The Start of the Alpha Ceremony

2218 Words
Suddenly a delicious scent hit my nose. It smelled like fresh cinnamon rolls. I followed the scent until I came face to face with a tall muscular man. His eyes were a beautiful green, and his hair deep brown like mine. He was so tall compared to my measly height. “Mate!” I said under my breath then quickly covered my mouth and turned to run. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, who was he, why was he here. Oh no, the ceremony, they’ll kill him and me if they see us like this. I fought hard against him! “Please, they’ll kill us if they find us here like this!” I quickly spoke under my breath. I grabbed his arm pulling him into the closet right off the kitchen and covered his mouth with both of my hands. “T-They can’t know, no one is supposed to see me! It’s against the Luna’s command!” I said frantically looking around. “Y-You’re her!” He said looking at me with some type of knowing that I didn’t understand at the moment. “You’re so beautiful, you look so much like your mother.” He said softly. My eyes fluttered to look into his. “My mother? You.. you know who my mother is?” I asked tearing up. “More importantly, why are you still here? They killed your family, why didn’t you leave?” He asked me, his words sending a chill through me. “Do you truly think it’s that easy? They wouldn’t let me leave, they kept me here as a pack slave, and have been torturing me for all of these years! Perry even has the nerve to claim me as his Chosen Mate!” I whisper, yelled in his face. “I hate this place, and I’ve been planning my exit for years!” I said tears streaming down my face. “I’m sorry..” he said softly, “Let me help you, I came here to find you, I’ve been looking for you since you disappeared! Let me get you out of here!” He said sitting up and pulling me closer to him. “You’re my mate, and I’m going to take you home. They can’t stop me, at least, if I mark you.” He said matter of factly. I thought it over for a moment. “Okay, do it! I refuse to be here anymore I can’t stand these monsters!” I said pulling my curls to the side to give him access. He knelt down and licked my neck softly, before tearing into the skin with his canines. I could feel his mark forming on my neck. “Okay, now what?” I stuttered out looking up, my body shuddering in response to being marked. “Now, we leave!” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the closet. As soon as he opened the door Luna Erica was standing right outside. “You little sl**! Sneaking off to sleep with another man before my son claims you as his chosen mate! You ingrate!” She shrieked raising her hand to me. I felt this surge of energy, and now that I no longer had to hide I pulled my wolf forward with me, I grabbed her wrist as she tried to strike me. “I am not an ingrate! What do I have to be grateful for you bi***? You all have tortured me since I was 10, I’ve had enough! I found my mate, and were leaving. You think you can hurt me now? Just try it!” I yelled back in my Alpha tone as Lyria’s strength poured into me, and I snapped Erica’s wrist in half. Her shriek could be heard through the pack house, I dragged her out into the main room where everyone was waiting. All eyes were on me, and I made sure everyone knew what I was doing there. “I am Alexia Laurell! Daughter of Alpha Bastian Laurell, and Luna Cynthia Laurell! These monsters said their fight was fair, but they poisoned our waters with wolfsbane, and slaughtered our pack, taking me hostage as I am an Alpha Female! The Alpha and Luna of this pack, then tortured me for years, and tried to force me to become their sons chosen Mate! I deny this pack, and I defy its Alpha. I hereby challenge the Alpha and Luna of Aster pack to war. I will take first blood!” I shouted extending my claws and slitting the throat of Erica. I watched her grasp as her throat trying to heal, but before she could her eyes lost all of their light, she was gone. I looked up to Perry and Richard. “I hereby challenge your title as Alpha! I have taken your Luna, and before this war is over, I will have your life!” I claimed turning and storming out the door. I made it out to the car that my mate had brought and as I grasped the door I fell to my knees. My body was running on adrenaline, and I only just realized what I had done. I looked at my hands and became hysterical. “W-What have I done?” I asked, tears pouring down my face. “You, my dear Luna, have started a war. One that I intend on winning. Let’s get you home, back to our pack and take care of this mess.” He said lifting me from the ground and putting me in the car. “Rhett, let’s get home. This is not a safe place to be right now.” He finished buckling me up, and pulling me close to him. “We will take their pack down, just rest until we get home. Everything is going to be okay, my Luna.” He whispered in my ear and brushed my hair lightly behind my ear. Soon the adrenaline wore off and my body gave out to exhaustion. I was asleep before I even knew it. I woke up when I felt the car turning. “W-Where are we?” I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I looked down at my hands and they were clean, I could see bloody rags in a trash can in the floor board. “We’re about halfway there, go back to sleep. You need your rest, there is someone waiting to see you back at the pack house. Just try to get some sleep.” He said kissing my forehead. I laid back down and fell back asleep in no time. I awoke again as we pulled into