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His evil plans The spies l sent out to spy that pack that I have been trying for years, to take over but it seems to be impossible because there is someone powerful in that pack that is making it impossible for me to enter the pack. No one has been able to locate the person responsible for this and this is driving me crazy to know that there was someone more powerful than me. Most of the packs I have taken over is been attacked and taken over again, I don't know who is responsible for this. I don't know how they have been able to make a barrier preventing me from going to the pack again. I have tried using my power to locate this person but I discovered my power was not strong enough to locate the where about of this person and I have been informed that a witch has the power to track everything including things unseen in the air. I was informed that she was very powerful but she can not be as powerful as me who has lived thousands of years in this world. I have the tricks and power to make her use her power to achieve my aim. If I can track this person preventing me from destroying the werewolves from this earth, no matter what power that person possesses he will be skinned alive and left to be eaten by the birds. If I can achieve this then there will be no one that can stop me again on this earth. I need to take control and this I must do very fast because I am losing it already I sent my warriors to her coven to spy on her and we were able to discover her weakness. Her husband was her weakness, we kidnapped her husband and sent her a note that if she wants to see her husband she should come to my pack, we explained she can get to my pack because it was not easy for anyone to locate my pack When she came, she thought it will easy for her to rescue her husband so she started fighting my servants and I sent someone over to inform her that she better stop her attack if she wants to see her husband alive. She was so confident of her power that she came to my pack without her fellow coven members which was a mistake. She could not believe her eyes when she saw the position her husband was in when she got there inside my pack house. " What! who dare do this to my husband? You release him right now if you know what is good for you. I will kill every one of you here because no one messes with any members of my family and get to tell the tales" she says with anger and flames of fire coming out from her hands. I stood up and laughed out loud while walking towards her so she can feel the aura of energy coming out from me. I raise one finger towards her husband who I placed hanging on the wall fighting for breath. I turned him down with his head facing down while his legs were hanging up. I then looked her straight in the eyes and spoke. " And what if I don't? What do you intend to do? I asked her and I could see that she was a fearless person. She growls and gathered some flames of fire and send them flying towards my servants who were in the room but I was able to quickly prevent them from reaching them without moving away from her. I could see she was surprised to see this happen but it never stop her from attempting to send more which I was also able to prevent from causing any harm to anyone. then I spoke while still looking at her. " You better stop this display of power because if you continue to harm my men your husband is dead meat," I warned to make her know that her power was useless before me and that she will not be able to do anything while in my pack. She realized there was nothing she could do and I see I have been able to put a stop to her attack and got her to submit to me. " Now that you know your place, now listened carefully to what I am going to say to you and you better listened carefully, or your husband get to pay for it," I say to her sending my warnings to her while still standing close to her, I made her husband groan in pain " Who are you and what do you want from me.? I don't believe we have met before. And I don't think I have offended you in any way " I heard her ask me, staring straight in the eyes with no fear in her. " That is what you should have asked before displaying your powers. You see that skills of yours are what I need you to use?" I told her and while speaking I try reading her thoughts but discovered she has this protective shield over her that is preventing me from reading her thoughts this made me more impressed that she was the right person for the job but also got me worried as I will not be able to know her plan when she tries to escape, I guess I have to keep a close eye on her. " That does not answer my question. I want to be through with this and leave this place because the aura here is not to my liking." I heard her say out in anger while sniffing the air to explain what she means by the bad aura. " I will take that as a compliment if you want to leave this place with your husband you have to follow my instructions and give me, my desired result. You better not think of betraying me if you do then you know who will be at the receiving end. I know her husband does not possess any power because he was a mere human who manages one of the companies that are around her coven, my men were able to capture him on his way back from work. It will not have been possible if he was with his wife. He is my ticket to getting her to do whatever I ask of her. " I know you are the best tracker in all the coven around and that you are also a strong witch too. I need you to locate someone that has been disturbing my plans for achieving my aims. This person Is still unknown to everyone, Even those in the pack do not know who this person is which is disturbing my takeover and I want you to locate that person." I explained the task I want her to complete for me. " Why do you have to go to this length? You should have sent for me and I would have come to you, so please release my husband and I will do whatever you want " I heard her say. " That will not be possible because I do not trust anyone and I know the stuff you were made of, you will take off immediately after I release him. So when the job is completed, you get to take your husband away from here" I let her know that I have made my research on her so she can know that I know everything about her. " Okay, give me all the info about the place and get some soil from there too this will be an additional advantage." She says and I can see she was in a hurry to leave this place which is a good thing for me because it will make her give me the desired result I crave on time. " My beta will give you all the details you need and the stuff you asked for but in the meantime, you will be shown to your quarter where you will reside until the task is completed. Your husband on the other hand will be taken to my dungeon until you give me the desired result." I explain my condition to her. She nodded her head in agreement and went with my beta out while my other servants took her husband to the dungeon. ....... The spies I sent to the pack have not returned and have no word about the position of things in the pack. They did not come back to give me feedback and I am wondering what could be happening. What do l do now? That Witch is going to hear from me, she has refused to give me the desired results. But I will make her understand that I was not joking but rather I need results. "Get me that foolish witch, who thinks I was joking with her when I said I want a result, she is taking me for granted and I do not have enough patience for this," I said to one of my