Story By Renel Gomez

Renel Gomez

I am a writer who was once a reader. I can make another world exclusively for my readers. I am a person who is striving hard for the betterment of the self.
Updated at Aug 3, 2022, 10:36
[The Chess Game: Prequel] The fall behind the triumph. You didn't know the pain they were enduring unless you would know their story. Let us witness the story of the White Chess Warriors, the great ones.
Updated at Jan 29, 2022, 03:27
Everything has changed because of the strong bomb that struck Missi City. The bomb which caused people panic, rattle, cry, scream, and die. The peaceful and enjoyable event suddenly changed into a chaotic and messy one. Some survived the bombing, yet they did not know that what happened next would really leave them in horror. The reason behind the bombing was because of an empire, who is finding someone whom they knew as "Nashira". However, they did not know its appearance and gender, so, they would kill all people until they would capture or confirm that Nashira is really dead. Perhaps, Nashira has something that would greatly affect the empire. Would Kai, Gigi, Theo, and Rye survive the horror that the empire has made? Would the empire be able to find the one they are looking for how many years? And... Would Nashira appear?
Updated at Oct 29, 2021, 17:13
"If I'll love you, you'll die. Literally." Meet Loveful Curchi Glavidin. A girl that needs to be LOVELESS to save others. If she felt love, the RED STRING occurs and death will follow. -Book 1 of Tears Trilogy-
Updated at Aug 29, 2021, 00:06
Did you ever think that a simple chess game will come out to be bloody? And did it ever cross your minds that those chess pieces might be substituted by people having the same role and will fight with weapons? Shah City has this fearful tradition. Once every ten years, 16 people of each community; the Black and White communities, shall play the chess game---not just a game but a battle. One of the White Chess Warriors is Jobella Krista, a woman with a vulnerable heart. A woman that wished to not be involved in the stupid tradition---as what they say. They were trained at Chaturanga Academy and many conflicts happened there. The primary goal of this game is; those who can kill the opponent's king first shall be the winner. But what if Jobella will get close with the Blacks while inside the academy? Can she manage to kill, especially the King? Who will win the battle this time? And the most important question; will this game ends or will forever be the city's tradition? Let us witness the real battle of chess! NOTE: This story DOES NOT NECESSARILY needs a KNOWLEDGEABLE reader about CHESS. ALL PEOPLE CAN RELATE.