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Chapter 1 RACEY It's been 2 days since a committee from Shah House went into our house and announced that I am part of the White Chess Warriors. We don't have a choice because once appointed, it is irrevocable. It's been 2 days also since I felt the tension and sadness that fill inside this dorm. Our last team member just arrived today. And she doesn't seem in her mood. Well, we all are not in our mood because what awaits us is a bitter result. But her posture was really different. From entering the door until she sat down on the couch, her reaction did not change. She was just looking somewhere, astonished, while her eyes are withered. "Hello... Jeanly, right?" Shiania, our assigned Queen, broke the awkward and gloomy ambiance. We are all sitting on a circular couch while our eyes were fixed on the woman. Silence filled the area. The girl did not respond. She was just still looking on the floor. And seconds had passed, the seven of us looked at each other which seemed we are talking in between our eyes---if who would break the silence again. I heard Jessa, our Knight, cleared her throat, intentionally. Hence, we diverted our attention to her. She shoved her wavy hair and slowly uttered, "Uhm---" But before she could finish what she has to say, the woman suddenly speaks. "S-Sorry." That's the only word she uttered before she covered her face and burst into tears. If I remembered it right, her name is Jeanly Natividad. We then went in the direction of the woman and immediately caressed her back. She must have shouldered a very big and serious problem to the point that she was acting like this. She was not able to socialize with us since she entered. No saying 'hi' nor 'hello'. "I d-don't know w-what to do." She sobbed. We just listened to what she had to say. "M-My daughter..." After I heard that, my mouth gaped open. I stopped. Daughter? She has a daughter?! I don't exactly know what it felt to left a daughter because I am not a mother. But for sure it really hurts the same way being left by someone you love. So that is the reason why. That was really tough. "I know if it is right to ask you this, but, was your daughter in the hands of her father?" Shiania asked, still caressing Jeanly's back. Jeanly looked at Shiania bitterly and slowly shook her head. "N-No..." she replied. "Philip is also part of the Warriors. Our daughter left at my parent's house." We, altogether, gasped after we heard what she has said. What?! They are both chosen to be part of this stupid tradition? What kind of mind that this Herod has? Is he really still on his mind? "I don't know if I could manage to focus on this game. I'm afraid that I would never have a chance to see my daughter---" "No, don't say that." I stopped her. "We would make sure to survive this stupid battle." I continued. I felt pity for her. She heaved a sigh. "I really wish to. I was really hoping that I and Philip will make this through." "Make your child a motivation," Jessa spoke next in the calmest and most optimistic way possible. This is really very hard for Jeanly. Maybe our words were just easy to say but it is really hard to do for her. We can't dictate someone's feelings, especially, since she's dealing with and been challenged as a mother. I also feel bad about their daughter who, in the meantime, could not feel the embrace of her parents. They could not give each other comfort. This really sucks. This tradition really ruined the lives of the people in Shah. While the other community was enjoying their privileges, the other one suffers. This is what happens now. The Black Community experienced good life for two decades now. While us? Striving very hard. "Thank you. And excuse me for a while. I just wanted space." Jeanly muttered, and we just gave her a smile. She stood up, carried her bag, and headed towards the door with the number 8 at top of it. We understood her situation, so we just let her be. She must have a heavy heart right now. After a moment of silence, Jane, our assigned Bishop, heaved a sigh. "Never thought that this moment would come to me." Then, she slammed her back on the couch. "I wanted our community to experience what the Blacks have experienced, but never in my mind, that I would be part of pursuing it." "Yeah, but I, on the other hand, really wanted to be part of this. I mean, look at the Blacks. They're enjoying their life. I wanna transfer it to us." said Kwini, our Rook. "But I admit, there's still part of me scared about the outcome." "We all are scared." Jee Ann spoke next. Like me, she's also a pawn. "But all we could do is to embrace that we are really part of this battle." I was just listening to their conversation right now. I see that they have a different perspective when it comes to this tradition. It's good that there's someone here who is eager to bring home the win. But we can't deny the fact that we could all die in the end. Just like me. I never wished to be part of the chess warriors. I have witnessed the fight before and seeing blood scattered into the chess field made me quiver. I'm afraid to kill, the same way I'm afraid to be killed. "Jeanly's situation really proves that Shah House never really cared for their people," Jessa said while slowly standing up. "They seemed like they're playing with us." Then