the pack house driveway. I sat up slowly looking around outside. I could see two shadows walking towards the car. My anxiety instantly rose and I slid back, bumping into my mate. I turned to look at him, “Who?” Before I could even finish my sentence the door opened and an older woman grabbed me out of the car pulling me closely. “Alexia! You look so much like your mother, but you have your fathers hair color!” She said pulling me into a big hug. “I’m sorry, who are you? I’m confused, how do you all know my parents?” I asked pulling back my nerves beginning to get even worse. “Alexia darling, you don’t remember us?” The older woman asked. I looked at her features and finally looked over my mate better. Her skin was tan, and she had a deep red hair color, she was fairly tall, standing at about 5’8. She looked so familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it. That’s when I noticed the girl standing behind her. She was tall, about 5’10, her hair was an auburn color, and was short, laying slightly above her shoulders. “Maya?” I asked looking over the expression on her face. I remember mother and father had friends that came to visit us at the pack. They had a daughter around my age who they used to bring along as a playmate for me. That’s when I remembered him, the boy that used to come along with them, he was so sweet to me. He used to pick flowers for me, and kiss my head to help me feel better when I was upset. “Asher?” I asked looking to my mate. Then I slowly turned to the woman beside me. “Auntie Myra?” I asked one last time looking into her pale green eyes. “You remember?” Myra began crying and held me tightly. Tears began streaming down my face, her hug reminded me of when my mother would hold me. I could feel how much she cared for me in the way she held me. “Auntie! They slaughtered them! They poisoned our whole pack, they killed them in front of me!” I cried out my vision blurring with tears. She looked around to my mate and to Maya. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, you never should have had to see that!” She said holding me tighter. “We’ll do whatever we can!” She began. “Actually mom, we have claimed war against the Aster pack.” Asher said, leaving out the part where I killed their Luna. I turned to look at him. “I’m sorry Asher, I shouldn’t have..” I started. “No, don’t you dare apologize!” He said leaning down and holding me gently. “They tormented you, you had every right to do what you did!” He assured me. I nodded my head, “I know I slept the whole way here, but I’m exhausted. Can I go to bed? Is that okay?” I asked looking around to the three of them. “Of course my dear, we’ll catch up in the morning. Let’s get you to bed!” Myra said grabbing my arm lightly and leading me into the massive pack house. After walking for a while we ended up at an elevator. As we got in she pulled out a key and twisted it into the control panel. It opened revealing a hand scanner. “This is the most secure floor in the building, you’ll be safe here!” She said as she scanned her hand. The elevator began going up and soon stopped on the 12th floor. As the doors opened I could see a massive room. There were large floor length glass sliding doors, and windows all across the right side of the room leading out to a large balcony. To the left was a massive kitchen, it was grey and white, and the counters were black marble. Behind the kitchen was a living area, it was beautiful. There was a large crystal chandelier, and a L-shaped couch. A huge ottoman laid across the floor. There was a grand staircase that led to four doors on the second floor on this level. I was completely astonished, this place was beautiful. “Wow, it’s amazing!” I gasped out. Maya giggled from behind me. “Thank you, I decorated myself!” She said sweetly. My knees became weak and I began to fall to the floor. “Woah there.” Asher said grabbing my waist. His touch sent tingles through my whole body. “Let’s get you to bed!” He picked me up bridal style and packed me up to the bedroom. He closed the door behind us and laid me down on the bed. My dress was laced tightly and I felt as though I couldn’t breathe. “Asher, can you get this dress off?” I asked sitting up. “I feel like I can’t breathe in this thing!” I finished. “Of course, here.” He said laying out a shirt next to me. It was one of his, it was huge and it smelled like him, sweet cinnamon. I stood up turning to face away from him. He grabbed the bow that was tied, he untied it and began unlacing it. Every graze of his hand against my skin sent tingles through me. He got down to the last one and I could feel his eyes on my back. “What happened to you?” He asked, sadness, and anger evident in his voice. “I’m fine now.” I said grabbing the shirt and walking into the bathroom off the bedroom. I dropped my dress to the floor and saw the scars laid across my back. They used wolfsbane infused whips, and silver knives to torture me. They destroyed my body, my back was torn apart with scars across it. A soft knock came to the door. “Alexia, are you okay?” He asked softly. “I’m fine..” I said unhooking my bra and pulling the shirt on. I opened the door and walked back out with the dress in my hands. I walked to the fireplace in the corner by the bed. “I can’t stand looking at this anymore..” I said tossing the dress into the flames. “I’m going to destroy them for what they did!” I whispered out watching the dress turn to ash.
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