Chapter 4

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His Departure Maria and her friends found it hard to believe that she could survive the beating they gave Lydia. " Can someone explain what just happened now? We saw her lying lifeless when we left, so how did she survive the attack when she has no wolf to heal her? Could it be that she is a witch?" Maria furiously asked her friends. Each of her friends were also having a hard time believing it. "That is a mystery to me too I have been trying to figure it out myself too, we need to investigate, could she be a witch? How did she do it? We have always watched her and have not noticed anything strange about her. Or did someone help her when we left?" Clara one of Maria's friends said. "She can not be because her family is the weakest wolf in this pack so that is not possible. But how do we explain her surviving the attack, maybe Jake helped her out on time, that probably explains how she survived the attack." Maria said still baffled that Lydia does look too injured and seemed to be healing "You are right, now we are forbidden from going near her again and you will not be able to complete the task given to us," Chloe said. She is the daughter of the pack doctor. "That task is a must, all we need to do is wait for him to come back from the training because I always get what I want no matter the obstacle in my way. She is even a nobody and poses no threat to me. So let her be, I don't want to be chased out of this pack because I am going to be the Luna at all costs." Maria said with determination in her voice "We will help make that possible in every way we can. You will surely be our Luna." Clara promised The other friends too agreed to help make it possible for her to win over the heart of Jake. They knew it will be of great advantage for them if she became the mate of Jake. They stayed with Maria in her room discussing various ways of making Jake fall in love with Maria. After a while, they all departed to their various house. Andy was her eldest brother of Maria. He is the first child of the beta of the pack and has always loved Lydia like a younger sister. He was not happy when he heard the news that his sister assaulted Lydia with her group of friends. So immediately he came home he confronted her. "Maria where we' you this morning? " Andy asked trying not to be annoyed with his sister "Why all the questioning? Do I have to explain my every move to you now?" She said trying to pretend to be ignorant and that she was not aware of his reasons for questioning her. She knew Jake must have told him of the attack on Lydia, she also knows that Lydia was also a close friend of his and that Andy will not be happy when he heard about the attack. "You can't play smart with me, how can you be so cruel as to beat a thirteen years old girl the way you did to Lydia? Are you that heartless that you do not think before you act? I have told you several times that if you are destined to be Luna of this pack, you will surely be. You see Jake believes so much in having his destined mate and there is nothing anyone can do to change his opinion on that." "How are you sure he is not my mate, I love him and I will make him see that he is making a mistake by not accepting my love." She said proudly to her brother like it was something she was sure of. "Why not wait until that happens instead of trying to be dubious in your attempt? Well, the Alpha has told Dad that he does not want you near him in the meantime until it is proven that you are both destined to be together. You know what that means and I would not want anything to happen to you, so just obey the Alpha." Andy explained to her. she never knew that her action has brought heavy consequences on her which she has no choice but to obey. After all, the words of the Alpha are laws that have to be obeyed. "That is unfair, how can he come so heavy on me like that, how do I get to convince Jake that he is my mate when I do not get the chance to be close to him." She started crying and throwing a tantrum as if someone possessed her. Andy knew how his sister is, so he just left her to herself while going into his room to get ready for the trip ahead of him. It is the fault of that stupid brat, and I am going to find a way to deal with her. I know what to do. .......... Yesterday was a very interesting day for Jake and me. He took me out for a special date, he took me first to a mall where he bought some fancy dresses for me with the explanation that he would not be around to see her grow into a beautiful lady, so he bought some stuff for me and also bought me some things he feels are ok for me. He then took me to the eatery outside the pack where he bought some snacks and ice cream that we both ate. We stay a bit in the eatery for some time discussing some issues that have to do with the pack "Do you think you can handle the attack on the pack while being away?" He asked Lydia, he was not aware of the extent of Lydia's power " You know that would not be a problem, Lily is a strong wolf and can protect the pack on her own. You know she is an ancient wolf and this is just a small battle that she can handle " Lydia reassured him " I am glad to hear that, please try as much as you can to avoid those she-devils in the pack. Since you can expose your identity. You need to be careful too when you want to shift so no one can see you as I will not be around to protect you." Jake said out of concern for her. " You do not have to worry about that as I will be careful. My father has also told me to be careful so I will be careful about it." Jake thought of something he felt could help solve the problem so he voiced out his idea "Something just came to my mind now and I think this will help you move freely in the pack without anyone on your neck. "What is it that? "I do not know how Lily will take it but I was thinking of making my dad know that you have your wolf already so that he will inform the pack to accept you and probably find out why you can shift at a very early stage of your life," Jake explains his thoughts to her I