Twenty-five: The clashes of egos

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(Picture available on w*****d) Bailu (Vic Chou) The two carriages stop before the black carriage and a group of horse riders. General Bing Xiaji is standing near to the black coloured carriage. Seeing that the carriages have stopped, he calmly walks to the front carriage, "This General gives his respect to Her Royal Highness." (Picture available on w*****d) General Bing Xiaji’s outfit. Hearing the General's voice made Crown Princess Long Fenghuang lazily yawn before she answers, "En..." Her short answer made Lianhua smiles and continues to steadily fan her mistress who, by now, is leaning towards the wall of the carriage. She gently pats one of the cushions and takes off her rattan hat with a white veil on it. Shortly thereafter, she takes her nap. Seeing that her mistress is taking her nap, she notifies Chengshi who is driving their carriage, "Chengshi, Her Royal Highness has just fallen asleep. Do drive the carriage in a steady manner." Chengshi turns her head and says, "Noted." The General nods his head when he heard what the maid had said from inside the carriage, he smiles before returning to his carriage. He is somewhat unsatisfied with the Crown princess's cold reply. She is obviously angry with him accompanying her along the journey. Even angrier when she knew that he will be stationed to guard the northern border which is quite near to her grandparents' manor. Even he himself is mad because this is not what he had planned to do in the first place. This is not what he had planned to do in the first place. He went inside his carriage before he ordered for his people to starts off the journey. His group of horse riders split into 2 groups; one group ride in front of his carriage while the other ride behind the Crown Princess's second carriage. Seeing how his people divided into 2 groups and taken both the front and back parts of the carriages, Xiao Yu and Congming calmly went to the left and right sides of the middle carriage. Congming softly knocks onto the side of the middle carriage, one of the small windows has been pushed a bit before a small and fair hand reaches out to pat the body of Congming's horse. Bing Zhongcheng who is one of the horse rider riding at the back saw how the beautiful lady in red smiles at the sight of that person inside the middle carriage. She nods her head before and continues to look at the person inside the middle carriage with a wide smile on her beautiful face. Only when that person pulls her hand back into the carriage, the beautiful lady in red then looks in front to concentrate on her ride. He must admit that the Crown Princess's people are gorgeous. Even the man in white is looking prettier than any man he had ever meet. That must be Eunuch Xiao Yu he thought. (Picture available on w*****d) Bing Zhongcheng’s outfit. Congming noticed that someone is staring at her. She turns her head to look at the person. When she sees that person, she smiles but Bing Zhongcheng realized that her pair of eyes gives him a piercing stare. Bing Zhongcheng wonders if they have met before, but he is sure that he had never met her. If he did, he would never forget that face of hers. Congming rolls her eyes in disgust. This guy is thinking too much unnecessary thing. Bing Zhongcheng, according to Chengshi's investigation, is the trusted man of General Bing Xiaji and his younger cousin from another branch. As he is obviously curious, she might as well add more to fuel his curiosity. Using him will be beneficial for the Ghost Sect she cunningly thought. Bing Zhongcheng is very curious with the lady in red but according to his spies, the Crown Princess and her people are no ordinary individuals. They cannot determine their current cultivation levels but each of them obviously a highly skilled martial expert. A few days ago, one of the General's right-hand man decided to act on his own by hiring those group of assassins from the Sun Moon Immortal Sect to infiltrate into the imperial palace. When his cousin found out about this matter, he personally executed that right-hand man of his which greatly shocked the rest of his people, but they kept it to themselves. They did realize that the General no longer that determine to execute with his plan. He even told them that it will be postponed for the time being. He ordered them to concentrate more on the Ghost Sect in the meantime. With that knowledge, Bing Zhongcheng reminded himself not to be easily swayed by this lady in red. Reading his thought out loud made Congming's smile even more. Interesting... Her mistress must know of this she thought. Xiao Yu saw Congming smiling to herself, he smiles too. This vixen is obviously planning something. He wonders who her new victim is. Meanwhile, silently sitting inside his grim carriage, the General is planning on what he needed to do in order to improve his relationship with his fiancée. He needed to earn her trust as he can feel that the little princess is being quite guarded whenever he is by her side. Congming, on the other hand, concentrates on what matters most, she must read the General's mind and reports it to her mistress. The General seems on the edge these days. In the past, he tends to ignore her mistress and even treated her with disdain. Now, whenever he sees her mistress, he is acting as if her mistress matters the most. Too bad that after years of being treated like she is nothing to him, her mistress suddenly changed her approach towards the General. She no longer acts as if the General is the centre of her whole world and this is something that they, the servants, are thankful for. Her mistress has changed for the better and seriously developed the Ghost Sect underground. The Ghost Sect has been dormant for years now as their mistress is too busy chasing the General. But, since she has woken up, she drastically re-arranged everything. The Ghost Sect even established a political relationship with all the 3 Kingdoms. Her mistress is a person to be reckoned with now. The General and his people are regarded by her mistress as persons of interest and have to be monitored at all times. In the middle carriage, amidst the inner thoughts and plannings by the people around her, the Crown Princess is taking her nap. Lianhua sits next to the sleeping princess and smiles. Her mistress looks so unguarded and innocent when she sleeps, she thought to herself. She then takes out a jade flute from her sleeves before playing a song for her sleeping. (Video available on w*****d) Song: Cool Down By: Alabamas Slum Drama: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (Eternal Love) Hearing the flute makes the princess stirred for a bit before she continued her nap with a slight smile on her lips. For the others, some feel more relax but some fell in deeper into their own respective thoughts. At that very moment, three dark-clothed individuals have been following the group in silence, hidden between the shadows of the trees.
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