The Lost Alpha Girl

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Asher was Alpha of the Black Dahlia pack, most everyone feared him and his wrath. He was said to be a complete monster that was driven mad by his late father. While it’s true that his father, Ryan, was a monster, he was calm and collected which apparently made him seem “demonic” as some people often called him. His hair was deep brown, and shaved on the sides but longer on top, and his eyes were a beautiful shade of green. He was tall about 6’6, the largest in his family, and he was slightly tanned. His little sister Maya walked into his office chipper as can be, which is often how she behaved. Her hair just below her shoulders cut into a long bob was a light auburn color, her eyes also the same soft green as her brothers. She was fairly tall, around 5’10, and was one of the smartest werewolves in the pack. “Brother,” she started. “I have news regarding the Aster pack. They’re having the Alpha ceremony in just a few days. There were invitations sent out to everyone and apparently he has already decided to take a chosen mate instead of finding his. There is to be a big announcement.” She said tossing the invitation on his desk. A deep guttural sigh can be heard from Asher as he stands and reaches for the invitation. His mother and father were friends of the Rosemary pack, and their death was something that, even though was deemed lawful, still hurt them deeply. The Rosemary pack Alpha and Luna were good friends with his parents, and it was said that they had a daughter. No one was ever able to find her, but the entire place was burned down so she could have been among the rubble. His parents had asked him to keep a lookout for anything suspicious about the Aster pack. “I guess this qualifies as suspicious.” He said looking to his sister and a very visible frown could be seen stretched upon his face. His father, once he got older and stepped down as Alpha, came clean to his family about how tormented he was for all of the things he had done. His horrendous acts of aggression to Asher and the wrongful abuse he had suffered. Asher had grown to forgive his father before his death, and as his fathers last wish was to try to find out what happened to the daughter of their friends, he decided to accept. Asher had photographs of her in his office from when she was a child, that way he could keep reminding himself of her features. “Don’t worry, I’m sure if she didn’t die in that fire, that we’ll find her here!” Said his sister, assuring him of his decision to check out the pack that slaughtered the people of Rosemary pack. “I feel like, you may be right.” He spoke softly before looking down at the photo of his parents, and the Rosemary pack leaders, along with the little girl with dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. “We’re going to find out what happened to her.” He turned and walked out of the office and summoned for his Beta, Rhett. Rhett appeared before him,” Yes Alpha?” He asked as he bowed. His short sandy blonde hair fell to his shoulders but was brushed back. He had light blue eyes, and he stood about 6’2. “Get up before I knock you on your ass!” Said Asher laughing. Him and Rhett have been friends since they were born, practically inseparable. For 24 years they have been the best of friends, and Asher knew that Rhett was the only one he could trust with this mission. “Rhett, pack your bags, we’re going to the Aster pack. We’re going to find out what happened to her.” He quickly requested and before Rhett could even speak Asher turned on his heel and went to pack his bags. *Back at the Aster Pack* “ALEXIA!” Came the same irritating voice. She heard this same voice every morning, in the same way. My eardrums wanted to bust every time the whining came through the door. “Yes Luna Erica?” I yelled back through the closed door. “What can I do for you?” “Today is the Alpha Ceremony, you were supposed to be up hours ago, you went to your room to take a nap and didn’t get up for a few days! You’ve already ruined this week, so you need to get up now and come make things right for your future in-laws!” She yelled furiously. I’d been out for days? Strange I don’t even feel rested at all, I actually feel very restless as if something bad is going to happen. “Mother, tell that useless b***h to get up and come make breakfast!” Screamed Perry. His harsh tone making me even more angry. “We let her rest so she’ll look presentable as my new Chosen Luna. So she better try to look her best!” He yelled louder this time to make sure I could hear him. As if you couldn’t hear his loud mouth throughout the pack house! I quickly got up and got some clothes and my wash bucket and soap. I ran quickly to the bathroom to wash up and then back to my room to get dressed. I threw my long brown hair into a messy bun and went to the kitchen hurriedly to begin breakfast. After serving and cleaning up breakfast, I was told to begin preparations for dinner this evening. I began peeling potato’s, and dicing carrots. I got out 10 large roasts and laid them all in large pans. I quickly filled them with some water and beef stock, and filled them with the the potato’s