Huge Setup

2239 Words
POV: Heather Today is Brian's mating ceremony. I’ve tried as much as possible to think of a way out of this situation I find myself. I’ve been ignoring Tiana since I witnessed the exchange between her and Alpha Brian. This time, she has been the one calling me, telling me how sorry she is and how she misses me and wants us to continue being friends. I hate her… Gosh, I hate that b***h! Whenever I read her text or listen to her voice note, I just want to go after her, pull her by the hair and drag her out to the open so she can tell everyone what I have done to deserve this much hatred from her. But I chose to keep calm and see how far she would go to convince me to be the Alpha's Mistress. Would she really force me to be with him? Today, I have been assigned more duties as an omega. Every omega in training has been assigned double chores because we were expecting guests from other surrounding packs. It is rumored that the lycan king was sending a representative just for this occasion. I guess the king has also heard about the Demon Wolf packs and how strong and powerful our warriors are. With this war with the rogues, it’s not surprising that the king chose to bond with the strongest parks that can offer support and fight along with his warriors if the need arises. I just find it annoying that he chose to send a lycan to attend this stupid ceremony. It’s been two days since the rumors started flying around, and Mira has not stopped talking about it for even one second. “Our bond is even stronger than the current Alpha and Luna. The King has never bothered to come all these years, but he chose to come this time because of Brian I. This is the happiest day of my life. Because of me, a lycan would visit this pack for the first time in many centuries. I’m so f*****g special!” she announces excitedly. She has been so giddy and pompous for the past two days, carrying herself like a queen and demanding special treatment from everyone. Her words even infuriate the Luna sometimes, but she couldn’t care less. She feels she is even more important than the Luna and she feels she deserves more respect than the Luna because apparently, she is the Princess that brought such good luck to our humble pack by simply accepting to be the Luna. How Ironic! You think that I am the true Luna and yet I get nothing, not even the slightest recognition. All I get are insults and abuses from everyone, including betrayed that pretend to be my friends. My life is so f*****g pathetic, but that’s okay. It’s just for tonight, as from tomorrow, I’ll get my permanent role as an omega, and I may be lucky enough to be sent to one of the elites that live on the other side of town. Then I can live a quiet and peaceful life like Marietta, and maybe one day, the right man may come along and sweep me off my feet. But for now, I just have to avoid Mira at all costs while I think of a way to deal with Tiana, the traitor. She never stopped calling me every f*****g day. I’m sure she knows I’m avoiding her on purpose, she just doesn’t know why and I’m hoping to keep it that way until I’m ready to face her head-on, and deal with her. My issues with her don’t matter now, all that matters is that I finish my chores on time and try not to sabotage this event. It has crossed my mind a few times, but I need to be assigned to an elite home, so I need to behave and act like the perfect omega. As usual, I was not able to socialize or interact with anyone because I am the wolfless omega that everyone avoids like the plague. But that’s okay, I wouldn’t need to worry about them after today, so it’s best for everyone if I just ignore them all and focus on my chores. The guests have not started arriving yet, so I still have a few hours to finish my chores and get ready for the ceremony. I was cleaning the rooms for the guests, getting them ready for their arrival. I was cleaning the best guestroom that is reserved for our lycan guest, then I felt something. At first, it felt like a mild tingling in my heart as I thought about our lycan guest and what he would look like. Imagining his face just made me feel excited for no reason at all. I wonder if I’m going crazy, like, why am I feeling excited about a guy I’ve never met. That’s just crazy. I was going to push those silly thoughts to the back of my head, but all of a sudden, that excitement I was feeling turned to fear. I could feel a little tremble in my bones and the hair on my back stood alert in fear, notifying me of a looming threat. I could have just ignored that feeling and continued with my work but I just couldn't. I’ve lived around here long enough to trust my instincts, so I turned immediately to check my surrounding. And that is when I saw Mira and her friends, standing behind me, glaring daggers at me. Like, if eyes could kill, I would have slumped and died immediately. She has three guards with her, and I knew without being told that I’m in trouble. “I didn’t do anything, I swear by the moon goddess! I’ve just been here doing my chores and staying out of trouble, I promise!” I pleaded pathetically before they even said a word to me. “Shhhhh...” Mira let out with a nod of her head, bringing her finger to her lips to hush me from my endless rambling. “Mira, please... Not today… It’s your big day, and it’s a bad omen for you to…” “Oh, you know it’s my big day! Wow, that’s awesome! You know, for a while there I thought you suddenly developed amnesia, and I thought you didn’t know I was getting my dream man today?” she let out sarcastically, smiling evilly like a witch. I took a step backward, putting more distance between us because I have no idea what she was up to this time. she took a dramatic pause and continued