Chapter 3

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Be Careful When l got home my father was looking worried and I wondered why he is worried, so I hide my sad face and l ran to him smiling, to find out what the matter was because it is rare for him to call me like that without a reason. My father has always been a cheerful person and I wonder what the problem might be that is making him look this way, maybe Luna has started again with her problems. You see Luna always looks down on people who have no rank and are not wealthy, she tends to treat them like slaves, and ever since she discovered Jake and I are friends it has been hell for my father anytime his part crosses with hers. But my father has always done his best to avoid her and always ignores her attitude he always tries to play safely in situations like this. "Hello, Dad what is the matter with you? You look worried, I hope all is well with you. Did anyone say anything bad to you? Has anyone offended you? Is Luna at it again? Father, what is the matter?" I asked holding his hands while trying to figure out what might be the cause of his worries. "How are you, Lydia, I am fine, nothing of that happened. I am just worried about you, my princess, you need to be very careful around here now and you also need to watch your way in the packhouse in the meantime, I will advise you to stay away and be watchful of how you shift around here as Jake will not be around to ensure your safety" 'My father knows the importance of giving our wolf a chance to run around and it is very unusual to see someone shifting at a very young age and we have no idea what will happen if someone gets to know about it, so we decided to keep it a secret.' " I am sure you already know Jake will soon be leaving for his training because I know by now he must have told you about it and since he will not be here to protect you from the people in the pack you need to be careful, so promise me you will be very careful with how you go about it here and be mindful of other pack members too." My father said with worry in his voice while pleading with me for understanding. " Father you know there is nothing to worry about father, Lily and l know how to take care of ourselves, nobody can harm us and all we do is protect this pack. You know there is nothing to worry about father, So please put your mind at rest as there is no problem. Moreover Jake has promised to tell someone to take care of me while he is away and I know he will not disappoints me, he always keeps to his words whenever he makes his promise" I told him, trying to put his mind at rest. " I need you to please promise me, my princess, that you will be very careful around here now, you know, Luna dislikes you and she might want to harm you. I know there is nothing she can do to you but remember you have to lay low for the meantime so please stay away and do not go near the packhouse again as I will not be there to protect you because she is extremely dangerous and might want to harm you." My father said pleading with me. I can see that the departure of Jake from the pack is getting him worried but he should know that I can take care of myself. "Okay, father l promise l will not go near the packhouse again because I also know how the Luna is, moreover, I have no reason to be there most of the friends I have are also friends with Jake and some of them also do not like me because of how close Jake and I are, so the two people I go there to see will not be around as such I have no reason to be there. When I go for a run, I will also mask my scent too so no one will be able to spot me, I will also be careful to see that no one is around when I shift. So you have nothing to be worried about. My wolf has thought me some things to use in protecting myself and I will put them to use when the time comes" I told my father reassuringly. Lily has explained some of my gifts to me and she has been teaching me how to use them, "One more thing that bothers me is going to school, you know he always picked me up and brought me back after school since I started Junior high, well I will have to find a way out of this. But how am going to get money to continue since Jake will not be around to pay the tuition fee? I have no idea what to do but Lily said I do not have anything to worry about because she was going to tutor me and I know she will do a great job of it and that I have nothing to worry about my school." l said to my father while also trying to convince myself that it was the right thing to do "My princess, I will find a way out of this by looking for extra work to do to get more money to settle the bill. You still need to go to school so that you can mix with your peer and get social, so you will not miss out on your youthful age because you need to learn something too from your peer" said, my father. My father has not realized that I do not like to associate much with people am not used to and with the experience I have had with people in the pack, making friends has been something I run away from. "Father you do not have to overwork yourself, l said l will find a way out of this, you need to be careful with the way you use your body because of me, you know you are old and there is a limit to what you can do remember the injury you got a while ago, I know we heal quickly but you are not fully healed because of the wolfbane injected into you by those evil people, you need to take things easy for the meantime I will find a way out of this," I warned him because he will not think of what he will have to go through when it comes to his family welfare he tends to go the extra mile. I have to ensure that I discourage him from going the extra mile for my welfare. " Father, I am sure Jake will find a way out of this so you need not overwork yourself, father and you know making friends has never been a thing, I am someone who likes to keep a low profile. Lily is here with me so I will not be too bored because of the departure of Jake" I reassure him so he will not worry much about the departure of Jake. " Okay Princess I am happy to hear that and I will try everything I can to help make you happy while he is away so that you will not miss him." My father assures me with a pat on my head. " I Love you father and I will try