this morning? Snow: I am okay, Dad Luna Bella: My Baby Girl is leaving us today. If you need me, I am a phone call away. Snow: I know Mom... I know. Luna Bella: What time you are leaving? Me: We are leaving after breakfast. Luna Bella: I am going to miss my Baby Girl. Snow: I’m going to miss you too Mom.   About a minute later, Jason and Kim enter the kitchen and greets everyone. They seat nice to me; Jason starts to mind-link me, “What time are we leaving, Bossman” “We are leaving after breakfast.” Same ole Jason.  Jason: How was your night, Bossman? Me: It was cool. Jason: Did you get some loving? Me: Jason, that’s none of your business. Jason: Well, I did… ALL NIGHT LONG… Anyway, Snow looks different this morning. Me: Very happy for you and about time… Yes, she does... She is a fox.   Jason looked at me with wide eyes, “A Fox, how do you know?”  Me: I seen her tails. Ghost talked to her fox while I was sleeping. Jason: Oh, do you know what type of fox? Me: Yes, Kitsune. Jason had the biggest smile on his face, “A Kitsune… Wait Bossman, do you know how many tails she will have?  Me: No… Jason, you know about the Kitsune. Jason: Yes, my Mom use to tell me stories about them. Me: I need you to tell me everything you know when we get home. We ended our mind link. Now I get to know more about my mate and her fox.   We continue to eat and talk about the recent hunters, rogues, and vampire attacks. All I could do was stare at Snow. She is breathtaking beautiful. My mind got away from me and my d**k started to raise. THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG TWO WEEKS…. After we finished eating, we said our good byes. Snow’s parents walk us to the SUV. Jason and Kim were standing by the SUV. We all get in the truck and drove away. 
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