Chapter Two

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****Allison’s POV**** Hailee is sitting in the back corner as she has a mental breakdown, and I am deeply concerned about her. I haven’t seen her like this in a long time, but somehow, this is much worse. “Hailee? What happened?” I ask as I rush over to her. When I get closer to her, she lifts her face so that she can see me, her hazel eyes are flooding with tears, and her hair is a complete mess. “Hailee? Talk to me. What happened?” I plead. “I hate seeing you like this.” Her lip trembles as more tears stream down her pale cheeks, but she doesn’t break eye contact with me. “I think I found my mate,” she sobs. “Wait, what do you mean you think you found your mate? How could you not know if it was him or not?” “Because he’s dead,” she states with complete seriousness in her voice. “He had the scent of my mate, Nora confirmed it, but he was dead before I found him.” We stare into each other’s eyes in complete silence as I process everything Hailee just told me. I can tell she’s being serious, not that she would lie about something like this, but she was also devastated and heartbroken. If there’s one thing that Hailee has always wanted, it would be to find her mate, but now he’s dead. “Hailee, tell me what happened exactly.” I need to help her as much as possible, even if it’s just moral support she needs. “I went to see my mom when you went to Alexander’s room,” she starts after taking a deep breath. “But my dad showed up, and he told me that he has been keeping an eye on me. Nora went berserk at him, so I left,” she explains. “Wait, has your dad been watching you this entire time?” I ask. “It sounds like it, but I ran out of there before I could get any specifics.” The entire situation seems suspicious to me. If he had been watching Hailee for the last six months, why didn’t he do anything to help or protect her? Hailee moved out of her dad’s place when he got drunk and nearly beat her to death. Ever since then, she has been living in the packhouse ever since, and that was when the se*ual harassment began. “I went for a run in the woods to blow off some steam,” Hailee continues as my tears roll down her cheeks. “When I started heading back, I smelt the most intoxicating smell, so I followed it, and Nora said that it was our mate.” “Oh my Goddess, Hailee!” I half shout and wipe away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. “When I found him, he was already dead,” she finishes and I pull her into my arms, knowing she just needs her best friend right now. We sit there for a few minutes, holding each other to help calm her down. Once she calmed down, we start to release each other, but she suddenly tenses in my arms. Before I can ask her what was wrong, I feel a sudden sharp pain of someone’s hand wrapped in my hair. They start dragging me along the ground as if I was just a rag doll, this was common when I’m being dragged to be beaten, but I refuse to make a sound as that would cause them to punish me more. I look to Hailee as I get dragged away, and the terror in her eyes makes tears well up in mine, but I would not let them fall. “Wait!” Hailee suddenly shouts as she stands to her feet. Whoever is dragging me towards the kitchen stops and lowly growls before turning to face Hailee. “What?” Alpha Malcolm’s annoyed voice booms above me as I’m still on the ground with his hand wrapped in my hair. “Where are you taking her?” “To give her the punishment that she so deserves, not that that’s any concern of yours,” he growls back to her. I guess I’m not so lucky after all, and now it’s going to be a lot worse since he ordered me to stay in my room until he dealt with me. “What did she do?” Hailee questions, which causes Malcolm to growl at her. “Be sure to watch your tone with me, Hailee. I am the Alpha, and my word is final,” as he speaks to her, he lets out his Alpha aura, which causes Hailee to fall to her knees in submission. His aura does not affect me as I wasn’t born into the pack, and I wasn’t initiated into the pack as a pack member either. Still, I act as if I was loyal to the Alpha of Black Moon, so they believed that I’m submissive, making it easier to escape. “I apologize, Alpha. I did not mean to disrespect you in any way whatsoever; it’s just that Allison and I need to start cooking dinner. Allison and I are working the kitchen tonight, and I can’t cook for the entire packhouse on my own.” Hailee is a quick thinker; she always has been, she has gotten me out of countless situations, and I’m grateful for her. But this time is different, she has never experienced any consequences from trying to get me out of punishments, but I have a feeling that this time will be different. “Fine. Both of you cook dinner, and when everything has been cleaned, you are to come to my office,” Alpha Malcolm declares. Hailee smiles with delight, but I know better; Malcolm has something planned. And my gut tells me it is something horrible. “Do I make myself clear?” he growls out as he tightens his grip on my hair and pulls me to my feet. It hurts like a bi*ch, but I still refuse to make a sound. I think that angers him even more. “Yes, Alpha,” I say confidently. Once he’s satisfied, he leaves us standing by the back door to the kitchen. “Are you okay?” Hailee asks as she rushes over to me in a panic. “I’m fine; I’ve had worse,” I reply as I shrug my shoulders and fix my hair back into a high ponytail. She just stands there staring at me with her hands on her hips and a worried look on her face. “Come on, we gotta start cooking,” she says as she walks back into the kitchen. There’s nothing I can really do except follow her lead. After about two hours of