Thirteen: The future in-laws and the "rival"

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(Picture available on w*****d) Xiao Yu (Ma Ke) The Prime Minister, his wife and their adopted daughter are the first one to arrive at Xuehua Palace. Chengshi is the first one to greet them and take them to the waiting hall. Lady Meili is astounded when she saw Chengshi as the maid is so beautiful even when she is wearing a simple black and white outfit. She wonders if the other personal maids of the Crown Princess are as beautiful as this maid too. This maid is a soft-spoken beauty and she seems quite scholarly too. One cannot help but feel quite comfortable around her. "Her Royal Highness will be here in any seconds now. Honourable guests, please take a seat in the meantime. Chengshi will serve the refreshments in a moment" she then walks out of the waiting hall and went straight into the kitchen. (Picture available on w*****d) Chengshi, Congming, Huli & Lianhua's outfits. The Prime Minister calmly observes his surroundings. The Crown Princess seems to enjoy living in solitude, Xuehua Palace is in the furthest part of the imperial palace. Although it is summer now, this palace is quite cool and refreshing. There is nothing extravagant about this palace of hers, everything has been placed there for a practical reason and not simply to be shown off to others. Simple yet elegant, that seems to be the Crown Princess personal preferences. It seems that it was his son that has made her to be such a despotic individual. Over the last few weeks, he has heard that she had drastically changed for the better. He is happy and he sincerely hopes that this change will make his son treat her better in the future. His wife is a bit apprehensive to have her as their daughter-in-law. He knows that she wanted their adopted daughter to marry their son. Meili is a lovely girl but he cannot help but feels that the Crown Princess is the right woman for his son. (Picture available on w*****d) The Prime Minister and his wife's official outfit. "The arrival of Emperor Long Feng, Empress Huihuang and Imperial Noble Consort Mei!!!" Everyone automatically stand-up and bow down to the Emperor and his consorts. The Prime Minister rarely sees Empress Huihuang and Imperial Noble Consort Mei but, upon seeing them both, he must admit that they are both very beautiful. The Empress is an elegant beauty while the Imperial Noble Consort is a demure beauty, both are a glaring contrast to one another, but he realizes that the relationship between them is nothing but love and harmony. The Emperor is indeed a lucky man to have both beauties in his harem. He fully understands now why the Emperor refused to take any more concubine despite the pressures from the ministers over the years after the Emperor personally emptied out the back palace leaving only the Empress and the Imperial Noble Consort. (Picture available on w*****d) The royal couple's outfits. (Picture available on w*****d) Imperial Noble Consort Mei's outfit. Duchess Bing cannot help but sigh upon seeing the Emperor and his consorts. The Emperor is a very good-looking man to a point that he is quite a beauty to look at as well. The Empress is a very beautiful woman indeed. As a woman, she is somewhat attracted to the Empress from the very first-time sight which is a surprise to her. The Empress is indeed a beautiful, charismatic and elegant woman. The Imperial Noble Consort is very beautiful as well, but her beauty is the type that attracts the man wanting to protect her from all the harms in the world. The royal family is indeed intriguing. All three of them are known to be living in a harmonious relationship with one another. There is no hidden malice in-between the Empress and the Imperial Noble Consort, they are treating each other with respect to one another. The Emperor looks happy with his Empress and Imperial Noble Consort both sitting on his left and right side. Lady Meili cannot help but stares at these royalties sitting on the large wooden chair in the middle of the waiting hall. Each of them looking as if they are a celestial themselves. Royalties are indeed on another level she thought to herself. She wonders if the Crown Princess herself is as beautiful as her parents. Big brother Xiaji had assured her that she will be his secondary wife even though he is engaged to the Crown Princess. She just listened to his words, she is grateful that the Prime Minister had saved her in the past. A commoner like her even adopted by the Prime Minister and his wife. There is nothing for her not to be grateful if so when big brother insisted that she must marry him, she just accepted his decision as he is one of her benefactors as well. (Picture available on w*****d) Example of a large wooden chair.
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