Twenty-three: Family talk

1037 Words
When Nanny Lei confirms that all of the Bings have indeed left Xuehua Palace, Crown Princess Long Fenghuang turns her body around and says, "Father, mother, second mother, older brother and younger sister do stay as Fenghuang have something to say... Older sister, please joins us as well." Everyone looks at each other and wonders why the Crown Princess insists for them to stay behind. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang sits on one of the chairs at the big round table, the others join her to sit surrounding the table as they stare at her. "Nanny Lei, are those 3 back from the prison yet?" Nanny Lei stands behind the Crown Princess and answers, "Yes, they are back." The other members of the royal family saw that Huli, Eunuch Xiao Yu and Captain Ying have just arrived, and they are steadily coming forward to the waiting hall. All three of them greets the royal family at the same time, "This servant greets His Majesty, Her Majesties, His and Her Royal Highness and My Lady." The Emperor nods his head, "Captain Ying, what did you found out from the assassins?" Captain Ying respectfully bow down his head before answering, "This servant founds out that they are hired by someone but none of them knew who hired them." The Crown Princess then says, "Huli, anything else?" Huli comes forward and bow her head, "Your Royal Highness, they are indeed hired assassins. They are from the Sun Moon Immortal Sect, a branch to be exact." Lady Mudan then slammed her palm on the table, "Aren't they from a righteous sect? What on earth are they thinking?" The Crown Prince saw this, but he calmly went beside his fiancée to calm her down. He sits next to her, "Fenghuang, what is your opinion on this?" "A few days ago, Congming and Xiao Yu have gone outside the imperial palace to investigate as the Sun Moon Immortal Sect have a newly appointed leader. This leader seems to be one of the General's supporter. One of the General's right-hand man has gone to the ceremony." The Empress look at her daughter, "Did the General have anything to do with this?" Crown Princess Long Fenghuang stays mum. Congming saw her mistress and she answers on behalf of her, "Your Majesty, it seems like the General has been laying low ever since the Her Royal Highness has woken up. He hasn’t been in any contact with any of his supporters ever since. This servant thinks that this supporter of his doing this without the General's knowledge." Imperial Noble Consort Mei gently pats the hand of the Crown Princess, "He is not the one responsible for this. You can be rest assured, Fenghuang..." The Crown Princess smiles at her, "He might not know about it, but he caused this to happen. He gave hope to his supporters that under him, they can reach greater heights. Second mother, that man might be laying out low now but who knows what will happen in the future." She then looks at the Emperor, "Father, this daughter will give you a list of who's supporting the General and who's not. Gradually, gather these non-supporters and one by one, they will be given more and more responsibility in their respective ministries. Prime Minister Bing might be the General's father, but he is a loyal man. Do make sure that he is always by your side. Do not push him away. He will be a pawn for us, with him by our side, the General would not rampantly do things." She then continues, "This daughter's engagement with the General has been decided for the sake of the kingdom. Fenghuang wishes that younger sister's marriage will be based on love." The Emperor looked at his daughter with a sad expression his face. The Crown Princess smiles at him and says, "Do not be sad, father. This daughter will do everything so that she will live happily. This daughter will use the 5 years' period wisely. With Nanny Lei and Captain Ying at Xuehua Palace, they will be my eyes, ears and mouths. The remaining people in Xuehua Palace will continue to serve loyally for the imperial family." Princess Long Hua then excitedly says, "Older sister, I am really thankful for your thoughtful thoughts. Seems like you have already planned everything. Younger sister convinced that you will come back as an exceptional person. That General is no match for you!" Crown Princess Long Fenghuang smiles with her comforting words, "You too will grow up to be an exceptional person. Remember to only marry the man that you love. This is what older sister wishes for you." She stands up and walk to the middle of the waiting hall before kneeling and gives a full bow to everyone, "Fenghuang promised that she will do her best for the Longs and the kingdom. Everyone will live in peace and happiness as long as Fenghuang is still breathing." The Empress runs towards her daughter and hugs her tightly, the Emperor seeing how emotional his wife is, hugs both mother and daughter. Imperial Noble Consort Mei and Princess Long Hua smile seeing the 3 of them hugging each other then the younger princess suddenly laugh when she sees her older brother suddenly goes for a group hug as well. Lady Mudan just shakes her head upon seeing how childish her fiancé is acting. When they leave, one by one, give the Crown Princess a hug. It will be years before they can meet the Crown Princess again. The Crown Princess insisted for them not to meet her within the 5 years and if there is anything, they should let her people know and her people will handle everything while she is out of the imperial city. She also reminded that if they heard anything about her, no matter what, they should believe in her and stays calm. For the sake of the kingdom and as per her requests, they decided to believe in her and will not interfere with anything. They do not know why but their hearts are convinced that the Crown Princess is planning something big. They, in the meantime, can only wait and see.
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