Chapter Three

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****Allison’s POV**** ****TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains scenes of s****l and physical abuse**** Hailee has just sentenced us to death; an attack on the Alpha and Luna of a pack is punishable by death. Not only has Hailee poisoned the food, but the King and Queen are here, and I can’t even imagine what our punishment will be like. “You are bloody insane!” I yell at her. “How was I supposed to know that the royals were coming for dinner? Alpha didn’t say anything,” she replies. She makes an excellent point; Alpha Malcolm should have told us about the visit of the King and Queen unless he didn’t know that they were coming, and if that’s the case, then they probably aren’t just here for dinner. “Well, we need to fix this right now,” I tell her firmly. “I’ll see if I can find something to whip together,” she says as she walks to the back of the kitchen. “What? It’s supposed to go out now!” I yell after her, but she keeps walking, ignoring me. ‘Alina, what can we do?’ I ask. ‘I don’t know if there’s anything we can do,’ she replies. ‘Great,’ I say sarcastically to her. I stand there for a few minutes, waiting for Hailee, but she’s taking her time. Just as I’m about to look for her, I feel an arm slip around my waist. Next, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and whoever is holding me turns me around so that my back is pressed against the side of the bench. I am shaking with fear when I look up to see who is holding me. I see Kyle standing before me with his arms around me and a smirk plastered across his face. “Hello, Love,” he says with a sinister smile. At the same time, I hear Hailee’s soft footsteps walking back to this side of the kitchen. “Hey Ali, I found –,” she starts as she’s walking towards us, then I hear her gasp at the sight in front of her. “What the hell!” “No need to worry, Hailee; I’m just going to have some fun with the slave,” he says while looking in her direction. My eyes widen in fear, my heart starts racing uncontrollably, and Hailee’s eyes turn completely black from her natural hazel color. “Get the hell away from her,” she growls at Kyle, who laughs at her. “And what are you going to do about it?” he challenges. The next thing I know, Hailee charges at him, rips him off me, kicks him in the jewels, and then pushes him into the food trolleys, causing all the plates to crash to the floor. “Allison, run,” Hailee demands, but I stand there staring at her. Where did she learn how to do that? And why have I never seen her use those skills before? But more importantly, why hadn’t she used those skills to protect herself before? “Allison! Go!” she yells at me, only it is mixed with Nora’s voice. I start heading out of the kitchen, but when I see Kyle start to get up, I start running. I sprint through the main hall, not caring about everyone staring at me. As I’m running, my ponytail loosens and completely falls out, so my hair flows down my back to my waist. I run down the corridor and head for the front door of the packhouse; I know that if I try to run anywhere in the packhouse, Kyle will find me, especially since he’s already on my tail. I run as fast as I can without turning back; I’m not even focusing on where I’m running. It isn’t until I’m tackled to the ground that I realize where I am. I had been running across the training field towards the forest. But why, of all places, would I go to the woods? It was probably the stupidest thing for a she-wolf who couldn’t even shift. ‘It was your instinct, Allison,’ Alina says to me. She’s right; the moment Kyle entered the kitchen, I knew exactly what he would do to me. So, I ran like hell. I just let my legs carry me; I hadn’t been outside since my last escape attempt when I was 15. I wasn’t allowed outside after that because Alpha thought I might try to escape again. He wasn’t wrong; given the opportunity, I would’ve escaped Black Moon long ago. A hard slap to my face brings me from my thoughts. “Stop trying to get away, b*tch,” Kyle growls while he starts to climb on top of me. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and takes in my scent; he then grazes his protruded canines over my marking spot. That’s when I start to fight back to get him off me. “Get off me!” I yell. “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” he snarls as he pulls my skirt up to the top of my thighs. I usually wear skirts as it gets hot from working all day; the skirts I wear go down to my ankles, my legs are covered in scars, and I always try to cover them up. I try to scream, but he slams his hand over my mouth, so I can’t. “If you scream, I will kill you right here,” he growls as he puts his hands on each of my thighs. “You have no idea how long I have waited to do this, Allison,” he whispers into my ear, making me cringe, and I struggle against him. “The more you fight me, the more I will make this hurt.” ‘Alina, what do I do?’ I call out in my mind. ‘Do you trust me?’ she asks. ‘Of course I do,’ I reply, and Kyle’s eyes widen in shock as I talk to Alina. He must’ve noticed my eyes change color. His grip on me loosens, so I take advantage of that and knee him in the balls with all my strength. He falls off me, and I take the opportunity to jump to my feet. “You b*tch!” he growls. He stands up properly and glares at me. At that moment, the scent of vanilla mixed with jasmine fills my nostrils; it’s the most intoxicating smell I have ever smelt. ‘Mate is near,’ Alina murmurs. I don’t understand how we can sense our mate when I’m not even 18; I still have two weeks to go. Before I know it, Kyle throws his fist in my direction, but it’s too late by the time I see it, and he lands a punch to my ribs. I collapse to the ground in agony, clutching my stomach as I scream out in pain. “Don’t you EVER!” he yells and kicks me in the stomach. “EVER!” he continues yelling and repeatedly punches me in the face. “EVER do that again!” he yells before he kicks me in the stomach again. I have had enough of his s*it, so I start to get up, but the moment I place my hands on the ground, the earth beneath us begins to shake. Then suddenly, vines start to grow out of the ground, and they wrap around Kyle’s legs, causing him to fall over. “So you are a fu*king witch, you filthy half-breed!” he snarls at me while he reaches into his pockets, and I start to run from him. The intoxicating scent is getting stronger, so I run in the opposite direction, knowing that if I follow it, it will lead to my mate. A mate bond is the last thing I wanted, so I need to avoid it at all costs. He’ll use me and toss me aside once he is done with me, just like this pack does. ‘Alina, what happened back there?’ I ask her as I run from Kyle. ‘You happened, Allison,’ she replies. I’m confused by her answer, but I feel a sharp pain in the back of my left shoulder blade before I had the chance to ask her any more questions. I cry out in pain as I fall to the ground on my knees; I turn to face Kyle as I pull the knife out of my back. Once I get it out of my back, I look at it and realize it is a silver blade, so I glare at Kyle, who is slowly walking toward me. “Nowhere to go now, Allison,” Kyle smirks. He’s right. My wounds aren’t healing, and I can’t feel Alina anymore, so I had no way of getting out of this. ‘Alina!’ I yell in my head, but there is no response. “Everything all right, Love?” he asks with a wicked smile plastered across his face. “What did you do to my wolf?” I demand as I start to crawl backward on my arms to get away from him. “Nothing permanent. Now stop moving, or I will kill you faster,” he growls, and I stop moving and wait for him to make his first move. I know I need to do something to get away from him, but without Alina, I have no power against him. “Now, I’m going to have to punish you for all you have done,” Kyle says, crouching beside me. I’m trembling in fear; all I can think about is how my life came to this. I’m starting to lose consciousness, but as the darkness is claiming me, I hear a terrifying growl followed by the most soothing voice I have ever heard. “GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM MY MATE!” Wait, did he say, mate? * * * * I’m standing in the middle of a forest; only it doesn’t look anything like the forest at Black Moon. It’s so much more beautiful here. I start walking, hoping to find out where I am; the wet earth beneath my feet feels amazing. I look around as I’m walking and see numerous trees and flowers surrounding me; it’s gorgeous. I look down at myself and realize I’m wearing a plain white dress with spaghetti straps that go past my knees. I examine my legs and arms and see that all my scars are gone. Suddenly, a small purple orb appears right in front of me, floating in mid-air. It’s beautiful. I reach out to touch it, but it disappears before I can, reappearing a few feet further from me. I try to catch it and begin running after it. It takes me deeper and deeper into the woods; I completely lose sight of it when I find myself in a gorgeous meadow. I look around and realize that there isn’t a single animal around, but that doesn’t bother me for some reason. It’s peaceful and quiet, and I lie down on the grass to stretch out my arms and legs. I could stay here forever. However, my peace is interrupted by a soft voice in the wind. “Allison,” it whispers, and I feel a cool breeze brush past me. “Hello?” I call out, but there is no answer. “Who’s there?” I call out again. I hear it whisper my name again, this time a little bit louder, so I decide to stand up. A gust of wind blows past me, and I hear my name loud and clear. I follow the direction that the wind is blowing and find myself by a stream; the water is a deep dark blue; it’s beautiful. By the stream’s shore is the purple orb, waiting patiently for me. I walk up to it, completely mesmerized by its glow. I suddenly feel like I’m not alone and look up to see a figure standing across the stream. She’s stunning. She has pale skin with long straight white hair and silver eyes; she’s also wearing a long plain white dress and has bare feet. “Who are you?” I ask her. She walks across the stream to the side I am standing on; yes, she walks across the water. “Many know me by different names, but you probably know me as Selene,” she says. “You’re the Moon Goddess!” I gasp, and she nods her head. All of a sudden, I feel like I am being extremely disrespectful towards her, so I get down on my knees and bow to her. She is the Moon Goddess, after all, the mother of all werewolves. “I apologize for my disrespect Moon Goddess,” I say while still bowing. “Allison, my child, you do not