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Inside the gigantic log cabin, the first thing I notice is the quietness, how dead still the air seemed to be, like you could get in trouble for breathing in the cavernous space. The foyer was impressive, with big round couches that looked uncomfortable to sit on, a rather large chandelier hung from the ceiling, they was a massive fireplace, although they seemed to be logs on it, I assumed it was just for decoration since I could hear the familiar whirring of an indoor heater. Beside the door where the teenage guy who had opened the door earlier stood was a coat stand, I watched in awe as each wolf took off their peacoats and hung them. I didn't know what I was expecting since seeing the one man change to wolf, I guess I wasn't expecting any form of civilization from them, I was looking forward to them behaving and acting like savages I guess. And they were savages, because only savages bought other human beings to be kept as slaves. Oh crap! They weren't human, they were monsters from a Hollywood horror movie, and Jack and I were the unfortunate souls to be trapped in it. There's never a moment as now, where I regretted listening to Alison and going for that party. I wished I hadn't tried, I was always the shy, nerdy girl who barely said more than a few words to strangers, my comfort zone was my safe space and now the one time I ventured out, I land in deep s**t. f**k!. Life was funny as hell, and it had a way of playing really cruel jokes on the unfortunate souls caught in its part. " Cody, take the slaves to the basement, lock them in, and return, feed them if you must but return quickly, hurry boy" the alpha commanded. The teenage guy winced when the alpha addressed him. So his name was Cody, fitting enough for when he would wallow in prison, I took note of the name, I knew aunt Maya was looking everywhere for me. She wasn't one to give up easily, I had hope that eventually, we were going to be rescued from this nightmare and all the wolves involved this this slave business would be locked up in werewolf jail. Was there a werewolf jail? Would it have to be constructed when they were all rounded up and arrested? Did law enforcement even know this creatures existed? I doubt it- no one knew, they had kept themselves hidden for so long whilst performing all this nefarious deeds. At this moment, I didn't mind praying to whatever God was out there that jack and I were rescued soon. I wasn't exactly religious, but a girl could hope. The teenage guy whose name was Cody, turned and stared at jack and I, I could see pity in the lingering depths of his grey eyes, but he quickly averted his gaze before the others could see it, when he looked at us again, his expression was now one of annoyance and disgust, I was a bit confused, I could have sworn I had seen pity in his gaze, especially when he looked at jack. I sighed in despair, each time I think I have found an avenue for our escape, it closes down right in front of my eyes. " Come on then, follow me" Cody turned and walked abruptly, jack and I took a step and were halted by the alpha's voice " Remember slaves, here in the Keres pack, there are consequences to every action, think well before you act, follow all rules, do not fight, do not anger my pack, do as your told, you are slaves, your opinion is not needed, your voice is not needed, only your services are, stray from this rules and face the penalty for your actions. I am fair and I am just, and I will serve punishment as I see fit, for I am alpha, am I clear?" The Alpha's gaze was so hard and unyielding that jack and I nodded so fast that I almost got whiplash, I looked over at jack and her head was still bobbing uncontrollably, I grabbed her hand tightly and dragged her to keep up with Cody who had turned into a hallway, we were the same height but his legs were eating up the space so fast that jack and I had trouble keeping up with him " You should do everything Alpha says, u'd be safe then" Cody voice came out rather thin and high and he kept glancing at jack, stealing little glances of her, I wondered if she made him feel shy and uncomfortable, was he attracted to her? I hoped so, I would welcome any and all avenues for escape, even sleep with the enemy if I had to, as long as I could leave this godforsaken place and this obscure nightmare and go home. " They'd find us, my parents must be looking, the police are looking for us, sooner or later we'd be found, and all of you will be thrown in jail?" Jack's voice wobbled, followed by a tiny sniffle, I hoped she wouldn't start crying, so far she had controlled herself, she hadn't cried since we entered the pack lands, looking at her, you would think she was so fragile that she could break at the tiniest of pressure. I was surprised to hear her speak, she hadn't said a word since Sophie had been ripped to shreds earlier. Cody turned his pitying gaze back on her, there it was. He liked her. I filed it off to be used later, right now, we had to survive, and Jack was slowly jeopardising that. " Even if the police are looking, they wouldn't start immediately, you had to be missing for twenty four hours before you are considered a missing person by the authorities" cody said, I watched jack's mouth open and close like a fish gaping for air, she hadn't thought of that, and honestly I hadn't either. For Cody to have that kind of information, I was sure the pack had been keeping human slaves for a long time. " Even if they do start looking, they would never find you...." My heart blanched when I heard that. My anxiety levels were rising as coding kept talking and Jack wasn't fairing any better. ".... Nero would never let anyone find out anything, Nero, that's the alpha's son, he's the CEO of Keres holdings, u've heard of him right?" Cody smirked when he noticed that my eyes had bulged out. I had read an article of the cutthroat CEO of Keres holdings, he had a reputation in the city for his ruthless way of doing business, he was the reason most startups folded. He bought them out began they even left the ground.
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