

love at the first sight

[The Chess Game: Prequel]

The fall behind the triumph. You didn't know the pain they were enduring unless you would know their story.

Let us witness the story of the White Chess Warriors, the great ones.

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"You only knew that they brought the first win. But you did not know how painful they have gone through." FIRST BOOK: THE CHESS GAME SECOND BOOK: THE GREAT WARRIORS Do not read this if you haven't read the first book yet. You will be spoiled and the thrill will be gone. ♟♟♟ DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, songs, places, events, incidents, and facts stated are either products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. © All Rights Reserved. Renel Gomez. *** Prologue JEANLY "URGH---MOM!" My sight almost fades out because of the sudden pain I am feeling right now in my stomach. I called my mother how many times already yet it seemed like she did not hear me. It was 5 in the afternoon and my father was not here because he was busy getting root crops like sweet potatoes for our lunch and dinner later. My mother and I were the ones left here in our house but seem like I am living alone here. "Mom!!" I called her again. I could not bear the pain anymore. A kind of pain that like something in my skin would tear out any moment from now. I almost lost my consciousness now but I force to regain my strength. "Ahh-!" While my other hand was on my stomach, I walked slowly, touching everything that could assist me using the other hand. I called my mother again who was in her room right now. I don't know if she really didn't hear me, or she was just pretending that she didn't hear anything. I and my mom were not on good terms lately because of what happened to me. She's totally disappointed in me. She wanted to abandon me because of this... ...because of my pregnancy. Since my tummy was bloated, my neighbors see me as something inappropriate. They called me slut, w***e, and anything that I am not. And because of the words coming from our neighborhood, my mother ignored me and treated me as if I am not here in the same house. She tolerated what our neighbors say badly about me so that she could not feel ashamed. She gossiped with them. She did not even permit Philip to visit me. She separated us. Philip Go is my boyfriend for how many years. Before, my parents were so close to him. They treated him as part of our family. However, everything changed when I became pregnant---especially my mother's treatment. She trusted Philip that much and I understand why she's that disappointed. Until it got to the point that my mother wanted me to abort the baby. She said that I was just 21 years old, I was too young to have a baby---even if Philip said he would stand firm as a father. But I did not agree with the idea which made my mother angry. "Mom! Urgh---! I t-think--- I think I'm gonna give birth!" I shouted near the stairs. I touched my stomach because I felt like it would drop any second from now. I could also feel unbearable pain in between my thighs. I even saw some watery thingy that is flowing over my legs. "A-Ahh---!" "Jeanly!" My sight immediately averted to the door and there I saw my father who rushed towards my direction. He dropped the sickle and sack on the floor. "Jesus---you were about to give birth! W-Where's your mother?!" he relented, holding my arms and shoulders to assist me. I did not respond because I was now focusing on the pain I am feeling. "Arrrgh!" Sweats started forming on my forehead. Tears are already flowing over my cheeks. My father sits me on the chair, shoving my hair and caressing my face. "Geng! C-Come down here!" my father shouted and that's the only time my mother got out of her room with her face drew no emotions at all. She's just plainly looking at me as if nothing's happening right now. ♟♟♟ "Why are you here?!" "Geng, just let him..." "What are you saying, Gang?! He's not welcome here!" Soon as I regained my consciousness, my parents' voice welcomed into my ears. My eyes were roaming around the area and I assume that we are still in our simple house. I was not expecting anymore that I would deliver the baby in the hospital because we did not have money to pay the expensive bills. And one more thing, hospitals, and other privileges were only for the Blacks---people who lives in Black Community. They have the opportunities. When I tried to move, I could feel the pain in between my thighs causing me to groan. Then a moment later, I looked at my left side and my eyes then suddenly turned teary when I saw a small crib just a few meters away from me, which has a baby, sleeping peacefully. That's my baby! I want to go in my baby's direction but I could not because my whole body was still in pain. "I just want to see my daughter and Jeanly..." I was stunned a bit when I heard that familiar voice of a man. "Philip?" I muttered in a low voice. "Just leave so that no trouble will occur." That's my mother's voice. I could not see them because they were outside the house and the door was closed. "Philip?!" I try my best to make my voice louder. "Mom! Please let him in!" I shouted. "Dad!" My voice right now sounds pleading and started to crack. "Geng, he's the father of the