speaking with her sarcastic tone and evil laughter “You know what is a bad omen?” she asked, “Getting the news that my lover is planning to take a mistress on our big day. And not only that, the evil mistress accepted my lover's request, and she has been getting ready to look prettier than me on my big day. Can you believe that?” she asked sarcastically, and she laughed out loudly at her own joke. “No… No… No… No… That’s a lie! You have to believe me Mira, I never accepted any of that, I was never approached by anyone, I swear it. Brian hates me as much as you do, he would never have anything to do with me. Whoever told you those stories was lying, Mira, I promise. It’s a setup, someone is setting me up, I would never try to steal your man, not on your big day.” I begged, trying to reason with her. But Mira is beyond reasoning. If given the opportunity, she would beat me without a reason. And now that she has a reason, there is no telling what she would do to me. And that is why I kept moving backward as I pleaded with her, trying to put more distance between us. “In other words, you are calling me a fool. You are implying that I have no brain to verify an information before taking action, is that it?” she asked me, and before I could say a word, she pounced on me, scratching my face and eyes, slapping and hitting me all over. Lila and Kira joined her in the physical assault. With their wolf speed and strength, they all beat me mercilessly, while the guards stood by and watched to make sure I don’t dare to hit our Luna to be. I was in pain, and yet I couldn’t let Aurora out to defend myself, I couldn’t even heal my bruises, or else I’ll be discovered and punished for lying to the pack and deceiving the Alpha. And after dealing with the punishment, I’ll still be kicked out for having a wolf that looked like the rogues. “Mira, please… Please let me go, I beg of you. I didn’t do it, I promise.” I kept on begging and praying she listens to me. “You know, I was told that he already bought you an outfit for the occasion tonight. But, since you claim that I’m a liar, why don’t I follow you home and see for myself.” She offered sarcastically. With that, she locked her fist in my dark curly locks and dragged me by the hair from the palace, down to the little apartment given to Marietta. Today is a very busy day, Marietta wasn’t at home at this hour because she had to oversee all the omegas and make sure everything goes according to plan. I guess I’m so unlucky today, she would have saved me from these demons if she were here. Now they’ll be into our house and search for a piece of evidence that wasn’t even here. So I thought anyways, but I was wrong, so f*****g wrong. As soon as we got into the house, we were greeted with a bunch of shopping bags that definitely weren’t here when Marietta and I were leaving home early this morning. They look super expensive, and I couldn’t even say a damn word as I looked from Mira to the bags, and right back to Mira. “But… But… But…” “But what, Heath? Cat got your tongue?” Mira asked in her usual sarcastic tone, her eyes glaring daggers at me. “I swear to you, Mira, I have no idea how these things got here, it wasn’t here this morning when I left the house. I have no idea what is going on, I swear it. Please believe me,” I pleaded with tears as I tried to figure out what is going on here. “Oh shut up already! You lying b***h! First, you claimed I was lying and now these shopping bags just miraculously appeared right here in your house. He bought you the same things he buys for me, from the same f*****g mall! Yet you stand there and lie to my face when the truth is staring you in the eyes. You f*****g w***e! I’ll teach you not to look at my man ever again. I’ll make you regret this!” she threatened angrily as she picked up the items in the shopping bags and threw them at me in anger. I could feel her seething anger from a mile away, and it hurt to think that someone did this on purpose, just to make her hurt me. “Deal with this w***e! I don’t want to set eyes on her tonight, while I get marked and entertain our lycan guest, she’ll be in the hospital recuperating. She has no wolf, so she can’t heal fast.” She let out furiously, instructing her guards to hurt and injure me. “You can keep the things he bought for her, b***h! But you won’t be able to wear any of it, you’ll be too busy nursing your injuries. You cannot ruin my day with your cursed presence, I’ll be damned if I let you steal my man! And guess what, sweetie… I’ll inform the Luna that you wish to ruin my day by abandoning your chores. I’ll make you suffer!” she yelled in my face before storming out of our house furiously. The guards pounced on me, beating the hell out of me, making sure I was too hurt to attend the ceremony tonight. They stormed out of the room when they felt satisfied with their handiwork. I lay crouched on the floor, crying my eyes out, cursing whoever did this to me. Aurora couldn’t hold back this time, I was too weak to keep her imprisoned in my head. She came forward and healed me completely, taking my pain away. I felt relieved and angry at the same time. If Mira doesn’t find bruises on me, I’ll have a lot of questions to answer. “Thanks, Aurora. I’m sorry for keeping you locked up always, I just want to keep us safe.” I told her sadly, trying not to pour my anger and frustration on her. She smiled her approval as she went back inside to give me a chance to think straight and figure out what to do next. Will I attend this party, or not? Most importantly, who is behind this huge setup, who did this to me? Well, I got the answer to my question when I heard a soft knock on my door.
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