Chapter 18

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Alpha Azazel POV I woke up at 5am to take a shower and get dress. I needed to send some emails before our pack’s morning training. I left the room and went to my office. Zion mind-linked me saying we need to discuss an incident that happen during Snow’s birthday party. I mind-link Zion and told him I was in my office.  Zion and Zack entered my office and took a seat at my desk.   Zion: The rouges set the new club on fire. Me: WHAT!!! YOU DID NOT TELL ME THAT. I AM GOING TO KILL ALL OF THEM!!!   Zion places five bullet castings on my desk.   Me: What are these? Zion: Bullets! Me: I see that smarty-pants… Why do they have silver liquid in them? Zion: It’s silver and wolfsbane. It’s a lethal dose which killed two warriors and ten of our best contractors. Me: WHAT!!! Zack: Yes, our projects are on hold until we find new contractors. Me: This is not good… Zion: I know but maybe we could use the contractor Alpha Blake works with. He stated that he could start repairing our buildings as early as next week. Me: Who is this contractor? That’s convenient… Zion: Jones Construction, LLC. Me: Oh, he does do he. I have not heard of him. I don’t like it. Hold off on accepting the contract from Jones Construction, LLC until I can get more information on the owners and his workers. I don’t need no more slip ups.  Zack: When are we having the Luna ceremony? Me: I’m not sure. Snow is not feeling good, so I want to wait until she feels better. I plan to take her on a surprise picnic tomorrow. Zion: I think she would like that, Bro. Me: Yea, I hope so.   Jason enters my office.   Jason: Yall miss me.   We all looked at him crazy.   Zack and Zion excuse themselves so they could be on time for training.   Me: Jason, are you ready to tell me about the Kitsune fox. Jason: Yes, Bossman. What do you want to know? Me: Everything you know! Jason: Well, my mom says that they have star which is their power source without it they can’t use their powers. They have healing abilities through their star. They are unable to live without their star. They become weak and die. Some Kitsune foxes have three or five tails. They are able to control life’s elements… Me: Life elements? Jason: Yes, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. The all-white fox with nine tails is the Celestial fox and the most powerful. They are born every century. They transition on or after their Twentieth birthday. Their fox matures within a two-week period. They can expel their powers from their hands or tails, teleportation abilities, and they are able to disguise themselves. They can use some powers on their mates, but it does not last long. Do you know how many tails she has? Me: Yes, she has three white tails. Jason: Well, we will have to wait until she completes her transition. Do you want to talk with my mom about it? Me: No, I’ll wait to see if she tells me on her own. Plus, it seems that Ghost and Sky has a good relationship. He already made a deal with Sky. Jason: Your wolf traded on you too, Bro? Me: Yea, it looks like it.      We both say in unison, “it’s the mating bond”. After I filled him in about the rogues, Jason explains that he could get the bullets exam and see if we can find out where they come from. We left my office to go to the training area.      After training, I went to our bedroom to see if Snow was awake. I open our bedroom door, and she is sleeping so peaceful. I took a quick shower, put on some shorts, laid on the opposite side of her, and watched her sleep. She is absolutely the most beautiful woman I ever seen. Her skin is so smooth. I touch her arm which make her swarm in her sleep. She eventually wakes up. I look down at her hazel eyes… She murmurs, “Why are you looking at me”   Me: I am just admiring your beauty. Do you know its past lunch time? Snow (turns red as a tomato): Aww, thanks and no… You know It’s creepy to stare at someone sleeping. Me: Well, you’re going to have to just deal with it. Tomorrow, I am going to take you to my special place. Snow: Oh, you are, huh! Me: Yes, I am… Snow: What if I don’t want to go? Me: Oh you going, Little One!   She tries to roll over. I grab her waist and turned her back to face me.   Me: I was not done talking to you, Little One. Are you hungry?   I could tell that she was thinking of something smart to say but her stomach turned on her by growling…   Me: That answer my question… We can eat up here or downstairs. Snow: Up here is fine. I am really not in the mood to talk to anyone.      I mind-linked Judy to bring our dinner to our bedroom. She TRIED to get out of the bed; I pulled her back into the bed underneath me. I sniff the crock of her neck. I could not smell her sweet strawberries and mimosa scent. I took another sniff and it slapped me all in my face. I whisper in her ear, “No more illusion tricks, Little One.”      She looked in my eyes, “I don’t know what you are talking about. I need to get up so I can use the bathroom, or I can go right here in your bed”. I moved to the side so she could get out the bed to use the bathroom. Judy (our omega) knocked on the door. I opened the door and she handed me our dinner trays. I placed our dinner trays in the lounging area. She came out of the bathroom and TRIED to seat on the coach next to me, but I pulled her on my lap.   Snow (whispers): Can I seat on the coach? Me: No, I am going to feed you. Snow: I am not a child... I can feed myself… Me: Yes, I know, Little One. I want you to know that I can going to pamper you every chance I get. I am going to feed you, carry you, bath you, dress you and kiss you from your head to your tiny toes.      My d**k swelled as soon as she sat on my lab. She wiggled her butt which made my erection slide between her butt cheeks… She jumped up with a surprising expression and I just looked at her with a smirk… I place my hands up and says, “Not my fault!” She said, “Whatever!” I let her seat next to me on the couch while we ate dinner, watch Netflix, until we fell asleep…
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