Chapter 6

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letter Life has not been easy for me since the departure of Jake to the training but Lily has been a very good companion and I am continuing with my education with the help of the alpha, I have stayed away from packhouse since his departure because of the Luna who sent a message to me that I should not be seen in the pack house again. I take the bus to school but most of the time my father goes the extra mile to drop me off at school to prevent any form of attack. Maria and her friends also stayed away from me since the assault issue was reported to the Alpha but the absence of Jake must have made them stay away. Lily and I have started the restructuring of the pack that she spoke about. The pack is an old pack hidden away from the eyes by magic from my grandmother who happens to be the moon goddess, she has prepared the pack some century ago before my birth for all her offspring whom she has destined to rule as the King to all Alphas. Some of her offspring have come one time or the other to rule and gone back to her when their mission has been completed. You might be wondering why we are living a life of poverty when we can have everything we want, this has to happen, because I need to keep my identity hidden until the right age to start ruling, the second was for me to learn more about life so that I can be a better ruler. In the pack, we have to move the victims we rescue from their packs to the new pack. This one who does this havoc to these packs always goes after the pack when they are weak and unaware that they are being spied on. Most of the alpha has been killed by this man in question and no one seems to know his whereabouts. All I do with my wolf is rescue the pack and use magic to prevent any further, attacks on the packs we rescue sometimes some pack members decide to go with us so we take them to the new pack and assigned them to task for the maintenance of the pack. For two months now I have been busy with my wolf trying to set everything in place and helping the helpless pack to regain their freedom. Those wolves who have been abused s******y were been assign specialists who help them overcome their trauma. The pubs that are without parents were put in the foster home that was built in the pack I have not received any letter from Jake since his departure and I thought was that he forgot about me or was too busy, but my spies told me that he has not failed in his promise to write since he left and that the following day he got there, he wrote his first letter to me and I wonder why I have not received any letter. Luna has been the one preventing me from getting them. The only letter I got was the one given to me by the servant sent by the Alpha. Since most of the letters go to the packhouse, it is difficult for me to get them. The most painful of them all Is that Luna now goes through all the mails that enter the pack and had made sure no letter gets to me. But l have to do something about it pretty soon or my wolf is going to lose control, I wonder why she is not allowing me to get the letter he has been writing to me. "Let's look for a way out before she decides to burn those letters". My wolf says to me while I sat down thinking of a way out of this. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her " you know that patience is a very great virtue to have, we need to be careful if we want to get it and you know we have to be careful too. The letters he sent have been going to the wrong hands and the only person who can get them for us is not even aware of the fact that he is sending them. He thinks training must be tedious for Jake as such, he could not write to me. Remember he sent his servant to us that he has not received any letter from his son that his why I have not received any letter after the first one. " l explained to her hoping she understands " Yes, l know but we also need to make her understand that she is a mother to all the pack members and we are also part of her family. Let's teleport to her room and try to get the letters from her. She will not suspect anyone. All we have to do is mask our scent and go get the letters," she suggested to me. "We have to wait until after my birthday which is in another three months because the outcome of going against her will not rest well with her, it might cause problems and I will not want anyone to be held responsible, don't worry I will tell dad to help us get it and sure he will find a way to get it. Am sure he knows what to do." l said trying to take Lilly's mind away from it. " Are we going to wait for so long a time? There is no way of getting in touch with him or going to meet him. Well, tell dad then if that is the only solution you can come up with for now." You know he won't come home until he completes his training. She expresses her point to me. I know the only way out of this is to get the letter, Lily will not give me breathing space. She can be adamant when she wants something. " Well, we will find a way out of this and before you know what is happening those letters will be in our hands, just hope for the best and I look for someone to help us get those letters," I said with a sigh. " Okay then, why not read the letter with his scent." I was about to bring out the letter when my dad calls out to me, I wonder what the issue was. It is rare for him to come home this early and most of the time he does not bother me. I went down the stairs to meet him sitting on the couch in the sitting room. He seems to be having a mysterious smile on his face, why is he smiling did he win the lottery? I wonder as I went to him " I have a surprise for you my Princess!" My father said as he keeps smiling " What is the surprise dad, am sure it must be something wonderful that is making you smile like this?" l asked, " Lily I told you he seems to have a mysterious smile," I say to my wolf. " Do you promise to be a good girl and that you will always give me delicious meals?" My father asked with a smirk on his face. " You know you mean the world to me and l will always be a good girl any day any time. I will try but you must know the chef in this house is mother, her food is a hundred percent better than mine". l said to him while waiting for the surprise he was speaking. " Okay close your eyes and wait for my surprise because it is this going to wow you. I know you have been eagerly waiting for this and am happy to tell you that your wait is over," he says while fetching something from his bag and I wonder what that could be. l closed my eyes in expectation and the scent hit me and l shouted in excitement "J A K E" " Jake? And why did you suddenly call out his name? I only brought something that will cheer you up and not Jakke." My father says to me with surprise in his voice, wondering why I called out the name of Jake " That scent father is what I have gotten used to and can not be mistaken. Father are you sure he is not around somewhere because his scent is all over the house?" l asked my father why sniffing the air around me and the scent was strong. " Well Jake is not here but l have something of his for you, open your eyes now and see what I have for you," He responded while passing the letters to me I quickly opened my eyes to see three envelopes handed to me and l gasped in surprise and hurriedly took the envelopes from him and gave him a big hug while wondering how he was able to get the letters. I couldn't believe my eyes, they are letters from Jake. I wonder how he got them. " But dad how did you get the letters? I hope this is not going to bring you any trouble from Luna when she discovers that some of the letters were missing" l asked wondering how he got