felt Lily stir in my head and I knew instantly that it was not a good idea "That idea does not go well with Lily, you know, I have to hide my identity until the ripe time, please try to keep this within the both of us. It is for the safety of our pack and my family too." I can see that my explanation made sense to him as he smiled and said, "I understand and I will try to play safe so no one knows of it. Just know that I care about you a lot and I do not want anything bad to happen to you. Just try to keep yourself safe for me." He pleaded Lydia was touched by his words and could not hold back the tears from flowing in her eyes. "Why are you crying again, you know I do not like to see tears in your eyes stay strong for me and remain the great warrior that I know you to be" Jake says while holding her hands to comfort her. When he was sure she was calm, he decided it was time to go "It is time to go home because it is getting late and I would not want to look like someone not responsible to your parents. It is 6 pm already. We will go for a run when we get to the pack so by 8 pm you will be home safe and sound" Saying that Jake stood up and Lydia followed after as they head the car. When we got back to the pack, we went for a run in the forest and also made promises of waiting for each other. "I hope you had a great time today. Today is my best day ever." Jake asked when we got to the pack. "Yes, I had a great time and am grateful for the gift you bought me but am sure going to miss you, you know we always go for a run every day my wolf wishes to go for a run?" I said with a smile while my heart was sad. " I do not want you to start with that again, we have been through this, it will sadden me if you make it difficult for me, or I may decide to forget about being the Alpha of the pack and stay. I am ready to forget about being the alpha of this pack and stay with you like a mere pack member" he warned me. He was not happy seeing me sad. " I am not against you going for the training but rather thinking of what I can do to survive before you return from the training. You know we have always done everything together and your departure is going to keep me bored. Life with you is fun, especially with Andy in it. I am thinking of how I am surviving without you. Expressing my thoughts to him and trying to prevent tears from flowing from my eyes "You have to think of a way to stay strong for me so that I can have peace of mind in the training ground. You know I always want you to be happy? So stay happy," Jake says trying to make me stay strong with his departure tomorrow. "Do I have an option than looking for ways to keep myself busy for the period you will be away, I guess I will learn some more ways of cooking delicious meals from my mother so that I can cook better meals that are delicious and tasty when I come of age" Thinking about this, it is not a bad idea I thought within me while trying not to cry because I will not want him to go away sad. Lydia thought to herself "That is not a bad idea and I will then be able to eat your cookies because the ones you have been making for me to eat suck but are manageable because of my love for you." Jake teased her with a smirk on his face trying to make the air more lively. "Jake, so you have been pretending to like the snacks I bring to you and never told me. Remember we promise to tell the truth to each other at all times. Am not going to make you any snacks again, when I become a professional you won't get to taste my cookies, I promise you that." Lydia pretends to be angry at Jake. "Why would you not make snacks for me again, are you taking my words to heart, you should know I am only pulling your legs. You are good at making snacks and drinks, I love eating them and they taste great." Jake tries to make the situation more friendly and cheerful so she will not worry about his departure again. "Okay then if that is the case, you are forgiven, and you will still have the privilege of eating my snacks, Jake it is late already and as much as I would love to spend more time with you I think we need to head for my house now so that you can get a good quality rest for your journey tomorrow and I also need to rest because today has been very stressful for me," I say to him because I would not want to appear selfish, I also need to consider him too. "Yeah, you are right, wow quarter to nine, how time flies, I had wanted you to go home by eight but I guess the thought of my departure made us forget the time and I would not want your parents to think the worst of me for taking you home late." Jake then took me home and brought out the gifts he bought for me. He ensured I enter before he left for home. It was 9 pm when I finally got back home and I went straight to bed after greeting my parents who we waiting for my arrival but were not happy that I stay out late. I had to plead for their understanding and that it was because Jake would be traveling tomorrow and I needed to spend some time with him. I woke up to the sound of the birds singing in a nearby tree and l can hear the song the Birds singing because among the gifts l have been given was being able to hear and speak to other animals of different kinds. " Hey, Hello there, l love the song, and thanks for waking me up with that beautiful song." l said to the Bird "Lydia, you are welcome. You know we all love you and will always be here for you. Hope you had a great night's rest," Replied another bird, while spreading its wings to show its joy at seeing her. "The night was great, I know I can count on you and I love you too, I am going to get you some gifts for that special song I heard this morning. Just wait for me to refresh myself and get dressed, l will go downstairs to get you some seeds to fill your belly. I also need to get something to eat but I will first feed you." l said as l stepped into the bathroom to clean up and also change my clothes. l enter the bathroom to do my morning business and got dressed heading downstairs to get some seeds for the Birds. " Mother, Good morning, can l get some seeds for my little