Chapter 2.

1043 Words
. “You know how I I with crowds. I might embarrassed myself.” “So? It’s a party, dear! Not a formal meeting.” Maya chuckled. “Go. Go have some fun. Drink and be merry. But not too much to destroy your liver.” Leah gave her aunt an amused, incredulous look. “You know, other guardians would be deterring their wards from worldly adventures. But you’re the total opposite.” Leah chuckled. “Besides, I don’t drink. Alcohol tastes nasty.” Maya smirked at her niece. “What can I say? I’m built different.” Leah rolled her eyes at that statement, a smile on her lips. “Besides, you don’t have to drink to have fun. Parties also have punches with low alcohol content. But be cautious all the same.” Leah heaved a sigh, c*****g a brow. “You’re not going to let me hear the last of it if I don’t go, right?” “Nope~” Maya grinned at her. “Fine!” Leah groaned out, dropping her forehead on her desk and getting a laugh from her aunt at her action. “But only today!” She raided her head and gave her aunt a mock glare. “I’m never going out again even if the party ends up being nice!” Maya chuckled, her eyes gleaming mischievously. “We’ll see about that, deary.” Aunt and niece talked for a while before Leah ended the call, having to get prepared for the party. She said goodbye to her aunt before ending the call and shutting down her laptop. She sent a text to Alicia, informing the young adult that she would like to come to the party. Alicia asked her where her room was so that she could come pick Leah up, but like always, Leah redirected, and told Alicia to wait at the entrance of the dormitory. Leah took a quick shower and got dressed in under twenty minutes. When Alicia called her texted her that she was outside waiting, she switched off her lights, locked her door and headed out to meet her friend of five months. The party was kind of great, if Leah said so herself. It was quite different from the one or two high school parties she had been invited to. This one contained more booze, s*x and stupidity. She refused to touch the drinks, certain that the drinks contained high level of alcohol. And germs. Lots of germs. Of course Alicia saw this and teased her friend to lighten up a little. Leah just gave her a deadpanned stare. With an amused chuckle, Alicia went and get a drink for Leah, claiming that it wasn’t alcohol and the teen took it after some moments of hesitation. It tasted like Coca-Cola but it had q hint of something in it. Leah made it known, voicing her concern but Alicia waved it off, claiming that it was nothing. Leah started feeling off and before she knew it she began to lose her usual stoic attitude. Whatever was in that drink, it was making Leah lose control grip-tight composure. She even started taking the drinks Alicia gave to her and started drowning them like a man starved. With how wild she was, she became the heart of the party. The night became a blur after that, and hours later before Leah finally gave into the alcohol and passed out, she saw Alicia giving her a look of guilt and sympathy. The feel of rapid and bumpy movements had Leah slowly waking up. She blinked, trying to adjust to the lighting surround her – or in this case the lack of proper lighting. As the cobwebs clouding her might d started clearing away and clarity crept in, her ears caught the sounds of sobbing. “Ugh...” She groaned, sitting up as she clutched her head. “What happened?” She blinked slowly and started looking around. “Where...” Leah immediately noticed two other girls in the box like structure with her. One of them had make up smeared on her face due to her crying uncontrollably. “What-!” Leah doubled over and gagged, her throat closing up at the feeling of her trying to throw up. She took deep breaths, her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself and her rapidly beating heart. What is happening?! Where was she?! What’s going on?! All these rang in Leah’s head, the girl internally freaking out. She managed to calm herself enough to once again look around. From the sounds of it, she was in a vehicle of some sort, and from the cracks of the enclosure, she peeped trees and what seemed like hills. Were they perchance in a mountain area? Then it hit her. She was being kidnapped. “Oh my god.” Leah gasped out. “Oh my f*****g god!” She grabbed her head, her fingers gripping her dishevelled locks. She was being taken away by strangers. She was being carried away to an unknown fate. Her aunt. Did Maya know about her whereabouts? If was already day time. Was she searching for Leah? Was she okay? Knowing her aunt she was most probably going insane with worry if Leah was not found. Oh god what is happening?! Was she even in the same country?! “-ey! Hey! Look at me!” A voice called out, pulling Leah put of her chaotic thoughts. She looked up at the young woman staring down at her with a soft yet broken expression. “Breathe.” Leah then noticed that she was hyperventilating, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her breathes were going in shock gasps, her heart thundering inside her ribcage. With a little help, Leah managed to get her bearings a little. She wiped her face, smearing her ruined make up on her white long sleeve shirt. “How... what’s going on?” Leah asked with a whisper, the teen looking lost. “I honestly do not know.” The young woman replied. “One minute I was in a party and the next I’m here. I really thought the w**d I had last night was still f*****g with me, but nope! Hey I am! f*****g kidnapped!”
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