Twelve: Second step - Ghost Sect

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(Picture available on w*****d) Lianhua (Wang Chu Ran) "Have the invitations been sent out?" Crown Princess Long Fenghuang asked while she continues reading. She seems to be at peace with this current situation. Confining herself inside Xuehua Palace is much better than running around mindlessly and creating terror within the vicinity of the imperial palace. It is summer time now, it is too hot for anyone to wander around under the hot summer sun. Being lazy is highly beneficial for her body and mind. (Picture available on w*****d) What Crown Princess Long Fenghuang is currently doing. "All the invitations have been sent out, Your Royal Highness. Nanny Lei and the cooks are preparing the ingredients for the banquet later this evening." Chengshi replied while she is softly massaging the Crown Princess's shoulder. The Crown Princess smiles contentedly, "Chengshi, you are so good... Did Lianhua already completed her given task yet?" Chengshi continued to massage her shoulder, "She is currently out with Xiao Yu to send the invitation to the Prime Minister's manor. Then, she will do what needed to be done." Crown Princess Long Fenghuang, "Good. Those 3 will be starting with their respective mission soon. It is crucial for the sake of our kingdom" "Understood, Your Royal Highness. Each of us will do our given mission efficiently. This will create havoc in the martial arts world soon." Chengshi smiles with a glint of evil in her eyes. "Tell Congming to prepare herself for tonight's feast. All of you must give extra attention to the General and his shadow guards. The Ghost Sect will make an appearance for the first time soon and it will be done to warn all the others as well especially that annoying Sun Moon Immortal Sect." Chengshi and Huli both smile in anticipation upon hearing what the Crown Princess had just said. They will be in another district soon but, while they are gone, the Ghost Sect will make an appearance in the Kingdom of Long. The princess smiles while humming to herself, she continues to read her book while munching on the delicious biscuit prepared by Nanny Lei. (Picture available on w*****d) Example of biscuits. The martial arts world of the 3 Kingdoms knew that a new sect had emerged 3 years ago, but no one knows who they are or where they come from? The righteous and demonic sects are clamouring for more information on this new sect, but no one has been able to infiltrate into this elusive new sect. All they know that this new sect has 2 leaders. The co-leaders' tier is made of 8 individuals, the fourth tier is made of 8 groups consisting of 10 members each. Their identities are a well-kept secret as no one knows their real identities. This new sect has been moving underground rather actively in all the 3 kingdoms. They have been laying low but, a week ago, something had changed. All the sudden, the Ghost Sect have started to build a fortress right in the middle of the 3 kingdoms. The Royals never really bothered with the martial arts world, but they are curious with this new sect too. After all, the Ghost Sect has sent its people to give personal assurance and guarantee to each of the Kingdom that they will be given a token, a token where they can use it whenever they needed help or assistance from the Ghost Sect. For the Kingdom of Long, the Ghost Sect demanded that their Sect can moves freely in the Kingdom itself. The Emperor allowed it but with a condition that an ambassador from the Ghost Sect must join the daily assembly meeting. This is the first time ever for a martial arts sect and the royalties to make a joint pack. It will be officially announced after the fortress has been built. For now, only the Emperor knew about this newly formed pack between the Kingdom and the new Sect. The Emperor hopes that this new pack will curb the advancing power of General Bing Xiaji. (Picture available on w*****d) Ghost Sector's official outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Ghost Sector's official face mask. (Picture available on w*****d) Ghost Sector's official weapon.
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