she walked towards the kitchen. With that, I chuckled. "They did not seem, but they really are. They're playing with us. With this Chess Game, with choosing people in each community and fight bloody to have food to eat, they're enjoying while watching us." I said. This tradition is really absurd. Just stupid people thought of this. Ah, yeah, they're stupid. Herod is stupid. And I know the history of why he became the leader of Shah City and implement such tradition. They slowly erase the history that his brother, Wilhelm Dacua, was a great leader in his time. Shah was a happy city way back and just happened that Wilhelm died, making Herod his successor. I have a gut that he had gone something to his brother. I am not a judgemental person, but this time, as he showed us, he is evil. He might have killed his brother so that he could replace the throne. "You think Shah House knew about Jeanly's situation?" Charie suddenly asked, looking at every one of us. "Of course, they do," Jessa answered. She has now a pitcher and glass in her hand and put them on the center table. "The fact that they chose us to be part of chess warriors, they must have known us, investigated us. And also, they hold records of everything about us. Pregnancy, especially, couldn't be hidden. They knew it, but it's just that, they're heartless." Yeah, Jessa is right. Shah House, the place where the committee and officials live, knew what we have, individually. The committees there were neither from White Community nor Black Community. They're separated. Though, what I knew was that they belong to a certain community before but as Herod appointed them, their lives had changed. We, Whites, have white circles on our forehead, Blacks have black, and Committees have stars marked on their forehead. "And also, maybe because we're Whites. They do not care about us, so they just choose based on their trip. Unlike Blacks, they seemed to be chosen very well. Inequality, indeed." I interjected. I am the fifth one to arrive here in the dormitory of the girls---the first pawn. And in my stay here, I noticed that this dorm seemed to not be that high maintenance. There's a rooftop right above our dorm---because the boy's dorm is below us---and the stairs towards there creak as you stepped on it. Then I realized, we're not prioritized. Even though we could consider ourselves warriors, at least, they still did not pay attention to our welfare inside. Again, they focused their attention on the Blacks. I wonder if we win this year, would they fix this dormitory for the next generation of White Warriors to have a nice stay? Or they would just swap the dorms; this dorm will be for the blacks and vice versa. Well, I think the latter. I'm sure they would not invest much effort in renovating this dorm. "Yeah, right. If only we could do something to end this inequality, we would. But, we really could not." Shiania muttered. I really can sense her bravery. I wonder how are the boys now. And speaking of the boys, the staff, earlier this morning, said that we will meet them this afternoon. Our first meeting. Jee Ann poured water into a glass and looked at us. "But anyway, let's not focus our attention first on the happenings. I'm just curious, do you have a boyfriend left outside the academy?" she asked. Her braided hair shakes as she giggles. "Really, Jee? That's really your diverted topic?" Charie replied, sarcastically. From what I've heard, they're best friends ever since because they grew up together. "I'm just trying to lighten up the topic, Cha. You're a killjoy---okay, I get it because you don't have any." Jee Ann rebuked, laughing. Well, that's their everyday routine. They always threw sarcasm. "Whatever, Jee. Denis could now find another girl because you're here---" "Ow, shut up! I hate you." Jee Ann countered, pouting. Charie laughed hard. "Just kidding..." "So you have a boyfriend, Jee?" Jessa clarified. I noticed Jee Ann's cheeks turned pink. She's blushing. "Yeah, and we're 2 years now." Then, in a snap, her reaction changed. "He cried hard when he found out that I'm part of chess warriors." there's a sudden sadness in her voice. "But, I assured him that I will fight and s-survive this game." she ended before she drank the water she poured. Their conversation is going. Some of them have the same sentiment as Jee Ann, while I just listened to them. I can't relate to them. I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't know what it feels like to be in love. I have guy friends, yes. And also, one of them tried to express his love to me. But the thing is, I was 19 years old at that time and I don't want to commit something that I was not sure about. Now I'm 23 years old and we're still on good terms with him. No awkwardness. And I don't recall that he told me he stopped courting me. I don't know if he still does. At 11 in the morning, as usual, I volunteered to cook for our lunch and Jessa always joined in. After that, we proceed to the dining area, located at the center of the dormitory, and took our lunch. Thankfully, Jeanly joined us at the table. I could really sense that she was trying her best to be okay. After everything, we prepared ourselves to see the boys in the afternoon. But I sensed something. I wonder why and what is it. ##
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