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I was still in shock, as Cody kept talking, the new York preview, had done an issue on him a few months ago and tagged him ' New York's number one most eligible bachelor'. I could still recall the pictures that were spread center piece in the magazine, he had looked so handsome and formidable, he was tall with broad shoulders, his navy suit had fit his frame so well I imagined he spent a lot of time in the gym to get that figure. He had looked wild yet tame, his eyes had told all the story, the were a raging storm cloud, the blue blending with the grey to give him an ice cold look. I could still recall the shiver I had felt racing down my spine when I had looked at those eyes. Those were the eyes of a man who took what he wanted without remorse. I suppose its fitting then that he's a wolf, with his reputation of being a womanising rake and a shark in the business world. I hadn't met the man yet but I already despised him. How no one had discovered that he was something other than human I had no idea. With his magnetism, it should have been clear that he was more than human. But we humans were unfortunate enough to always be blind to what was glaring and right in front of us apparently. "....he has most of the police and even the CIA on his payroll.. he uhmmm...he has a uhmm..." Cody stuttered, I had missed most of the conversation, and it took me a while to realise he was still talking about Nero. Did Cody just mention that Nero had dealings with the CIA, this was far more complicated than I thought or was he telling a tall tale to get us even more terrified. I looked at him closely, his face was scrunched up, he was trying so hard to remember whatever it was he had forgotten Aha.. yes...the feds, that's the FBI" a little wink from Cody, I was almost revolted but not quite " He's buddies with the FBI chief...best buds actually" Cody gave another sly wink and grinned, extremely proud of this Nero who was apparently best buds with the FBI chief. Sucking up more like, but then from the photographs I had seen, Nero did not look like a man who would sick up to anyone. " My da said Nero's pa helped him get the position, placed there for when we wolves need a little upper hand. Really smart wouldn't you say?" Another sly smirk from Cody My heart was pounding fiercely, did this kid ever shut his mouth, was the pack aware that Cody could one day spill valuable information due to his inability to control his urges for inane chatter? God! What a chatter box. But it was good, I needed the information Cody was spilling, I had to know more about our captors. It was the only way to defeat them and get out of this mess. I wonder if aunt Maya had noticed that something was wrong. We had a rule of checking in on each other on several occasions, I was supposed to have gone home today, it was the break I had been looking forward to after a long and stressful semester and now everything was a mess. I was a slave, caught up in a nightmare with otherworldly creatures who believed they were wolves. This was more than a nightmare. I stumbled and knocked my knee on an ornate table that was holding flower vases- the vases were intricately designed, some had swirling colours of blues and Grey's interspersed with purple, and earth tones. They were lovely, I had seen similar vases at an exhibition in the museum aunt Maya and I had visited a while back, those vases had been dated hundreds of years old. How had they found their way into the hallway of the Keres oversized log cabin/mansion. Had they been stolen or acquired? But how could it have been acquired, these vases belonged to the museum. They were priceless. Collectors could either acquire them illegally or spend an exorbitant amount of money for them. It was baffling that they keres pack would let something as priceless as these out here in the open where anyone could just grab at it. What if someone stumbled like I did and broke them. I couldn't bear the thought that the vases might chatter. Maybe they were a fake. That was the only logical explanation. The vases were a fake. If they weren't and were actually the original, then it went to show that not only were the wolves smack dab in the middle of human trafficking and s*****y, they were also involved in theft and smuggling of priceless articles, I wasn't sure about the smuggling but it wasn't far from it if they possessed articles like this. I wonder what other illegal stuff they were dabbling in. The vases had an arrangement of different flowers, I could spot daffodils and roses arranged in an asymmetrical order. I loath roses, what a poor choice for such beautiful vases. "Becareful eh?.... wouldn't want ya to be damaged before ya settle in..." Slight chuckle from him. I looked at Cody more closely, was he doing an impressionist voice with the accent change. His settle in had sounded more like 'setly en' and what was with the 'ya'. God! So annoying! " See them vases?...those were gifts from some rich fellow out there in the coast...you wouldn't wanna break them. Alpha's gonna have ya head and mine if they're so much as scratched, so better lay off 'em" Cody side eyed me as he spoke I righted myself ungraciously, that had actually hurt, my body was so bruised and battered that the smallest hit felt much more painful than it should have been. My sigh was long and drawn out. How far was this hallway, the basement was taking forever to reach, at this point I wanted to reach the basement as fast and as soon as possible, I wanted to lay down so badly. When I looked behind me, jack's forehead was creased in pain, and she was walking much more slowly, she seemed fine earlier, is she badly hurt or she's just feeling the repercussions of the Keres manhandling. " Hey, you okay?" I turned and whispered to jack. She mumbled something that sounded like ' I'm fine' and tipped her head to Cody who had stopped in the middle of the hallway and was staring at us. I looked at him and his gaze was focused entirely on jack,and he was biting his bottom lip, when he noticed me staring, he quickly averted his gaze and turned around. He was walking so fast suddenly that we had to hobble faster to catch up with him. They were so many doors, I lost count of how many we had passed. Exactly how big was this place? I was thinking so hard I almost bumped into Cody who had suddenly stopped at the end of the hallway. They was a door in front of him Like a man with a bad case of arthritis, Cody pushed open the door and we descended the stairs. They were so creaky and loud I wondered how long it had been since anyone had come down here. Cody flicked the switch and the single light bulb flickered on. The light emanating from the single light bulb cast everything in Shadow. I could barely see. The basement was a sizable room, I could see a cot at one corner and an old mouldy sofa pushed to the edge of one wall. Everything else was too dark to see and I was too exhausted to try. " So uh, here we are.....uhmm...I suppose y'all should make ya selves comf'table, i'd uh.. be right back with some edibles, don't expect too much" slight frown from Cody as he cast a surreptitious glance at jack, it was as if I was invincible as he kept staring at her. " So uh...be right back" Cody left hastily I moved over to the mouldy sofa " you can take the cot, I'd sleep here" I told jack, and she mumbled another thanks. I barely heard her as I laid down on the awful smelling sofa. This was my life now, I just hoped I could be rescued fast enough for this nightmare to end.
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