my best to be careful with how I go about things in the pack, so stop worrying about me and take care of yourself, please because I don't want you worrying about me," I say and hugged him. " Lydia, you know your mother and you are the most important thing in my life so why will I not be worried about you? You both mean the world to me so why will I not be worried about you? I will die if anything were to happen to any one of you. My dear," He says while pulling me in for a hug. I was sitting in the three sitters in the living room with him beside me. " Dad I know you love both of us, but you still have to take care of yourself because I will not forgive myself if anything were to happen to you. So promise me you will take care of yourself and will stop worrying about me." I say to him " Princess I promise to do that but I still have to look out for you too". He insisted I know he will not rest until he gets his heart desires " Cheer up father, you have nothing to fear. I am not a kid anymore. If I can protect the pack, why will I not protect myself? I reassured my father with a smile on my face. I stood up while getting ready to head for my room, I went to my father and held his hands looking him in the eyes, and said to him because I know my father and he will not listen to me "Please, Father I know you care a lot and you will never listen to anything I say now, so do whatever you want to but be careful not to hurt yourself because I will not want to see you in any pain at all," I told him and head for my room to settle in for the night after giving my father a good night kiss on the cheek. "Lydia, how are we going to survive without Jake?" my wolf Lily asked of me sadly. "I do not know yet, but not to worry you know we have survived things worse than this and we will find a way to solve the problem when the time comes," I said to my wolf to give her the confidence that I do not have. " Lydia, I know you. You are just trying to prove strong but you know we both have spent all our days with Jake by our side and now that he will not be around we have to find a way to keep ourselves busy or am going to go crazy. Well, we have to come up with some preparation. I have heard we need to start making plans on how to prepare for our destination to avoid our cover being found out and we need to do this very quickly because that man is gaining more power and I know where we can go when I need to go for a run now" She discussed the plans of the new pack with me. " Wow, that is great to hear, Lilly where exactly is this place? But you know it will not be easy leaving a place that l have grown to love and lived all my life. So that person is still hell-bent on taking over like he has been trying to do all this while, but why has he not given up on such a wicked plan?" I voiced out my feelings to my wolf wondering why someone can be so evil. "This is for the best because we need to act fast before evil takes over and there is nothing anyone can do. He is just a fool who thinks he can succeed in his evil plans but evil will never win over good being around, good always wins the battle" She says to me. "Lily, you are right, So when do we get to start and how do we go there? What are we supposed to do? I feel bad for not being able to tell Jake of this place we are going to move to" I asked her eager to know more about this place she was talking about. I am not allowed to tell Jake until we move into the pack but it will look like some kind of betrayal to him. I guess I will have to let things take their course of action. " We are to start in two months and we need to start building it, in other to be properly prepared as some packs need our urgent help because of the attacks on the packs, we need to do some rescue work for the packs that have been taken over by that evil person." " You mean he has started with his attack to packs? We need to act fast to come up with a plan on how to handle this issue to stop him from striving strong, this is a serious issue that needs a lot of skills to handle. I need to go to sleep now because tomorrow is going to be a memorable one, you know Jake will be taking me out tomorrow so I need to wake up early to prepare for him. I wonder where he will be taking me." I said to her as l starts to yawn and I can not keep my eyes open. "Good night, Lily tomorrow is going to be a great day for both of us. I need to sleep to wake up early" I said before sleep takes over. The following day which was a weekend, I woke up with excitement and went into the bathroom to refresh. I took my bath and got dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. As usual, my mother was in the kitchen and she had prepared breakfast, she was having a cup of tea when I enter the kitchen, so I greeted her before sitting down to get my breakfast which was on the table waiting for me. " Hey, mother good morning, how was your night mom?" I said then sat down and picked my food to start eating " Good morning Love, I had a great night. how was your night too dear? " My night was great, mom. Has dad gone to work?" I ask her. " Great to hear, yes he has done to work and how are you taking the news of Jake going on his training? I hope it will not affect your studies." I knew she was going to bring up the issue of Jake going away and I don't want to sound rude so I explained to her that I will be fine. " Well there is nothing that I can not handle, Lily and I have come up with ways of handling the boredom that comes with his departure and I think we will survive it," I said to her, trying to make it seems like it was going to be an easy thing. " I am happy to hear that and also remember I will always be here for you too. I know you will survive it and you don't have any problem because you are a strong individual and before you know it he will be back again. Mother says trying to comfort me. She understands me and I always know she feels my pain too. " You are such so great mother, Thanks so much mom, you always know how to make me feel better." I love my mom so much and she always has a way with words that tend to please the hearts " Dear, you are welcome. You matter the most to me" My mother says to me, hearing this warms my heart and make me feel better. I told her I will be going out with Jake. " Mom, Jake