Unfair Deal

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POV: Xander I thought I wasn’t hearing him right, like, how did we go from having information about the rogues to setting me up with a woman. And not just any woman, it had to be, Vinnie the doodle-head. What is wrong with these people? “Is this a joke or what?” I asked in dismay, looking from Dad to Vinnie, waiting for someone to scream, Surprise! It’s a prank! But that wasn’t forthcoming, instead, they both looked offended by my words, especially Vinnie. I don’t blame her, I really don’t. She has no idea how much I hate her, I was married to her sister so I had to pretend to like her just to please Celia. But everyone around me knows how much I hate Vinnie, she is such an i***t. She is not just dumb, but also a f*****g w***e. She is the complete opposite of her sister, Celia. While Celia was training to be a warrior queen and learning about all the kingdom's diplomacy, Vinnie was busy clubbing and partying like a w***e. You can never find her sober, she is either high on alcohol or hard drugs. Sometimes get guards have to carry her unconscious body back home to her parents. Twice, I’ve caught her flirting with my guards when she visits this lycan palace. She is so loose and crazy, I wouldn’t wish her on anyone. She can never be my Queen, it’s just not possible. Besides, the reason I hated her even more was because she shares a striking resemblance to her dead sister. Seeing her going around town, acting all wild and crazy with my wife's face just makes me feel so angry. How do I be with her without thinking of all the guys I’ve seen her with, how do I even be with her and not think about her sister that used to be my world. It’s just so stupid and insane. I’m not doing it, I just can’t. “Stop being so weak, Xander, you are embarrassing our guests. This is our decision and there is no going back!” Dad lashed out angrily, glaring furiously at me. I would have gladly stood here and engaged in a hearing contest with him, but I know my father, and I know he meant every damn word. So I just walked out of his presence before I say something that could get him angrier than he already is. Surprisingly, he didn’t try to stop me, he just kept mute and watch me walk out quietly. I guess he knows I’m trying to avoid an argument or a fight. Or maybe he finally understands my feelings and decided to let me be. But that’s quite unlikely. My father is a very stubborn man, so there is no way in hell that he would back down after making such a huge decision and even inviting her family over. I got into my room and banged the door a little harder than necessary. I still can’t believe that I’m being forced to mate with Celia’s sister so the bond between our kingdoms stays strong. What happened to my feelings, why couldn’t he wait for me to finish mourning my wife, why can’t I choose a girl I like. Must it be about the kingdoms? These rogues are planning something bigger that would affect even the lycans. They killed my wife because we were getting too close to the truth. And they have continued their attacks on us as if they didn’t just execute my mate and ruined my life. Now my family wants to force Vinnie on me, simply because she looks like Celia and they think I can’t resist her. It’s not fair to me, it’s just not right. “Tap… Tap… Tap…” came a soft knock on my door as soon as I got into the room. “Not now, Dad! Just, go away!” I yelled at the door. I’m about to dial Alexis and I don’t want to be distracted. I felt relieved when the knocking stopped, then I heard the sound of the doorknob being turned and I groaned in frustration because I knew he was coming to give me a sermon that would end with him threatening to disown me if I don’t listen to him. But I stopped and listened carefully when I heard the sound of hills clinking on the tiles. That is certainly not Dad, and Mom doesn’t wear these hills often. The maids would be crazy to walk around this palace in hills all day. So who the hell is this, I wondered within me as I stepped out of my bedroom to check it out. You see, this palace occupies the entire royal family. It’s a three-story building that has suites for each member of the family. The king's space has more like a double suite, but mine is just a suite with an adjoining bedroom, a visitor's room, and a makeshift kitchen that I use occasionally if I don’t want to be seen downstairs. I stepped out of my bedroom and found Vinnie standing in the middle of the room, looking so sexy and tempting. I was wondering why she was wearing a trench coat to such a meeting. Hmmmm… Well, I don’t need to wonder anymore. It is because she was informed that I may not be willing to accept her as a replacement for her sister, so she decided to put on a show to convince me that she is just as good as Celia. She’s wearing a white two-piece lingerie set with a garter belt. Her boobs are almost spilling out of her bra, and her thong left nothing to the imagination as she puts one leg on my center table, giving me a good view of her honey pot. Classic Vinnie! She thinks her p***y is the solution to every problem she may encounter in life. I wonder what they were thinking when they arranged this damn marriage. I would be so miserable if I marry Vinnie, I can’t even stand her. She is so sexy and desirable, but certainly not my kind of woman. White was Celia’s favorite color, it always suited her because she is so kind-hearted, pure, and innocent. But somehow, it just felt so wrong to see this white lingerie on Vinnie. God, I almost want to puke on her. For f***s sake, why are they torturing me this way, why? “I can be everything you want me to be, Xan. I’m no different from Celia, I can make you a happy man. Just give us a chance, my love, I promise to make you happy once again, I’ll make you forget about her and I will heal your broken heart.” She purred seductively as she walked towards me in slow motion, being unnecessarily dramatic. “Get her out before I hurt her and destroy the relationship you are trying to build with the Elliotts. One more minute with her and I’m going to strangle her to death!” I told