Chapter 3.

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“A... did you just say you went to a party?” Leah whispered out. “Is it the Collen’s party?” “Yes... is that the last place you remember?” The young woman asked, getting a nod from Leah. “Me- me too.” The other young woman with the runny make up said, crawling over to them. “The last thing I can remember is my friend giving me a drink and I passed out.” “So we were all at the party.” Leah said, her brow furrowing “Holy s**t that party was a meeting point!” The girl who comforted Leah said, her face twisting in horror. “It was a den of slave traders! I knew it! I knew that school was f****d up!” Leah bit her lip. So, they were betrayed and sold? Her mind went to Alicia. Would the girl who she called her friend actually sell her? Or was she kidnapped and Alicia was going out of her mind with worry like Maya? “I’m... I’m Jack.” The girl with the ruined make up muttered. She looked tired, as if she had cried her soul out. “... Leah.” Leah gave her a shaky smile, which was returned in a dark but shaky manner as well. It was a good sign Leah thought. “Sandra.” The last lady said, giving the two a shaky grin which melted away moments later. “We need to come up with a plan to get out of this mess.” Leah blinked. “How? We’re still on the move and we don’t even know where we are.” She whispered. “That gives us more time to plan then!” Sandra whispered back. “But we- we don’t even know who they are! Or how they look like! Or where we are even!” Jack interjected, a look of mild panic on her face. “Even though we manage to escape, where are we going to go?!” “We still have to try!” Sandra said hotly, a determined look on her face. “Lord knows what horrible things they’d do to us! We have to find a way and-!” The car came to a screeching halt, causing the girls to stumble a little. The three shared a wide eyed look, hearts beating at the realization that they have reached their unknown destination. Voices from outside were loud and before they knew it, the doors of their temporary prison was thrown opened. The girls put up a fight as they were dragged out, flaring their limbs as they screamed. “Shut up, you stupid cunt!” The man holding Leah grunted out as he threw her to the ground, causing the air in her lungs to winded out as she made contact with the hard forest ground. Leah laid on the floor, groaning at the pain shooting up her body. She was raised back up harshly, causing the nausea from her alcohol and drugged sleep to come back. The other girls looked at Leah with worry. They started moving and the three girls noticed the large compound ahead of them. Leah felt her heart slowly made its way up her throat at the sight of the highly fenced wide structure. A shout was heard and they all turned around to see that Sandra had head butted her captor as well as delivered an elbow to his groin when she dropped to a crouch to take the form of a sprint and was making a run for it. Hope blossomed in Leah’s chest at the sight of Sandra sprinting away. The young woman was fast and she was zipping past trees. She wondered if Sandra was in the track team. Leah’s heart thundered when one or two men c****d their guns and started shooting at Sandra. Jack started screaming at the noise, ducking her head as if to protect herself. Leah covered her ears with her hands, but her eyes never strayed away from Sandra’s escaping form. The trees helped in giving her cover as she ran from side to side and never in a straight line. “You f*****g b***h!” The man who Sandra had elbowed in the nuts, and was bleeding from his nose, snarled out animalistically. His eyes took on a feral glow and his teeth were bared, showing out sharp fangs. Before her very eyes, the man started shedding his skin and clothes – fur breaking out as his skin fell apart with some kind of slimy fluid and fell to the floor with his ripped pieces of clothes. Jack let out a shuddering gasp of disbelief as the creature fell on his front paws. In a flash, the creature zoomed off – a man or two shouting his name to calm down and stop – that a person by the name of Nero would be displeased with him. But that didn’t get through to it. The creature was fast in its unnaturally speed, and in no time, it caught up to Sandra – who turned around and screamed at the sight of it. Static noise filled Leah’s ears as she watched with wide eyes as the creature ripped Sandra apart. Limbs and flesh started flying in the air as it clawed and ripped Sandra like a doll in its rage. The girl’s scream of terror was loud and blood curling that even Leah could hear her Leah took a shaky step back and ended up stumbling down on her a*s, still looking ahead at the m******e in shock. It wasn’t real, Leah thought. Her mind was playing tricks on her in her distressed state. But she was proved wrong when the creature, looking like a mix between a man and a wolf, started making its way to them – Sandra’s head being held by her blood hair in his hand. Sandra’s facial expression was twisted into one of horror and fear. Without further ado, Leah turned her head to the side and vomited.
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