will be coming over by noon to take me out, hope it is okay with you," I ask her so that she will not see it like I am taking advantage of the fact that they give me some privileged because I am still underage. My mother only ensures she gives her opinion " Okay dear, but please do not stay out for too long, you know I will be worried when you are out for too long." Mother says to me and I know she was saying the truth because she knows how my wolf reacts to insults. " Mother you have nothing to be afraid of because Jake has his wolf now and I also have mine so nothing will happen to me. Lily will be on her best behavior when she is around Jake and I will not stay out late, I promise you, mother." I saw I have been able to convince her of my safety " Alright dear, I will let your father know when he gets home so he will not have to worry." When I was through with breakfast, I cleared the table and washed the dishes. Since I have nothing to do after breakfast, I decided to go for a walk before Jake arrive to take me out. I step out of the house and headed towards the forest because that is where I always get some peace whenever I am bothered by something in my mind. Five minutes when I got there, I was sitting on a tree log when I suddenly felt some presence around me, and before I knew what was happening a sack was used to cover my face. Then the beating began. It was like they were four in number because I could perceive their smell since they all have their wolf now and I discovered it was Maria and her evil friends who came to attack me. They came silently without saying anything so I would not be able to recognize them. They beat me up and left me there for dead but they didn't realize they just dug a pit of problems for themselves. I made sure they have gone far away before I took off the sack and having my wolf helped me to heal fast because there was a stab In my stomach, I stood up then heads towards the house to bathe and change. I then mindlink Jake to meet me at our usual spot, that there is something important I want to discuss with him. I did not let my mother know about the attack because it will make her worry. About ten minutes later Jake came to the meeting spot and I explained what happened to him. " Jake, Maria, and her friends just attacked me in the forest a few minutes ago. I was relaxing when I felt some presence behind me and before I could turn around to see who they were, they use a sack to blindfold me and started beating me. I would have fought back but you know I have to keep a low profile that is why I stayed calm. They gave me a stab in my tummy too. I asked my wolf not to heal me yet because I want you to see what they did." Lydia explains while showing him the wound they inflicted on her. " What happened? Do you mean they did this to you? So there are people as wicked as this in the pack? I will put an end to this today" He asked me and drags me along with him and I wonder where he was taking me to. " It is a good thing the wound is still fresh, I need you to come with me now to the Alpha, it is high time I put a stop to this violent act in this pack, I have spoken to her on several occasions but she refuses to stop it." He says and I realize he was taking me to his father but I was a bit reluctant because I know it will bring more hatred from Maria and her friends so I tried to stop him. " Jake, I don't want any more trouble because this action might create more hatred from them, you know you will not be around to stop them and it will force my wolf to come out to defend me. Why not let it be? I also don't want my mother to worry about it because I did not tell her." I explained to him so he understands why I said so. " Lydia I understand you want to keep it away from your mother. But this will have to end today, what if it was someone not as strong as you? That person will be dead now and there will be no one to say who killed him or her" He says as he continues to drag me to his father's office and I suppose I have no reason not to go with him. As we were going some people saw the bruises on my body and wondered what happened to me but I used my gift to erase the memory of it from their minds. When we got to the office of the Alpha Jake reported the issue to his father who call on the four culprits and warned them not to try it again or they will be driven out of the pack and become rogue. " What is the meaning of this Maria? How can you and this ladies be so mean to a thirteen years old girl" The Alpha reprimanded them for their actions but Maria being the lair she was tried to deny doing anything to her " Alpha we did not do anything to him, we have been in my room reading and have not stepped out of my room. She is probably saying this because she wants to put us in trouble" She says defensive of herself and her friends. Jake who sat down to listen to her lies took out the dress Lydia wore before the attack and gave it to his father as evidence because it still has their smell all over it. " Father I need you to sniff this dress, maybe that will help expose the culprits who did this to this innocent girl" Jake handed over the dress to his father who sniffed it and was able to conclude that they were the culprits. " So you can come to my presence and lie to me? Do you know what penalty that entails I am not going to send you out of this pack yet because of your father, I will give you a second chance if this repeats itself I will send you all away from this pack?" The Alpha warned the ladies who realize their lies had been discovered. The beta was his very childhood friend and he doesn't want to hurt him since he knew how he loved his daughter Maria but he felt pains in his heart to discover that his Bete's daughter is evil but her father was not like this " We promise it will not repeat itself Alpha." They gave a chorus answer. They had to obey him because he used his Alpha voice to command them. I know that I am safe now as they had to obey their Alpha. After the girls left the presence of the Alpha, Jake asked me to wait for him outside while he discussed some things with his father. I wait for just ten minutes. Jake came out and we then went out for the planned outing as we had earlier planned.
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