and carrots. Tossing them in the oven, I turned to see the Luna standing behind me. “Once you’re done with the corn bread go and take a shower in my suite. There is a dress, makeup, hairstyling tools, and shoes all waiting for you. You must look presentable for our guests tonight.” She spoke plainly with deep malice in her voice. I nodded and hurried to put on the cornbread, knowing that if I took too long she would more than likely strike me. After it was put on the other cooks came in and took over with the rest of the preparations. I ran quickly to the Luna’s suite and locked the door behind me. I scanned the room and found the dress I’d be wearing. It was a very low cut sage green dress, with diamonds along a very long slit that went all the way up to my mid thigh. There were a pair of strap high heels, that were also diamond encrusted . They matched beautifully, I couldn’t believe that this was for me, but as I reached to touch it, my mind suddenly reminded me of what this outfit was for. I gagged for a moment and ran into the bathroom. I hovered over the toilet gagging, but nothing came up. I sighed then fiddled with the shower until it turned on. I felt the stream and was surprised to feel hot water. I took off my clothes and wadded them into a ball. I stepped into the shower, the first that I’ve had for eight years, and suddenly my eyes filled with tears. I remembered how mom used to bathe me when I was younger, and always washed my hair for me because ‘I didn’t do it good enough’ as my mother put it. I sighed remembering the moment that had slipped my mind until now. I stood their for a moment frozen in time, until I realized how little time I had. I quickly washed my hair, and my body and the tension I’d been carrying for all of these years relaxed slightly. I swiftly got out of the shower and dried myself off, I wrapped my towel around me and walked to the vanity where a brush, a blow dryer, and a curling iron sat for me. I wasn’t quite sure how to fix my hair, as I had never done it myself before, but I was too afraid to ask anyone. Suddenly a knock came to the door. “Alexia?” Said a soft gentle voice. I recognized it as one of the other beta slaves, Racheal. “Racheal? What are you doing here?” I asked keeping my voice in a hushed tone. “Luna Erica sent me to help you get ready. She said I need to do your hair and makeup, that’s normally my job.” She said in an equally hushed tone. I quickly unlocked the door and let her in, closing it back behind her. “Good, I’m not sure that to do, I’ve never fixed my hair on my own, unless it was a braid, pony tail, or bun.” I admitted looking down at my bare feet. “Don’t worry so much Alexia, I’m here now, I’ll help you get ready!” She said matter of factly. She brushed my hair and got started drying it. After it was all dry, she got to work sectioning and curling it, making sure to put lots of hairspray in it. I coughed as the hairspray filled my lungs. She then fixed my makeup, a nice natural look with some sliver highlights around the center of my eyes to match my dress and shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t believe this was actually me! “Wow!” I stated looking at the reflection in the mirror in utter disbelief. “Is this really me?” I asked her. Her face lit up at my words,”Of course it’s you! You look beautiful!” She said gleaming from ear to ear. She was right, I did look beautiful. I went over and picked up the dress. “Can you help me put it on?” I asked? She helped me slide into it and laced it up for me. I had a larger chest and hips than I thought, my figure looked quite womanly. I worried that they might suspect something, but sure enough as soon as I opened the door, the Luna was standing there. “You look great! I knew you would! Your mother and father were both such beautiful people!” She sneered through gritted teeth. “Everyone already knows that Perry deserves the best, but with a lovely lady that know one knows on his side, he will be the talk of the werewolf world!” She said. She was really, just insane. I gritted my teeth at the mention of my parents and decided to just let her finish her piece. “Thank you, I am so honored.” I barely choked out. She didn’t seem to notice as she soon pulled me over to her and said, “The quests are arriving, try to make sure that you are not seen until the time is right, or I’ll make you regret ever being born!” “I already regretted being born, so job well done!” I thought to myself. I did as she said and stayed away but suddenly a delicious scent hit my nose. It smelled like fresh cinnamon rolls, and hot chocolate. I followed the scent until I came face to face with a tall muscular man. His eyes were a beautiful green, and his hair deep brown like mine. He was so tall compared to my measly height. “Mate!” I said under my breath then quickly covered my mouth and turned to run. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, who was he, why was he here. Oh no, the ceremony, they’ll kill him and me if they see us like this. I fought hard against him! “Please, they’ll kill us if they find us here like this!” I quickly spoke under my breath.
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