Nine: His effort

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(Picture available on w*****d) Chengshi (Yang Mi) "Your Royal Highness... I need to check on your injury…" Huli said as she is standing outside the secret chamber. A few seconds passed but there is no reply from the Crown Princess. Suddenly the door opens, Huli went inside the secret chamber with Chengshi walking behind her. Huli is holding onto a tray of medicines while Chengshi is holding onto a bowl of hot water with linen hanging on the side of the bowl. Both sit down onto the bed, each on the left and right side of the Crown Princess. Chengshi carefully takes and hold onto her injured hand to look at her injury. There is a deep wound with multiple cuts on her palm. Chengshi cannot help but sigh upon seeing her injury. Chengshi cleans the wound with hot water after it is cleaned, Huli takes her hand to put some medication on it before wrapping it with a thin gauze. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang smiles and softly says, "Thank you, Chengshi. Thank you, Huli." They both smile at her. Suddenly, Lianhua rush into the secret chamber, "Your Royal Highness, General Bing is here to request a meeting with you!" All three of them realize that how the expression on her face suddenly become expressionless. She stands up and said, "Prepare a clean dress for me. With a veil as well." (Picture available on w*****d) Crown Princess Long Fenghuang's dress when meeting General Bing Xiaji. Congming serves a hot cup of tea to the General in the waiting hall area, "Her Royal Highness will be out soon. Please have a drink, General". She then excuses herself before going back inside the inner chamber. General Bing Xiaji must admit that her people are not simply mere maids and guards of Xuehua Palace, everyone seems to know their scope of responsibility and, for obvious reason, their loyalties are only for the mistress. That maid of hers treated him with respect but she is being somewhat cold as well. He saw someone running around carrying some items and he cannot help but call on that person, "This eunuch is ..." The eunuch stops and bows towards him, "This eunuch is called Xiao Yu. Is there anything that the General wants this eunuch to do?" The General smiles and thought that the small and thin eunuch is not that simple as well. Seems like their mistress is not a silly princess after all. Judging by her new attitude towards him, he will be having a hard time in the future. Not that he does not like to challenge himself. He cannot help but to smile on what will she shows to him. She will be his sooner or later he confidently thought to himself. Two of her maids opens the curtains of the inner chamber, he saw her as she walks step by step towards the waiting hall. She calmly sits on a chair next to him, "What is it that the General wants from this Princess? This is your first time ever to visit me at my palace. Quite fascinating I must say." He smiles when he heard her words, "This General comes for a visit as the Her Royal Highness will soon be leaving the royal palace. Is it wrong for me to visit my own fiancée?" She is wearing a pastel brown veil with the same colour dress, she laughs and says, "I am pleasantly surprised. We are officially engaged alright, but this is kind of awkward." He realizes that all her maids including the eunuch are smirking upon hearing what their mistress had just said. A tigress and her cubs he thought to himself when he saw them silently mocking him behind their mistress. "General... May this Princess play a guzheng1 for you? Consider it as a farewell gift for you. This will be the first time for you to watch and listen to it right?" He stares at her and nods at her request. "Xiao Yu..." Faster than a speeding horse, Xiao Yu is standing in front of her and put the guzheng on a table in front of them both. (Video available on w*****d) Musical instrument: Guzheng By: TheGuzheng Shop Song: Bodhisattva He just stares at her while she is playing the guzheng for him. The Emperor and the Empress are standing outside Xuehua Palace and they both saw that their daughter is sitting with her fiancé while playing the guzheng. They look at each other and suddenly they hear a soft voice singing along with the sound of guzheng. (Video available on w*****d) Song: Bodhisattva Singer: Yao Beina Drama: Empresses in the Palace The Crown Princess is singing! This is the first time even for her parents to hear she sings but the song itself is so sad. How can it be? She is just a 13-year old girl, how can she sing that song with all her heart. General Bing Xiaji cannot help but think that the song is dedicated especially to him. But he is a bit dumbfounded as well. The Crown Princess had changed. Changed to a point that he can no longer predict what she is thinking or what she will do next. The royal couple slowly walks away further from Xuehua Palace. Hand in hand they walk side by side each to their own thoughts. Their daughter has changed, and they are feeling somewhat sad, they feel that they both have somehow failed to protect their daughter from what they had changed her. They can only hope that she will live her life according to her will but for her marriage... The Emperor silently made a promise to himself that once the 5 years' period is up if his daughter does not wish to continue with the marriage, he will do anything to dissolve the engagement. The Empress, on the other hand, smiles and thought it is high time for her to contact her family and do whatever it takes to shield and protect the Princess during those 5 years. She is sure that her mother will indeed teach her daughter what is needed for her to be able to stand on her own two feet. Her dad will teach her how to be wise. Her younger brother... Thinking of her younger brother, she cannot help but think that maybe it is good for her daughter to meet this cunning uncle of hers. He is too cunning and able to weasel out of trouble every single time. To be raised by her family is a good thing. Look at her now, the Emperor is tightly wrapped around her fingers, she smiles sweetly as she looks at her beloved but somewhat gullible husband. The Emperor suddenly blushed when the Empress suddenly hug his arm. He can feel her warm body and thought, this is indeed a beautiful day to take a rest at the Taiyang Palace. He excitedly pulls the Empress to walk faster as the Empress giggles. The group of eunuch, maids and guards control themselves from laughing out loud. Their master and mistress never fail to amuse them with their antics. *** 1. Chinese Zither
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