Eight: Her other lifetime

885 Words
(Picture available on w*****d) Nanny Lei (Joe Chen) The Crown Princess is just a young girl. Only 13 years of age but she has fallen in love with General when she first met him 3 years ago. That love of hers will never be returned in her other lifetime. For years, she has been doing everything for the General to be happy and to love her in return. All those sacrifices and tears of hers are nothing for the General. In that lifetime, he had used her for him to usurp the throne. Her dad and older brother have died during the power struggle. Her mother had killed herself soon after. Her stepmother had committed suicide too. Her younger sister died when the imperial palace was burned to ashes. Her sisters-in-law were killed in the fire too. They told her to live on, for the sake of the continuity of the descendant of Long but her husband, General Bing Xiaji won't let that to happen. She went berserk upon knowing her whole family tragically died on the same day, the day when the Long Dynasty has been overthrown by her own husband. Her remaining loyal servants have died whilst protecting her and the royal family, each and every one of them. When she stood in front of him with a sword in her hand, he thought that she wanted to stab him to death but, that was not her intention when she moved forward to him and his beloved consort. He pulled out his sword and stabbed through her heart. Time stops during that very moment. He looks shocked when he realized what was really happening, the sword in her hand is exactly where his heart is but it was the handle of the sword that she is holding, at the very last moment, she swiftly turned her sword. When she coughed, blood trickled out of her pale lips, everyone heard the sound of her sword fallen onto the hard-cold stone floor. She smiled and looked at him, she forced her body to come forward resulting in his sword penetrating to the back of her body, it was a bloody mess, the front and back parts of her white dress have been soaked with her blood. With just inches distance between her and her killer, she smiled and said, "You have succeeded in killing the Longs. You have succeeded in killing a Bing too. Given a chance, I would never ever let myself to love you ever again." With her last energy, she forcefully hits his chest with her palm, the strong force itself made her body thrown off into the cliff. Her hit has made him injured as well, she had used "Eternal Fire Palm" on him. Slowly, his inner qi will be diminished gradually over time. He may be the new Emperor, but he will be a powerless Emperor for the rest of his life. As her body had fallen deeper into the ravine, she smiled while her hands are holding onto her stomach, "Forgive me, my child. I have failed to protect you. We will be together now. We will no longer be living in sadness and pain." General Bing Xiaji forced himself to look down where his wife has fallen earlier. He saw her smile. He saw the tears in her eyes. He saw how she protectively put her hands onto her stomach. When he looked back onto his wife's face, she stared at him, this time she no longer smiles. Suddenly, he feels empty, but it is already too late. He had caused the royal family to be eradicated from the face of this earth. For days, he had instructed for his underlings to search for his wife. They found her lifeless body. Her body is frozen inside the icy cold river. The river where, after her body was found in it, always remained as an icy river regardless of the season for years and years to come even after the death of the new cold-blooded Emperor. Her body remained unchanged beneath the thick ice. She looks as if she was sleeping, for eternity. Some even believe that she has become an immortal because her body remains as if she is very much alive underneath the cold ice. The river soon becomes a place where people come and go to have look at the unfortunate princess. Even after hundreds of years, her body is still there, she calmly sleeps on for eternity. A reminder to all for her sad and unfortunate life. The Emperor tried to destroy her resting place, but he had failed. That thick ice would not break, nor will it have thawed in the summer. It remains an icy cold river for eternity just like her body remained unchanged underneath the ice. She is forever youthful and enchantingly beautiful underneath the ice. The enchanted sleeping princess, that is what people called her. That lifetime of hers had ended in tragedy. This lifetime of hers will not be the same. She will change it, that is her vow for this new chance. She will not end in tragedy. She will be the one the victory will be hers for the taking. (Picture available on w*****d) How it looks like when Crown Princess Fenghuang's body underneath the icy river.
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