friends who came visiting this morning." l asked my mother because I need to let her know before I take the seed. "Good morning my dear, how were you night? I can see you have visitors I suppose the usual ones. "My mother said teasing me. "I had a great night's rest mother. You know they are part of what keeps me going and l could not ignore them. They are special to me and they are useful too so I can not ignore them." l said while getting the seeds from the shelf for the birds. l head upstairs towards my room with the seeds in my hands to feed the birds. " Hello, come over for your seed,? l said as I look out the window. The Birds are still close by on the tree behind the house, they flew closer to my window when they saw me standing by the window with the seed and I stretch out my hands with the seed in them. They started eating the seeds in my hands while I watch them. " Lyd l know you will keep your word and never forget us that is why I love you so much." Another Bird said using its beak to give me a peck on my cheek. "I love you too my friends." l said using my hands to rub its feathers. " Now that you are all feed, you can go and play with your other friends while l get something for my stomach too because I am hungry and needs to fill my tummy with food. l said sending them off while going downstairs for breakfast. l went to get my food and was eating it when my mother came to sit beside me *Lydia, how was your outing with Jake yesterday? I hope you had a great time with him. l know how you are feeling this morning and l like it that you are trying to stay strong because I know Jake is going away for training and this is not going to be easy for you considering how close both of you are. But there is nothing you can do about it, the tradition must be obeyed." My mother said using her hands to pat me on my head while consoling me, my parents know that Jake and I are inseparable. They know how it was going to affect me I hug her while wiping the tears from my eyes because she knows how to console me. There is this bond between my mother and l that no one seems to understand. "( wiping out the tears from my eyes I poured out my heart to my mother)The outing was very worth it mother, he bought me some ladies' clothes he feels I will be needing when I come of age. But you know Jake means a lot to me, that outing is nothing to me. I have always done everything together with Jake and because of him, l have no other friends in the pack. Everyone sees me as someone arrogant because of my relationship with Jake but you know am not like that, l love this pack but Jake is more important to me, well I will have to wait for his return. l said expressing my emotions to my mother. " Yes love I know and l understand but this is inevitable, you just have to bear with him if you want him to be respected around here because that training is essential to him and this pack and all the members here." " l know mother, but this is not going to be easy for me, I think I have to endure until he comes back from his training camp. l say to my mother, what can I do to change it, nothing. "That is my girl, So tell me when will he be going, will he be coming over before going on the journey? or he will leave without seeing you?" Asked my mother and I explained his decision to her. *Today and he said, he would not be coming to see me before going because he can not bears to see me cry, he might change his mind about going and he would not want to disappoint his father who he respects and would not want to hurt him." l explained to my mother. " my sweet friend we are leaving now and l will not come to see you before I leave because it will break my heart to see your sad face and so for my sake do not cry, just stay strong for me. and always smile for me." Jake said to me through the mind link me making me know that he was about to leave for the training program. " Okay, l promise not to cry or feel sad but rather stay strong moreover you will be coming back before you know it. It is just three years program and it was over before you know it. l, reply through the mind link trying to sound strong to him so he will not worry much about me. " Do have a safe trip and never forget to write to me. Oh before I forget mother made some cookies for you, why not ask someone to come and get them for you to take along with you or should I keep it in my tummy for you? I promise to give them to you when you come back." l said jokingly to him. "I will never miss those cookies for anything in the world. Andy is on his way right now to get the cookies. You know your mother makes the most delicious cookies in this pack and I will not let anyone keep it for me. I will also not forget my promise to you. You matter to me but I just have to depart from you for this training because it is important to me, the pack, and everyone here." He said. I didn't bother to give a reply but related his reply to my mother. "Mother, Andy is coming over for the cookies. l need to be alone now, l will be in my room. Jake is about to leave now and I would not want Andy to see me sad because he will tell Jake and that will make him sad and don't want him to say." l told my mother while going into my room to prevent me from speaking to Andy. She pulled me to herself and gave me a tight hug with a kiss on my head. "Okay love, remember am always here for you, and do not worry before you know it, he will be back soon." She said, and l nod my head and head towards my room hiding the tear threatening to come rushing out. I am going to miss him. I heard Andy knock on the door. I heard my mother open the door and he asked if I was in, my mother told him I was in my room sleeping. The door was closed afterward, I suppose he has collected the cookies from my mother and left since he was told I was sleeping. I crashed down on my bed and cried my eyes out until sleep took over. Some things in life can not be avoided. I think we will survive his absence. What will become of me as the years' roll by, only the moon goddess know that?
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