my father through our mind link. “Alexander William Bane the third! Don’t you f*****g test my patience!” he roared in anger, using my full name for the first time in years. “Fine, I’ll get rid of her myself. Damn you, and damn the f*****g Elliotts and this stupid bond you are trying to create!” I retorted furiously, disrespecting my father for the very first time. She was standing in front of me, running her hands on my bare chest, and rubbing her body on mine. If she wasn’t so dumb, she would have seen my eyes going blank, and she would have known that I was mind-linking someone but like I said, she is just a horny b***h that thinks her p***y may be the only solution to world peace. I held her hand firmly, ready to drag her out of my room and shut the four in her face. “Wait! Stop whatever you are doing and just listen to me for a second, Xander, please!” he called out to me, making me stop my assault on Vinnie’s wrist as I let her go, for now. “Oh, Daddy! Yes! I love it! I love it hard and rough! I knew you were not as prude as you look on the outside, I knew you love the kinky stuff. You, naughty, naughty boy! See, I’m just as naughty as you are, my love. We are so perfect for each other. This is fate, the moon goddess brought us together baby! Don’t go easy on me, Daddy! Just give it to me, hard, and harder! I f*****g love it!” She let out excitedly, making me groan in frustration. She thinks I was being kinky when I held her hand firmly to drag her out of my room. She actually thinks I’m some closet Dom or something. What on earth am I going to do with this girl? “Don’t hurt her, Xander. Just accept her and be with her, and I promise to let you investigate the rogues as long as you wish. I would even lend you a helping hand if you wish, just accept this damn arrangement son. Do it for me and your people, our kingdom. I will support you in avenging the death of your wife, I promise. I know the whereabouts of Alexis and the rest of your friends, I know you sent them on a secret mission, and I promise not to drag them back home as long as you accept Vinnie as your new mate and queen.” He assured me, trying to sound calm but failing miserably. This is the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life. If I chose to go against my father’s wishes and be rebellious, he would pull the plug on my operations and everything I’ve achieved all these years, all my efforts would have been for nothing. My friends would get in trouble for helping me and the rogue spies would know that I’m getting closer. They would pack up and run into hiding, leaving no tracks. Then they will change their plans once more and I’ll have to start from scratch to gather information once again. I’m close. I can feel it in my guts. I’m too close to back down now. If faking a relationship with Vinnie would help me avenge the death of my wife, then that is exactly what I’m going to do. As much as I hate her, I’ll have to endure her hands on my body, at least for now. She hasn’t stopped touching me, somehow she managed to take off my shirt without my knowledge. She is kissing me in places that are supposed to turn me on instantly, but I feel grossed by her actions. No matter how hard she tries, I’m sure my d**k won’t respond to her touch. “This is not a fair deal and you know it. If I’m going to endure this torture for the rest of my life, then you need to do me a huge favor, Dad. You have to agree with my terms or there is no deal.” I threatened. “Fine! What do you want?” he asked with a deep sigh, making me smile in satisfaction. As expected, Vinnie took my smile for approval and she continued her assault on my n****e and chest, waiting for me to make a move before she can move further down my body. I totally ignored her as I told my dad about my recent discoveries and how we believe that the rogues have allies within the northern borders. There are six packs in the northern borderline and my guts say that one or more of those packs have spies within their walls. There is no way the rogues would keep escaping through their boundaries without their knowledge. So I believe there is a form of alliance between them and the rogues, and I want to know exactly what is going on there. “inform them of my arrival Dad. I want to go there personally and find out which of those bastards are betraying us and why.” I told him, deciding to come back to the field after several years. I need closure so I can move on. I have to avenge the death of my wife, that is the only way I can move on with my life. Besides, being in the field meant being away from Vinnie. I would rather take my chances with the rogues than be here cuddling and smooching with her. My Beta and Gamma have been out of town for almost six years. At first, they wanted to be here with me and console me, but when I told them that I needed to avenge her death, they were more than willing to help. I wasn’t allowed to leave, so they went out there, risking their lives and gathering information for me. They have a lead, but they do not want to share it with me until they confirm it. I don’t think I can wait any longer, we are going to solve this case together, then I can come back and think of a way to get rid of Vinnie. “This is a secret operation, Dad. The Alphas must not know that they are being investigated. I want it to seem like we are here to help them solve their rogue problem. Let them believe that we would be working together. That way, we won’t spook the rogues and get them to run into hiding.” I explained. Surprisingly, he had no doubts or complaints. He accepted all my terms, making it look so easy. I thought I had him exactly where I wanted, I thought I was winning this game. Who would have thought that my father is just so hard to fool. “is that all?” he asked me when I was done talking and I said, “Yea, Dad. That’s all for now.” “That’s okay, I’ll send lit the emails informing them of your arrival and the purpose of your visit. You can even use my penthouse at the northern ranch. But I have one condition, son. Your betrothed, Vinnie, is coming with you.”
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