Playing A Game Of Pretense

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POV: Heather I heard a soft knock on the door and I panicked because I thought Mira is back to check if they followed her instructions or not. My heart started beating faster as I thought of what I was going to do to make her believe that it still hurting from the beating I was given. I thought of adding some makeup to show that I was bruised, but I thought against it immediately. That would simply give me away because it would only prove that I am still strong enough to run so fast and apply the makeup. I would rather remain this way and let her come in here and see me lying weakly on the floor. After all, Aurora just healed me, I never wiped away the blood stains all over my body. I am still filthy from the attack, so she would have no reason to doubt or suspect anything. “But wait, why did she knock?” Why didn’t she just force the door open like she did earlier? Maybe she regrets her actions, and she is here to make it right and apologize. Or maybe she thinks I’m dead, I really can’t say. I just lay on the floor, squirming in pain, holding my stomach firmly, pretending to be in serious pain. I heard the sound of footsteps and I wondered why it wasn’t the sound of hills on the tiles. I was so curious that I raised my head to see who it was. And that was when I saw Tiana, standing in front of me, looking so hurt and pained, “Oh, no! You are leading, Heath! You are so hurt and in pain, how did this happen, why did they hurt you this way?” she asked sadly, trying to pull me up from the floor and up to the couch. “Stop! I’m fine!” I told her firmly, shrugging from her touch. I dragged myself up from the floor, screaming in pain at intervals so she doesn’t have any crazy ideas. “What are you doing here, Ana? Last I recall, you didn’t want to be friends with me because I’m such a prude. You said I was too miserable and you do not wish to share in my misery. So what changed, Tiana, what the f**k are you doing here!” I asked weakly, trying not to raise my voice so she doesn’t know that I’m feeling okay. “Oh, no, my friend. You know I never meant any of that. I was just too pissed to see you in pain. I’ve missed you so much, Heath. I sent a dozen voice notes and messages to apologize for being a bad friend. When you didn’t respond to any of my messages, I decided to search for you in the pack house and tell you how sorry I am. Then I saw you being bullied by Mira, and I followed you down here to make sure you were okay. I'm sorry this happened to you, Heath. What was she even thinking, how could she accuse you of flirting with the Alpha?” she asks angrily, coming to seat right next to me on the couch, feigning concern. “So you were here the whole time I was being bullied and beaten?” I asked sadly as a lone tears slid down my cheeks. She sighed sadly and pulled me into her arms, hugging me as a true friend would, and that made me even teary because there was a time when I sought comfort in her arms. There was a time when a simple hug from her would make me feel so much better and relieved. Now all I feel in my heart is hatred for this b***h. “Oh, Heath, I’m so sorry that she hurt you. If I could, I would have stopped her, I promise. But there was nothing I could do, to stop her. That’s why I hid behind the trees and waited for her to leave so I can come and take care of you. Where does it hurt, is it here, or here?” she kept asking as she did a full body check on me, acting so f*****g nice. If I wasn’t in that locker room myself, I would never have believed that someone so nice to me could hate me so much. “I’m fine, no need for all that. I was lucky today, the guards missed all my fragile parts. At least I can still run back to the pack house and finish my chores before the guest starts arriving.” I let out proudly, watching the expression on her face as it went from pity to shock in the blink of an eye. “Wait, what? Do you still want to risk it and attend the ceremony? Are you f*****g insane! Do you have a death wish? Mira was perfectly clear when she said she doesn’t want to set eyes on you tonight. If you dare to defy her, she would come after you with everything she’s got. Do not forget that she would have been marked by Brian, and that automatically makes her the future Luna. What do you think would happen when the Alpha steps down in a few weeks and had over the title to Brian? She would be Luna then, and she would come for you!” she explained vigorously, putting way too much energy into her dumb speech. “Come on, Ana, relax your nerves and chill. Look at these beautiful shopping bags that Brian got for me. You and I know that if Brian wants me for a mistress, then there is nothing I can do about it, I just have to accept him, just like Marietta. Oh, it’s going to be so much fun to be given a house and a respectable position like Marietta. That is what you have ways wanted for me, right? I never knew that Brian would ever love me. If I knew all this, I would have accepted to follow you to those parties all this while. Can you imagine me, Heather, a mistress to the Alpha of the Demon wolf pack? That would be a dream come true. I won’t give him up for anything in the world. Mira can bully me all she wants, I’ll still be there tonight, and I’ll use the nice things he got for me and I will look so pretty for my Alpha.” I let out excitedly, pushing her to show her real self, trying to infuriate the hell out of her. “So you mean you are going to accept his gifts and also attend the ceremony tonight?” she asked, faking a smile. I had a brighter smile on my face as I responded excitedly. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” I beamed, tipping my head to the side, and studying her face. “Errrmmmm… Chore! Yes, chores! I still have some chores I need to finish before the guests start coming. I can see you don’t need me here, so I’ll just run along and finish my chores.” She let out nervously, standing up from the couch unsteadily. I almost burst into fits of laughter, but I decided to remain cool until she leaves. She thinks she is so smart, I think she is underestimating me. Turns out that Tiana is playing a mean game. She went to inform Mira about Brian’s plan to take a mistress. She is simply trying to retain her position as his mistress. I’m guessing that Mira went to Brian to confirm the information, and the latter did not deny his desire to have me. And that is why Mira is so pissed off at me. She thinks I have been trying to seduce her man. If only she knew that we are puppets on a string, and the grand puppet master is none other than Tiana herself. She pitched us against each other, lying to Mira and causing me so much pain. Then she waltz in here to cuddle and pampered me like a true friend. But all she wants is for Mira to get rid of me so she can retain her position as the Alpha's beloved mistress. I can see right through her plots, her fake smiles do not deceive me again. The only question on my mind is, “Who is responsible for these expensive shopping bags that are staring at me in our living room? Did she actually spend all the money she gets from her lovers just to frame me, or is it really true that Brian had bought all these nice things for me? How did they even get it in here? I’m sure Marietta and I locked up before we left this morning. Could it really be Brian, did he get our spear key from his father just so he could surprise me and make me feel happy today? I know I should be pissed off at him, but thinking of him going to this length to please me is quite exciting. I think he is finally beginning to accept our bond, he knows how sad I’ll be today, and that this why he decided to put a smile on my face by getting me these nice things. I guess this is why Marietta chose to remain a mistress to the Alpha. He spoils her with gifts and pampers her always. I guess Tiana was right after all. Being a mistress has its perks, and judging from Marietta’s life, I don’t think it is that bad. I can’t believe I’m saying this, I can’t believe I’m considering the possibility of being a mistress. What the hell is wrong with me? I think it’s our bond, it’s just making me so crazy. It will be so much better if he just rejects me and let me go. I’ll be better off without him and his many dramas. I know it’s going to hurt as hell, but it’s way better than this torture he is putting me through. How can you desire me as a mistress, when the moon goddess joined us as soulmates. It’s just not fair to me, it’s not right. Tonight I’ll give him a chance to speak with me and tell me exactly what he wants with me. Tonight is the last chance he has to make things right. As for Tiana, I would wait until after the ceremony before I would tell him just how stupid she is. Tonight is our final evaluation before we are assigned our permanent posts. If she finds out that I know about her plans, she will cook up more plots with her other omega friends, her real friends, I mean. And they will ruin my hard work and put me in trouble. I just have to be cool and smart about it. She has been dragging her feet, refusing to leave. I see her staring at my gift bags and I wonder what could be going through her mind. “Is there a problem, Tiana? Don’t tell me you are seeing this expensive stuff for the first time, I’m still not our numerous lovers must get you nice things all the time.” I teased her, smiling widely like an i***t. “Of course, I get gifts like these all the time. But I just love that black gown, I wish you would lend it to me for tonight. I thought you wouldn’t accept the...” “You thought I wouldn’t accept nice gifts from the Alpha? Why would you think that, and what black gown are you talking about, how do you know I’ll find a black gown in one of these bags?” I asked her, walking to stand in front of her, with my hands folded on my chest. She looks nervous, I guess she didn’t know when she blabbed too much. That gown must be really pretty to make her lose control this way. “No, I didn’t say that! I mean, I did say that, but I don’t mean it that way. You are obviously getting it wrong. I was only asking if you have a black gown I can borrow for the party. You know how I love black goes, it suits me so well.” She lied, laughing loud go his her nervousness. “Oh, come on, Ana. You know I don’t have any nice outfits in my wardrobe, except these gifts from my handsome Alpha. I can’t go through these gift bags until I show them to Marietta and get her approval. I’ll suggest you go back to your wardrobe and check again. I’m sure you’ll find one of those pretty outfits you wear to parties always.” I told her sarcastically, smiling brightly as she almost lashed out and called me evil. She held back before she exposes herself and she responded with a bright smile of her own, faking it as well. “ill see you tonight then,” she retorts icily as she stormed out of my room in anger. This time I couldn’t hold back any longer, I laughed at our little game of pretense. Trust me, tonight is going to be fun.
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