Twenty-four: Till we meet again

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(Picture available on w*****d) Lord Jiaohua (Chen Kun) The day for Crown Princess Long Fenghuang to leave the imperial city has come. For the next 5 years, she will be living in the District of Heping1. The journey itself will take 5 days but she had been there once so she is used to the long and tedious journey to the District of Heping. As General Bing Xiaji has been decreed to go to the northern border to guard it for the time being and as District of Heping is located near the northern border, he shamelessly suggested that he will join the Crown Princess in her journey as well. Emperor Long Feng helplessly allowed him to do just that with the assurance that his daughter will be well protected during the journey. The Crown Princess is acting nonchalantly after knowing this, but she is quite mad and have to be cooled down by both her mother and Nanny Lei because she is that closed to murder someone when she first heard the news. Her father, on their other hand, have went into hiding upon knowing she has been searching for him high and low. She cooled down and made a new plan for this foolish "stumbling stone". Only when she has cooled down, the Emperor dare to come out of his hiding. Even then, he is always staying beside the Empress so that he will be protected from his eldest daughter's wrath. (Picture available on w*****d) The Emperor being spoiled by the Empress. The Crown Princess cannot help herself but only says exasperation, "Men!!!" which made her older brother sulked as he has nothing to do with the ridiculous thing that his father and the loathsome General have agreed with. The Crown Princess realized this, and she hugs her older brother and says, "Not you..." Lady Mudan laughs when she saw this. The Longs' men are weak against female, that's for sure she interestingly thought to herself. The imperial couple is looking at their daughter lovingly as if trying to capture how she looks like at that very moment. It will be years before they will meet their daughter again. When that time comes, she will be a grown-up woman and no longer be a young girl. The Empress suddenly cries, and the Emperor hugs her tightly. (Picture available on w*****d) Crown Princess Long Fenghuang's outfit. Their daughter looks at them sadly too. Though she is still mad at her father, she rushes to their side and hugs both of her parents. This is for our family she thought to herself. After hugging her parents, she went to hug Imperial Noble Consort Mei and Princess Long Hua as well. She then holds onto Lady Mudan's hand and sincerely asked her to take care of her older brother while promising to be back for their wedding. (Picture available on w*****d) The horse carriage (there should be 4 horses for each carriage). After exchanges of words between them, the Crown Princess slowly walks toward her carriage. The other similar carriage at the back has already been filled up with necessities, Huli is sitting at the driver's seat. (Picture available on w*****d) Huli’s outfit. The front carriage is for her and one of her maid, Lianhua. Chengshi is the one sitting at the driver's seat as well. (Picture available on w*****d) Chengshi’s outfit. Both Eunuch Xiao Yu and Congming are riding their respective horses. Lianhua is the only one who will be joining in the Crown Princess inside the front carriage. (Picture available on w*****d) Eunuch Xiao Yu’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Congming’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Lianhua’s outfit. The imperial family members including their faithful servants are watching the carriages as it droves further apart from the imperial palace. The royal family is watching from above the making gate of the imperial city. They can see a black carriage and a group of soldiers on horses are waiting for the 2 carriages. It is the General and his people. The Emperor is relieved when he saw this. He can rest assured that his daughter will be well taken care of. The others are relieved as well but only the Crown Prince is clenching his hand into a tight fist before Lady Mudan gently take hold onto his hand. Only then, he smiles while continue to stare in the distance. (Picture available on w*****d) General's soldiers’ outfits. Standing in silence behind the imperial family members are Nanny Lei and Captain Ying. They will continue to stay there to take care of Xuehua Palace and to act as the ambassadors of Ghost Sect during the morning assembly. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang already told them what they should do while she is not around. (Picture available on w*****d) Captain Ying’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Nanny Lei’s outfit. *** 1. ** Peace
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