
I Am The Alpha's Soulbond Mate

friends to lovers

Leah hated everything Nero embodied, but the pull of their Soulbond made her start falling in love with him little by little regardless. When he saved her from certain death after she angered a Werewolf of the Pack, she starts noticing him in a different light and it doesn’t take much time before she was fully in love with him.

Under the light of the full moon, the two share their first kiss after dancing around each other for months – the howling of their Pack members filling the air. Leah (now a Werewolf) becomes Queen of the Pack and with this turning point, comes great changes unfathomable to many. How will she deal with the challenges from both internal and external?

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Chapter 1.
Leah looked at her arranged room with mixture f sadness and happiness. He hers took in her dressed bed to the closed wardrobe that now has a few of her clothing and shoes to the wallpapers and posters of her favourite TV characters and band members. This was it. She was finally leaving for college. After many months of trail and failure and tears and heartbreak – she finally got into her dream school. Even though it wasn’t the course and department she so wanted, she still got in. “Leah dear! Are you ready, sweetie?!” A familiar voice called out and footsteps belonging to her aunt ascended up the stairs and headed towards her room. The bedroom door opened and her aunt Maya sticked her into the room. “You ready, sugar?” “Yep. Just giving my room one last goodbye.” Leah grinned at her aunt. Maya chuckled, opening the door wide and walking in. “You do know you’re going to come back home for holidays and some free days, right?” She wrapped her arm around Leah’s shoulders, pulling the teen close. “I know. But that doesn’t mean I won’t miss it. And you.” Leah wrapped her arms around her aunt’s waist. “Awn~” The taller woman, already dressed in a pair of black jeans, a navy blue, sleeveless turtleneck shirt with a short leather jacket thrown on and wearing a pair of black leather boots, hugged her niece back. “You’re gonna make cry, sugar.” Leah giggled, burying her face into her aunt’s ample bosoms. “You’re gonna ruin your make up if you do so. Then I have to wait for another hour for you to get it redone.” Maya laughed, letting go of Leah. “You’re one cheeky brat!” She teased, pinching Leah’s cheek – getting a gentle swat from the teen for her troubles. “Not a brat.” Leah harrumphed, getting a chuckle from her aunt who gently ruffled her hair. “Come on.” Maya grabbed hold of one of Leah’s bag and carried it, leaving the duffle bag and backpack for Leah to carry. “Let’s go. We have to get a tour of the uni before it gets too late. I want to see how perfect that school is considering how f*****g expensive it is for a public school.” She made her way out, waiting for Leah by the door – a gentle smile on her lips. Leah chuckled with a nod. She gave her room, which she had been living in since she was given to her aunt since she was four, one last bittersweet look before followed after her aunt, gently closing her door behind her. It took two hours for the two to get to the university and they had a fun time together in their car ride. When they reached the school, they were welcomed by a 3rd year who would oversee the tour with them. Leah was shown to her room, which she would live in alone on campus (as requested by her and granted by her aunt and the school after a load of cash was paid) . She dropped her bags, took her phone and left with her aunt and the 3rd year. The school was truly beautiful and Leah got to see her department building and how it was. She got her timetable from the administration office (which her aunt used that opportunity to say high to the officials there) and the three headed out for the rest of the tour. An hour or so later saw Leah saying goodbye to her aunt, hugging the woman tight. “If you need anything, call me. You know I’ll drive to you in a flash to help.” Maya said into Leah’s hair, her nose buried in those luscious, vanilla and honey scenting locks. “I know, Aunty.” Leah had a large smile on her lips. “I’m a big girl now. I’ll be fine.” Maya separated form her niece and looked down at her with a bright smile. “I know you will. You’re my fierce little gremlin!” She placed s smacking kiss on Leah’s forehead, getting a giggle from the teen. “Take care of yourself, Fire Cracker. Remember to eat, drink and be okay. And try go out sometimes. No locking yourself indoors for long hours.” “Seeing as I have classes, I don’t think that will be a problem.” Leah chuckled, getting s grin from Maya. The two shared one last hug before Maya hesitantly walked to her car. Even as she pulled put of the parking lot, she was waving goodbye to Leah – who happily returned the gesture. Leah watched her aunt drive away, a heavy feeling in her heart. So bittersweet. She shook her head and made her way back to her senior, who gave her a gentle smile. It’s been five months since Leah started college and the only word she could use to describe it was stressful. Sure the classes were fun and educating, but the workload was staggering. And it was just the first semester! Leah and her aunt communicated frequently, especially early in the morning and evening when she knew Leah would be out of classes (she had a digital copy of Leah’s timetable). Maya served as Leah’s rock during her stressful classes. Then come tests and before she knew it, Leah was writing her first semester exams. She was there to comfort an overwhelmed Leah who video called her in distress. It was due to her strong will and Leah’s disapproval that she didn’t drive to the school and take Leah far away from her troubles. Leah was a full fledge adult now. She didn’t need Maya to smoother her or hold her hand every step of the way. And just like she expected, Leah pulled through. Currently, the two were discussing as Leah got some of her things prepared for her journey back home in two days time to stay for the two weeks they have been given as holiday. Leah had made mention of a party one of her coursemate, who she had managed to befriend, was attending and she was invited as well. “You should go, Lee. It might be a nice experience.” “Might.” The nineteen year old emphasised, closing the duffle bag and setting it aside in the corner. She walked back to her desk, which had her open med laptop and sat down. She stared into the broadcasted vision of her aunt’s face and smiled

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