Twenty-two: The Bings bid their goodbyes

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(Picture available on w*****d) Imperial General Hu (Michelle Yeoh) Once the banquet has ended, the Bings bid their goodbyes first. The Prime Minister and his wife pay their respects to the Emperor and both his consorts. Duchess Bing smiles as she looks at the Crown Princess, she softly pats her head and says, "Do take care of yourself, Your Royal Highness. We will be waiting for you." Prime Minister Bing smiles looking at the interaction between his wife and the Crown Princess. The Crown Princess smiles sweetly at his wife and nods her head. Then she looks at his adopted daughter, Meili. "Lady Meili, this is the first time that we have met. This princess has a gift for you for our first meeting." Chengshi takes a small velvet pouch out of her sleeve as she takes out a beautiful white jade bangle with silver carving and passes it to her mistress before retreating back to her original place. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang smiles at her maid then look back at Lady Meili, she gently takes her hand and slips the bangle onto her wrist, "This is just a simple bangle to signify our friendship. This princess hopes that with it, you will be protected." General Bing Xiaji heard what she had said to his adopted sister and wondered what she had meant by "protected". He then looked at the bangle, for a few seconds, he saw how there is a light blue qi coming out from the bangle itself before it slowly disappears. Protection formation spell? He looks back at the Crown Princess and saw she gently smiles at Meili. She gave Meili a bangle with a protection formation spell. Seems like she no longer hated his adopted sister. (Picture available on w*****d) "Protection formation spell?" He spontaneously asked. She looks at him with a surprised expression on her face, "Yes, protection formation spell. Seems like you have discovered this princess's intention. Lady Meili is a beautiful lady, her beauty will one day cause trouble for sure. As she is not a cultivated person, it is better for her to have some sort of protection to prevent any inconveniences. This bangle will do just that." Prime Minister Bing Xi and his wife heard this and sincerely convey their thanks to the Crown Princess. "In the time of grave danger, this bangle will release an emergency qi, and this will alert this princess of it, my loyal servants will rescue Lady Meili wherever she is. This is my sincere gift to her." Lady Meili smiles happily and squeezes Crown Princess Long Fenghuang's hand, "Thank you so much, Your Royal Highness!" "While this princess is not in the imperial city, Nanny Lei and Captain Ying will be the ones who will protect you whenever you needed protection." The Crown Princess smiles. There is a slight blush on Lady Meili's cheeks. The Crown Princess smiles when she noticed this. She was right after all. Lady Meili is indeed liking that loyal Captain of hers. This is good she thought to herself. The General refused to take her as a concubine but at least Lady Meili is liking someone else now. All she has to do is to create an opportunity to let Lady Meili and Captain Ying meet with each other. Her people deserve to be happy in this lifetime. She smiles cunningly at this thought. General Bing Xiaji saw this and smile as well. She obviously is planning something, but he wonders what is it that she is planning about. Before he leaves, he gently pats her head as well before she smacked his hand off of her head. "This is it then. This princess bids goodbye to the Duke and the Duchess, and Lady Meili as well. Do take care of yourselves in the meantime. And, goodbye to you too General. We will meet again in 5 years." He smiles, "Goodbye, for now, Your Royal Highness. We will meet again soon." Crown Princess Long Fenghuang glared at him. With that, the Bings walk to leave Xuehua Palace to the nearby gate on the western side of the imperial palace. The Duke and Duchess are happy knowing that the Crown Princess is being nothing but kind towards their family, especially to Lady Meili. But, towards their son, she is being somewhat cold and cruel with her words. Karma they both thought. Their son has never been kind to her, so this is his karma. There is nothing that they can do except to let time decides what is best for both engaged pair.
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