cooking, we are finally finished, we made so much food. It may be too much food, not that there is such a thing when it came to werewolves. We made enough food for a banquet, but I don’t think anyone will complain. As we are plating all the food, I can’t stop thinking about my earlier conversation with Alexander. He said that I would be dead soon. I don’t understand it. There are so many things that he could have meant. All I know was that I need to get out of here. “We leave tonight,” Alina murmurs to me. “How the hell are we supposed to do that after what Malcolm has planned for us?” I question. “I will figure something out,” she replies before she retreats into the back of my mind. “Talking to Alina?” Hailee asks, which snaps me out of my daze. “Yeah, how’d you know?” “Your eyes,” Hailee replies, but I still have no idea what she’s talking about. “Come with me,” she says as she slips her hand in mine and pulls me along after her. She takes me into the bathroom next to the kitchen, which confuses me even more. “What are we doing in here,” I groan impatiently. “Look in the mirror and talk to Alina,” she urges. I have no idea what she’s getting at, but I decide that I would play along for now. I look at my reflection in the mirror, which causes me to remember why I hate looking at my own reflection; I avoid it as much as I possibly can. I don’t like my appearance whatsoever, I am covered in bruises, cuts, and scars from all the beatings I have received over the years, and I’m skinny, too skinny. I’m malnourished from being underfed and starved for the past 11 years. “Why do you look so sad?” Hailee asks. “Don’t worry about it,” I mumble, and her brows scrunch up in frustration at my response. “Alina?” I call out in my mind with my eyes shut. “Yes?” “Hailee said to talk to you while looking in the mirror.” This is so stupid. “No, it isn’t,” Alina says. I hate it when she replies to my private thoughts. “Nothing is private when you have a wolf Allison,” Alina murmurs. “Now open your eyes and look in the mirror.” I slowly open my eyes and look in the mirror, but what I see is not what I was expecting at all. My eyes have changed, I still have my natural deep green eye color, but they have streaks of gold through them with a deep amber ring around them. “Holy sh*t!” I exclaim as I lean over the basin of the sink so that I can get a better look at my eyes. I move my hands to my cheeks and trace my fingers along my dark eyebags, and as I do that, my eyes begin to return to their normal color. “That was fuc*ing awesome!” I nearly shout. “It looks like Alina has either gold or amber-colored eyes,” Hailee says. “I have never seen a wolf with either of those eye colors,” I reply. “That’s because they are extremely rare, and you have never left these packlands. Apparently, my dad met one years ago,” Hailee explains. “Yeah, but I doubt I’m special. I wouldn’t be treated the way I am if I was,” I reply. “No, you are treated the way you are because our Alpha is an asshole and he is afraid of you.” “He is not my Alpha,” I growl out. “Then why do you submit to him?” she asks curiously. “Because it makes my life easier, and it’ll be easier to escape if they believe that they can control me,” I explain, and her eyes widened as if she had remembered something or had an idea. “We need to go finish plating the food,” she says with a wicked smile spread across her face. It’s a look that I have never seen on her face before, and it’s a little scary. Hailee isn’t the vengeful or aggressive type. Before I can ask Hailee what she had planned, she disappears from the bathroom. I turn my gaze back to the mirror so that I can look at my reflection once again. I don’t believe Hailee about being special; I mean, look at me, I am weak and ugly. I haven’t even shifted yet, and almost every werewolf shifts for the first time on their 15th birthday. And it’s not like I don’t have a wolf because Alina appeared when I was 12. After staring into the mirror for a few minutes, I decided to go back to the kitchen to see what mischief Hailee was up to. When I got there, she was packing some of the food we had cooked into two containers. “Hey, what are you doing?” I asked. “Um, I’m packing some food so we can eat later,” Hailee replies as she shrugs her shoulders. “Hailee!” I yell. “What?” I just stare at her blankly, is she stupid, or is she joking around with me? I really hope that she isn’t being serious. “If Malcolm finds out, he will punish us both,” I state. “No, he won’t.” “What do you mean he won’t?” I ask. She sighs as she puts the lids on the containers before placing them in a fridge. “Hailee?” I ask nervously. She sighs once again before turning to face me while leaning on the side of one of the metal benches. She takes a deep breath and pulls a small empty bottle out of her pocket. “You know how you told me you had a plan?” she asks. “Yeah, to escape. Why?” I reply. “I, too, have a plan; I just didn’t realize that you had a plan to escape as well.” “I don’t know if it’s a very good plan,” I say sheepishly. It’s true. I don’t have much to go off; I don’t have any money, I don’t have anywhere to go, and to top it all off, I’m not able to shift yet. My first shift never happened. Hailee told me that it’s probably because I’m not strong enough from the abuse and lack of food, and it will most likely kill me if Alina forces me to shift. I know that Hailee is probably right, but Alina never confirmed it. “Well, what did you have planned then?” Hailee asks with a slight smile on her face. “Well, I was going to wait until my 18th birthday and go rogue, as they won’t have any hold over me as I will be a legal adult. So, I guess I plan just to leave,” I