A Loving Luna

1149 Words
I stood up turning to face away from him. He grabbed the bow that was tied, he untied it and began unlacing it. Every graze of his hand against my skin sent tingles through me. He got down to the last one and I could feel his eyes on my back. “What happened to you?” He asked, sadness, and anger evident in his voice. “I’m fine now.” I said grabbing the shirt and walking into the bathroom off the bedroom. I dropped my dress to the floor and saw the scars laid across my back. They used wolfsbane infused whips, and silver knives to torture me. They destroyed my body, my back was torn apart with scars across it. A soft knock came to the door. “Alexia, are you okay?” He asked softly. “I’m fine..” I said unhooking my bra and pulling the shirt on. I opened the door and walked back out with the dress in my hands. I walked to the fireplace in the corner by the bed. “I can’t stand looking at this anymore..” I said tossing the dress into the flames. “I’m going to destroy them for what they did!” I whispered out watching the dress turn to ash. Asher stood still behind me, I could feel his anger seething from him, that’s when I remembered the marks on my legs. I turned to face him, his eyes were fixed on my thighs, and his face was distorted with fury. “Hey, I’m okay now! You saved me, I’m here with you.” I said walking over and reaching up. I was nearly too short, he knelt down slightly so I could lay my hand against his face softly. “You rescued me, and now thanks to you they can’t hurt me anymore.” I whispered. “I should have found you sooner, I should have done more to find you!” He yelled out. I recoiled my touch and turned away walking back across the room. I know he isn’t like them, but normally after being yelled at I was beaten. “I’m sorry, I’m not angry at you, I’m angry at them. We will destroy them, whatever it takes..” he said walking into the bathroom and running the large jacuzzi tub full. “For now, go relax in the tub, there are some soaps and things in there.” He said pointing to the bathroom. “Cinnamon scented?” I asked peeking over my shoulder at him. “No, pine scented, why? Would you prefer cinnamon?” He asked looking at me with anticipation. “You smell of cinnamon, more like freshly baked cinnamon rolls, it’s nice, calming even. I just thought maybe you used scented cologne, or soap, but I should have known it’s just you..” I said looking down at the fire, the dress now completely burned up. “You think I smell nice?” He asked laughing slightly. “Yes, I think you smell wonderful, why, do I not? I thought all mates were supposed to smell good to one another!” I said giggling slightly. When I was with him, I could almost forget the way I felt at my previous pack. In an instant the pain, and horrors that I endured reared their ugly heads, and I felt as though I were spiraling out of control. I dropped to my knees by the fire looking into it intently. I felt the scars on my back and my thighs burning suddenly, it hurt but not enough to draw out a cry from me. Even when they tortured me, I didn’t cry, or scream. I just let them hurt me, with a cold expression on my face. “Alexia, are you okay?” Asher said running over to me and landing on his knees beside me. His hands reached out and I fell back into his embrace burying my face in his chest. “It was awful Asher, the things they did to me. The torture they put me through, using silver knives, and wolfsbane infused whips. The pain was too much, now these scars will never heal. I will never really heal, they killed our whole pack, I watched them destroy our home and I couldn’t do anything..” I began crying into his shirt. “Alexia, you were only 10. You weren’t expected to do anything except survive, which you did! Your parents would be happy to know that you’re alive, and here with us. We are your family now. You have a sister, a mother in law, and me. We will always be here for you, and we will find a way to destroy those bas*****!” He said brushing my hair out of my face. The curls from the party still falling in ringlets. “I can’t stand this!” I said moving back and trying to adjust my hair. “They decorated me like an item for Perry!” I said with disgust. Asher growled deeply, I placed my hand on his arm. “I was never his Asher.. I was always meant to be yours.” I said looking up into his beautiful green eyes. “Come take a bath with me, I think you need to calm down as much as I do..” I said standing and grasping his hand. “I don’t want to rush or upset you..” he began. I looked into his eyes as he stood towering over me. “I invited you Asher, we’re mates, I want you close to me.” I said placing a hand on his chest and slowly moving it down his abdomen. I could feel his abs below his shirt, he was huge, and so bulky. I reached the bottom of his shirt and began lifting it, dragging my hand across his bare abdomen. “Please, don’t make me go alone..” I said placing his hand over his shirt where I had lifted it, and slowly running my hands down to his pants. I began unbuttoning his pants as he stared, his eyes fixated on me. “You’re dangerous Alexia..” he whispered out pulling off his shirt and tossing it across the room. “But I’m the Demon Alpha of the Black Dahlia pack, are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” He asked raising a single eyebrow. “Oh Asher..” I spoke softly pushing him back, having him sit up on the edge of the bed. “I know exactly what I’m doing! I was almost taken and claimed by someone I hated, but now I found you, again. I have cared for you since we were children, and now, now I’m going to love you like your Luna.” I whispered in his ear watching goosebumps spread across his body.
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