Ten: Inner thoughts and a wall

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(Picture available on w*****d) Congming (Crystal Liu Yi Fei) He is shocked beyond words upon seeing how graceful each of her dainty fingers expertly flicking the guzheng strings. How tantalizingly sweet her voice sounds to his ears. Supposedly, the princess is someone that is hated by him. But what is this that he is feeling? Fascination. Yes... This is just a mere fascination he thought. Nothing more than that. The one that he cares about is Lady Meili. This little princess is just a pawn for him to achieve a bigger thing. Unbeknownst to him, the princess is staring at his face and smile. As she is revealing her true capabilities, she is convinced that the general is slowly being attracted to her. Just like a moth drawn to a flame. This proud man sitting next to her always thought that everything is under his control. When it does not go according to his way, he will make sure that it will be according to his way to the very end... She bitterly smiles at that thought, "You have killed me in the other lifetime, this lifetime is for me to fight for my family." He can feel that the princess is looking at him, he takes a deep breath and acts as per usual. What is she thinking? Underneath that veil of hers, her face is covered, making it impossible for him to read her expression. This little princess is building a "wall" in-between them. She no longer pesters him as she has always done in the past. Towards her family, she has acted somewhat warm. Towards him, she... She is what? This is beyond his comprehension. This young girl suddenly becomes someone that he can no longer understand. This is bad. For both, the game has begun, and the winner has not been decided yet. Xiao Yu knows that his mistress had changed since the accident. He is happy as he had made the right choice to be one of her people. How ironic it is for a hired assassin like him to suddenly become a eunuch. When he is heavily injured 5 years ago, his mistress found him. She was visiting her maternal family then. She found him, brought him along to her grandparents' manor and making a tantrum so that he will be saved. That is when Huli first showed up, she is the goddaughter of the Wondering Godly Doctor Xuwu1. A 10-year old girl with a God-defying talent in the medical field. When the princess met Huli, they hit it off in flying colours. When he is healed, he vowed to pay his mistress with his body which results in waves of laughter from both girls. The princess then said, "If you want to serve me, be my personal eunuch." So, he did but, the princess demanded he do not have to destroy his manhood. Just act like one she said. With that, they returned to the palace with the princess. Nanny Lei explained to the Emperor and the Empress that the stubborn princess insisted on taking Huli and him under her wings, so they just let it be if the princess is happy. A year later, the princess has taken Chengshi, Congming and Lianhua under her wings as well. She has the tendency to choose those with talents of their own. Her palace is full of talents, one thing they have in common is that their loyalties are ultimately for the princess. That bratty princess somehow captured their hearts from the very first time they have met her. The only disappointment for them is that the princess is blindly in love with that man. Seems like that is no longer a problem now. Xiao Yu smiles while looking at the princess adoringly. The General saw it and cannot help but deviously smiles too. Seems like the princess and her people needed to be further investigated. He noticed that he is being stared intently, he looks at the person who is staring at him. It is one of her maids, a pretty girl, but he can feel that a bit of qi2 is flowing out of her body. What is she doing he wonders...? The aura from her body proves that she is not just a mere maid. Another maid noticed this, "Congming, do go to the kitchen and get another cup of tea for the General.” Congming calmly goes out as instructed by the maid standing next to the princess. She bends down and whispers something to the princess and the princess nods after hearing what she has said. "I think it best for me to go back. We will meet again..." "Goodbye, General. Have a good day." With that, Xiao Yu rushingly guide him to the main gate with a smile on his uncomfortably pretty face. The General wonders how on earth a man can look so pretty... He gently shakes his head as he is leaving the palace. *** 1. ** Nothingness2. The circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine
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