loyalists who was standing guide outside the door of my office. "My Lord, I am on my way now, I will go get her". He bows his head and headed to get the witch. Since she started her research, she has been talking about some gifted child who was protecting the pack and I find it hard to believe that a child can be that powerful as to prevent me from taking over a pack. The child she has talked about is said to be gifted and she is the one that has been trying to weaken my plans for over 5 years but with no success, is that person's power too great that no one can subdue her? Who could this child be? I thought it was the Alpha's son that was keeping the pack safe and that with his departure it would be easy for me to claim the pack because I thought he was the gifted child but it seems I was wrong in my assumption, there seems to be a problem, like a force trying to stop me and this witch is talking about a different person in that pack from the information I got. Who could that person be? I aim to be the strongest and king and rule over every pack around the world and all the alphas are going to be beneath me because I strive to be the best, I am going to wipe them all out but this particular pack is giving me a lot of stress. If I claim this pack it will help strengthen me, and I will be very more powerful but there is always one issue that has stopped me, the person unknown. "I greet you, my Lord, I am told you ask for my presence", l heard the witch say from behind me bringing me out of my thoughts "Woman, you told me that it will be easy for me to claim that pack when he is not in the pack, I need you to explain to me why the pack is still not under my control because he has been spotted on the training ground and the spies I sent there are missing like the previous ones I have sent there. Now what do you have to say about this and what do you think we can do about that? This is getting me pissed off and it might lead me to do the unexpected thing" l growl at her angrily while threatening her. "Please mercy on your humble servant My Lord, l need to do more findings to see what the problem is and see what can be done to give you access to the pack. Give me three days and I will give you an answer. There seems to be a powerful force in that pack that is protecting the pack." She pleaded while looking at the floor for fear that he might read her thoughts if she looks at him" She never expected she would still be here. The last time saw her husband physically was five years ago, the only way she see him and knows he was still alive was when she goes to him spiritually to comfort him so he will be strong until she finds a solution to the spell he cast on the cell he kept him. "You do realize l have been after this pack for 5 years and you are asking me for three days? Do you have a death wish or do you no longer care about your beloved husband who is in the dungeon?" l growl angrily at her She went on her knees shaking and pleading for mercy " My Lord l need to travel to the coven to make inquiries about the forces in that pack so that we will be able to see how we can attack It but I need to prepare some special spell to enable me to see through the pack and find out the one who is helping to keep the pack safe while he is away" "You said Three days? Do you know what will happen if you do not come back on the third day? I want to know that betraying me has a price and there is no forgiveness in my books. You know what will happen, don't you". l glare angrily at her making her cry out in fear. " My Lord please show some mercy, I promise to give you the desired result very soon". she says "There are no such words as MERCY in my book list so better get the job done or you will leave to regret this if I do not get the desired result soon. Mark my words you live to regret this" l bark at her with flame coming out of my ears to show my anger and also to put fear in her for a quick result "I promise you my Lord l will do everything possible to get you what you want. I will not fail you, my Lord". She promised while bowing and pleading while praying that he does not hurt her husband. "You can take your leave now and three days is what you ask of me and failure will bring a penalty" l warned her. I just have to be in control of everything, even the elders and council will not be able to stop me from getting what l desire because I am ready to kill anyone who tries to come in the way of me achieving this. I like it when people show fear in front of me, it makes me feel respected and gives me the sense of being in control. l rose from a nobody to where l am today. The taste of power is what has been keeping me going and l will not rest until l get what l want. I have always strived for the best and this has been keeping me going and stronger. Three days now and not a word from that fool that calls herself a witch, is she taking me for a fool, l wonder where she got her powers from and they say she is the best of them all and she is not even able to use her powers to give me report on what is happening in that f*****g pack, I am going to teach her the lesson today that she is going to regret for the rest of her life. " Felix get me that wrench of a witch who thinks I was joking when I asked her to give me a report. She is supposed to be back from her coven". l ordered "My Lord she is not back from her trip" he responded. " What! Is it that she has a death wish for her mate or has she lost interest in living? Go get me her so-called mate. She knows best not to betray me. Bring her husband here this instant, I will surely kill him today because I don't go back on my words". l shouted out with rage as the fire came out from my mouth and the earth shook because of my rage " Your highness, l taught you asked her to take him with her," He replied like the fool he was " What did you just say?" l asked in shock. " Maybe I misheard you," I added "Hmm! Your highness l said l taught you asked her to go with him...." he repeated. l did not get to complete what he was trying to say. l used the ball of fire to consume him alive and his ashes can be seen on the floor. l can't stand the sight of fools who do not use their brains, how can he allow her to go with her mate without informing me first, what rubbish! How was she able to break the barriers that l put around the cell? She must possess a greater power, no one has ever been able to do that. How did she do it? So she has been playing for more time to break the barriers in the dungeon and I never suspected any of this coming, she also was able to hide her thoughts from me. l need to find another way out, l refuse to be defeated. She better prays our parts doesn't meet again because it is death for her betrayer. I went to my private chamber where I let out the rage my anger and also try to release the stress in me. Inside the room are skulls of a dead werewolf, fresh dead bodies, and blood hanging around the room. These are things that give me joy just seeing them and perceiving the smell of blood mixed with fresh dead bodies. I need to get another set of witches that will help me do my evil deeds because I can not be everywhere at the time. I will have to scan the internet for another coven to get the best because that pack needs to be under my control to make it possible for me to become the king of all alphas by all means. I am not a failure and I refuse to be one so I need to act fast before it is too late. He laughed evilly and goes to sleep on the bed in the middle of the room among the bodies.
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