baby..."I heard my father say. My father is such a very kind and considerate person. He never scolded me ever since they found out about my pregnancy. Unlike my mother, he didn't listen to what other people say many hurtful words toward me. "No way---" "Philip---!" Suddenly, we are being interrupted by the baby's cry. It cried loudly causing my father to open the door to shush the baby. He looked at me for a while and gave me a smile. "Glad you're awake..." Moments later, my mother entered next and as she saw me, she just looked at me plainly. Her bangs swayed after she moved her head away from me. At the same moment, a man. Whose eyes were looking at me directly, get in our house. My tears automatically dropped from my eyes. It's been how many months since we last saw each other. Ever since my mother separated us, we did not have any means of communication and we could not do about it. And here he is now. Heading towards me while smiling. I saw his dimples again which I also missed seeing. His eyes turned teary. "J-Jeanly..." he sobs. As he reached closer in my direction, he hugged me tighter. The hug that I longed for. The sincerest hug that I ever felt. "I missed you so, so, so, so much, Jeanly..." he said without breaking the hug. I was not able to give my response immediately because I repeatedly sobbed."I m-missed you t-too, Philip." We stayed in that position for a while and suddenly, my father moved closer to us. "Your cute baby girl..." he said and Philip immediately looked at our baby. With teary eyes, he smiled again and slowly put our baby in his arms. His smile is very genuine. Very pure. Then he leaned closer to me. "She looked like you." He said and let me face the baby. I noticed a tear streaming faster over his cheeks. I smiled. "Lori," I said suddenly. I stared at our baby girl from her closed, thin eyes which obviously the same as Philip's, down to her long and cute nose, and her pinkish lips. "Lori is her name. A symbol of our victorious love and honor." I continued and he just smiled and nod his head. That's the name that I really wanted to give because of its wonderful meaning. "Lori Go," he whispered while caressing our daughter's cute cheeks. Suddenly, I heard my mother chuckle and scoffed. She seemed did not like the idea. But Philip just doesn't mind it. Then, Philip carefully lent his arms to give the baby to me. I slowly moved my hands to accept it. Soon as I settled the baby in my embrace, we suddenly heard three knocks on the door. Our attention was then diverted unto it and my father was the one who opened it. Moments later, a man with a formal black suit entered before my father. And from that moment, I suddenly felt anxious and nervous. "How may we help you?" My mother immediately asked the man. A star mark is visible on his forehead. "I'm Roger De Jesus, a committee from Shah House." He said, jested his thumb to himself. He was holding a folder. Then, he looked at me and Philip. "Are you Mr. Philip Go and Jeanly Natividad?" he asked. "Y-Yes, why?" Philip responded. I saw his adam's apple move up and down. He's nervous. Why do I have this feeling that something not good is going to happen? "Ten years ago, Black Community won the traditional game---the Chess game. And this year is also another year for another game." After he said that, my father, Philip, and I glanced at each other. Our eyes both widened as we realized how this conversation is going. It is either me or Philip... But wait... This can't be... "Ms. Jeanly Natividad and Mr. Philip Go, you two are chosen to be part of chess warriors---" "WHAT?!!" we both relented. "You two are part of the game." The man repeated which made my heart almost skip a beat. "Are you kidding?! My daughter Jeanly just gave birth, yet, you would let her be part of the game?!" my mother exclaimed. Tears rolled again in my eyes and I repeatedly shook my head. Tell me it was just a dream. This should not happen! "Sorry... but we cannot do something about---" "Sir, p-please just spare Jeanly," Philip kneeled in front of the man. "Our baby needs her... please." "Sir, just take me instead of my daughter." My father butted in, touching the man's shoulder. The man just looked at them repeatedly. He shook his head and then he heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I am not the one who does the appointment. Master Herod's decision is final. Pack your things because tomorrow, you two will go to the Chaturanga Academy." Then after that, he walked out leaving us dumbfounded. I could not help but weep tears. My father dropped himself to the floor while crying. Philip on the other hand just remained kneeling, looked down, while his shoulders were repeatedly shrugging. My mother just crossed her arms while her sight was on the floor and seconds later, she walked out and went to her room. My tears were endlessly flowing. I looked at my daughter who was sleeping peacefully. Why does it need to be like this? Of how many young people out here, why me and Philip? How about my daughter? How could we take good care of Lori if her parents are both inside that damn academy? Series of emotions is what I felt right now. What if... What if I would not able to see my daughter again? ##

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