the letters with the way Luna guides them like a hulk guiding a prey. " You know l will do anything for my princess even if it will cost me my life but not to worry it will not cause any problem," He answered convincingly and I had to give it to my dad, he is the best dad ever. " Tell me, dad, how did you get it, did you do some kind of magic on the Luna? I thought you said she keeps it in her room and that it is in a safe, was that not what the maid told you," I asked him again trying to find out how he got the letters " A magician never reveals his secrets, my dear child so just be happy I was able to get the letter for you," He answered refusing to tell me how he got the letters but I am grateful he was able to get them for me. " Father, you do know that I can get information from you?" I said to him jokingly, knowing fully well my powers will never work on him because his blood runs through me. " Princess you will do no such thing to your dad and if you do, that would mean no more letters from where that came from," He warns jokingly. " You are the best dad in the whole world and I love you. I can not do that to you. Thank you for getting me the letters," I said hugging him again and I stood up and was going into my room to read my letters. I excuse myself and turn to leave. " Excuse dad, let me read my letter" l excused myself and as I stood up heading towards the staircase but he stop me in my tracks to my room and I was wondering why he asked me not to go into my room when he knows I have been waiting for the opportunity to get these letters " Wait, go get me something to eat and l want one of the delicious delicacies that you always prepare as my reward. for the letters and I think I deserve a reward," He said while smirking at me. " Okay, dad, you made me happy today so I will give you what you want and you truly deserve that reward for being a loving father" l said while making my way to the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. l kept the letters in my pockets. Am so very happy right now that l also want to please my father for getting me the letter, I can't wait to lock myself in my room to read the letters. I wonder what he has written. l quickly prepared his favourite meal, set it on the table, and rush off to my room informing my dad that his meal is ready and on the table. I took out the first letter and was excited to see that he has adjusted to his environment which is what he made me understand in his letter and that training was not too stressful, he has also learned a lot of things over there but what saddens me the most is his complaint that I have not been replying the letters he wrote to me. But how do I explain to him that his mother has been preventing me from getting his letter, I want him focus on the training he was getting and do not want him to be distracted, so I decided to keep it away from him. I know if I told him, he might decide to come back to the pack without completing his training thereby affecting his position as the alpha. I do not want him to fail because of me, I want his success. We just have to keep this to ourselves until the right time when we meet again. Lily and I read all the letters and we are happy he gave us all the details of what is happening in the training and am so happy for him that he was getting along well with the training program. I can not wait for the training to end and we meet again. ..... Two years have flown by since his departure and we have survive so far because there was something that kept us busy. A lot has been in the new pack we are going to be moving to very soon. This was part of what have kept us busy all this while. We have always teleported to the pack and other places when we have a mission to accomplish. This has helped us to prevent people from seeing us when we go out of the pack My father tried his best in bringing the letters to me. This is what we do, after reading the letters he brings to me, I returned them to him and he gives them to the person helping him get the letters and then put it back in the safe and bring another new set. We have been doing this for the past two years. Meanwhile, I have completed my Junior High and am now in my senior. I have grown taller and look more ladylike and people use to compliment my beauty. I have even gotten guys lusting after me and asking me out but I turned them down because I know I have a mate who will not like it if he gets to know about it. The work in the pack is completed now and from what Lily is saying we will need to move to the new pack because I am coming of age for the task ahead of me and that I need to take charge pretty soon as the time is coming nearer with each passing day. " Lydia, the time has come and you need to inform your parents of the movement to prepare them for the task ahead of us." Lily said I heard Lily say to me and it always gives me pain when I think of the fact that I am going away from the pack that I have grown to love. Lydia: It is going to be so painful leaving this place that I grew up in and the fact that I will not see Jake before leaving this pack is killing me. I was not even allow to tell him of our departure from the pack. I said to her while tears were dropping from my eyes thinking of the fact that we are not going to see before leaving. Lily: I feel the pain but this task is inevitable, we just have to move to that pack because that is where you will rule alongside him. She explained to me while trying to console me. Lydia: Well, I am happy that I will still get to see him again. So what else do we need to do before going to the pack. I ask her while wiping out the tears from my eyes Lily: Something is about to happen and the incident will help you get people that will go with you from this pack because they belong there as they are loyal people who we need for the pack, so we still have like six months stay in this pack. Lily says to me and I wonder why she is saying this. Lydia: What do you mean by that? What is going to happen? I asked her and waited for an answer but to my surprise like the stubborn wolf she was, she refuse to give me an answer. Lily: Just wait and see. Lydia: Are you kidding me? Why then did you mention it when you knew you are not going to explain to me. F**lish wolf. I say to her and I was very angry at her for not telling me what will happen. Lily: You do not have to be angry because you will soon get to know when everything starts to unfold. I refuse to talk to her and she just started laughing Lily: So you will not speak to me, well no problem. I suppose those rogues will succeed today with their attack on the pack. When I heard her say that I stood up instantly and was about to go out when I heard Lily laughing in my head. Lily: I thought you are not interested in what I am saying? Well, I need a reaction from you that was why I told you there was an attack. I have used magic to confuse them from coming near the pack and as we speak they are wandering around like lost sheep. I really could not believe that she just got me prank. Lydia: What was that for? I am never going to talk to you again I say to her, and I lay down in my bed pretending to be sleeping. Lily: Okay, it is better that way and I guess I not get to tell you some of the things that you need to know before we go to the new pack. Lydia: Whatever, I am not talking to you again. Lily: Okay then I will go back to where I am needed. She went behind my head and I can not feel her presence again so I slept off but hoped that by tomorrow morning I will be able to forgive her. She is one mysterious wolf and I wonder why she was the one gifted to me by the moon goddess.
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