reply as I walk over to where the food is so I can place them on the trays. “No! That won’t work!” Hailee half shouts as I place the trays on the food trolleys, which causes me to nearly drop them. “Sorry,” Hailee chuckles. “Why won’t it work?” I ask as I place more trays on the trolleys. She takes a deep breath and walks over to me. After placing the last trays on the trolleys, Hailee puts her hands in mine. “Last night, I overheard Alexander and Kyle talking in the library,” she begins, but I growl viciously at her before she can continue. “Hey, hey, no need for that. They didn’t touch me; they didn’t even know that I was there. If they did, I would probably be dead right now after what I overheard,” she says as she rubs my arms to comfort me. She knows how protective I am of her and how angry I get whenever they touch her. “What the hell were they talking about? It couldn’t have been that bad.” But before Hailee can respond, Maxine, one of the Omega’s, comes into the kitchen. “Hey Max, what’s up?” Hailee asks her. From what I can tell, Maxine seems like a lovely girl, but I don’t know her that well; she is extremely timid and one of the only ones who is actually nice to me. “Alpha wanted to know if dinner was ready, but I can see it’s ready to go out.” “Yes, I think we made too much, but that’s never bad for a bunch of werewolves,” I reply before giggling a little bit, making Maxine smile. “That’s okay; King Roman and Queen Liliana are here for dinner anyway, so don’t worry about it,” Maxine replies. “What? The King and Queen are here for dinner?” Hailee asks; she is clearly surprised. However, I understand why she is so surprised; the royal family that ruled over all the werewolf packs in the south of America has never come to visit our pack before. From what I taught myself over the years, four royal families in America reign over the werewolves. The royal families are also werewolves, but I read somewhere that they have extraordinary abilities. However, I could never find out what they were; there’s no documentation on them in the books I had stolen. We stand there discussing the King and Queen’s arrival when I start to get a splitting headache, I fall to my knees and clutch my head in agony. I see flashes, I can’t quite make out what I’m seeing, but all I could picture was the most beautiful ocean-blue eyes that I have ever seen. When the pain stops, I look up at the girls who are staring wide-eyed at me. “Alli?” Hailee says cautiously. “Are you okay?” “I think so,” I reply with a shaky voice. “What did you see?” Maxine asks. “I’m not quite sure, all I could make out was a pair of blue eyes,” I answer as I stand to my feet. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Hailee asks again. “Yes, I’m fine.” “Okay, I’ll get some help to take these trolleys out before Alpha gets angry,” Maxine tells us before she walks out of the kitchen. “Allison?” I look at Hailee who didn’t seem too concerned about me anymore, and the color in her face has disappeared entirely. “Hailee, what’s wrong?” “I fu**ed up,” she says while she runs her hand through her hair curly hair. “What did you do?” I ask her warily. “You know how I said I had a plan to escape?” “Yeah.” I am very worried about what she is about to tell me. She looks petrified; I didn’t think that Hailee would be capable of anything terrible, but how she’s looking at me makes me think that maybe I am wrong. “Well, a couple of months ago, I sent a letter to the King, but as Malcolm checks all the mail that goes in and out, I had to hide a message within the letter. In the letter, I was asking if I would be able to work at the palace on weekends as I was struggling with my mom’s medical bills,” Hailee explains. “But I tried to hide the word ‘slavery’ in my words, but I’m not sure if he caught on.” “Wait, are you actually struggling?” I ask. I hate the idea of Hailee struggling with bills, especially her mom’s medical bills. Hailee’s mom, Kathryn is like my mom too; she had tried stopping the abuse, but being human means that there isn’t much she could do. But she would always bring me food as often as possible and clean and wrap up my cuts and bruises. She is the only mother that I have ever known, and I was devastated when Hailee told me she had cancer. “No, dad pays for all that, but Malcolm is an i***t, which is why I thought I would be able to sneak a message into my letter,” Hailee clarifies. “Okay, what happened to the letter then?” “I don’t know,” Hailee replies as she shrugs her shoulders, “Either Malcolm didn’t submit my letter for posting, or the King didn’t understand my secret message and didn’t want me to work in the palace.” “But he’s here now, so does that mean he got your message?” I ask. “I’m not sure, but here’s the thing,” she starts; she takes a deep breath and runs her hands through her hair again. “Since I never heard back from the King, I had to come up with plan B.” “What was plan B?” I ask hesitantly. “Well, I was attacked by a rogue when I was 3, and ever since then, dad had made me have this on me whenever I leave the house,” Hailee started as she showed me the small bottle she pulled out earlier. “What is that?” I ask her suspiciously; she is scaring me even more, every time she tells me something new. “It is liquid silver nitrate mixed with wolfsbane that has been spelled by a witch to have no scent,” Hailee replies. “What the f**k, Hailee!” I scream whisper so that I don’t alert anyone. “Are you telling me that you put that in all the food?” “Not all of it; I separated ours first,” Hailee answers. She is fu**ing insane. Is she an i***t? She is going to get both of us killed.
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