need to bow to me,” she says as she puts her soft hands in mine. As she helps me up to my feet, I look into her eyes and see nothing but worry and kindness in them. “Where am I?” I ask once I’m standing up properly. “This is the Realm of the Fae,” Selene replies. I look around and notice that no one else is here, which I find strange as the Realm of the Fae should be full of all sorts of creatures. The Fae was a large community with many different species. I remember reading about them in the books I stole; for some reason, I always found their history interesting. “Why are we here?” I ask. “Around 20 years ago, the Fae realm was ambushed by vampires and witches,” she explains, and my eyes widen in surprise. “So, I live in the realm to keep it alive until the next heir to the royal throne is of age. When I wish to speak to certain people, I can bring them here.” “Why would you bring me here?” I ask. I don’t understand why the Moon Goddess wants to speak to a worthless Omega who can’t even shift. “Because I wanted you to feel comfortable, but more importantly, you are very special to me,” Selene replies, but I shake my head at her. “I can’t be. I mean, how can I be? I can’t even shift,” I politely argue. She cups my cheeks with her hands and looks into my eyes; she is much taller than I am, so she has to bend down. “And there is a reason for that, but you need to believe in yourself. I know that you have had a hard life, and it will take time, but be patient with yourself and learn to trust your friends and Alina,” Selene explains. “Why can’t I shift? And I don’t know if I can trust anyone,” I tell her. There are a million different questions that I want to ask. Like, where do I come from? Why can’t I remember anything that happened before I arrived at Black Moon? What happened to my family? “I can’t answer all of your questions, Allison, but you will have all the answers you seek in due time,” she replies. This confuses me further; it’s like she’s telling me a riddle. “Why can’t you answer my questions?” “Some things are too dangerous for you to know just yet, and you aren’t quite ready for the other things,” Selene answers, and I nod my head in response. “Is there anything you can tell me?” I ask. “You need to trust Alina and your friends, but more importantly, you need to trust yourself,” Selene tells me. I look down at the stream and see my reflection in the water, but rather than being repulsed by my appearance; I find myself quite beautiful. My long silver hair is curled and shapes my face perfectly; no scars can be seen on my face; it’s almost as if they were never even there. But what I find the most interesting is my eyes, they are usually a deep green color, but now they are bright green. I look like I’m full of life, but deep down, I know that is far from true. “Why do I look like this?” I blurt out. I didn’t mean to ask it, but it just fell out of my mouth before I could stop myself. “This is the real you, Allison,” Selene calmly replies. She has a very soothing voice; it’s the kind of voice that can calm you down, even when you’re at your worst. It’s very motherly, which is fitting, considering she is the Moon Goddess. “What do you mean?” I ask. “Your entire life, you have been abused. It’s time that all of the pain and suffering you experience ends,” she says. Selene walks behind me and places her hands on both of my shoulders, normally, I would freak out at another person touching me, but I feel safe and secure with Selene. She looks into the water and meets my gaze as I still look at my reflection. “This can be you; all you have to do is learn to trust again.” I turn around and look up at her, and she smiles down at me. Being relatively short means I have to look up at her to look into her eyes; she’s taller than most women I know; she’s probably around 5”10 or 5”11. “How do I make it stop?” I question. “Find your mate, Allison, and he will take you away from it all,” Selene responds. I blankly stare at her; she’s asking me to do the one thing I swore I would never do. “I don’t want a mate,” I state, which makes her sigh. “I know you don’t, but do you think I would pair you with someone who would intentionally hurt you? Besides, I paired you two before you were even born, just like I paired your parents together before they were born.” I guess she has a point, but after the way I have been treated, I don’t know if I will ever be able to accept him, especially if he’s an Alpha. But now I have another question. “I don’t know if I can,” I reply after a long silence between us. “All I ask is that you try,” she says with a smile. “I will,” I promise, and her smile widens. “Good, now I need to send you back,” Selene tells me. “Wait!” I half shout. “Who are my parents?” I ask a lot quieter, and she takes a deep breath. “I cannot tell you their names, but I can give you this,” she replies, taking off the pendant hanging around her neck. “What are you doing?” I ask as she places the necklace around my neck. “This belonged to your mother; I have held onto it ever since I found it. Now go; they are worried about you.” “They?” I ask. But before she can respond to my confusion, a bright white light shines before us, and I feel myself being sucked in. It doesn’t take long for everything to go completely black.
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