Chapter 7

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His experience at the training I went through letters again and again l feel proud of having him as a friend. He told me he has come to see the importance of the training, and it has also helped him to see how he can rule the pack with ease. The training has laid out to him how to control the pack which will benefit everyone in the pack and also gives way to peace and security, it is not about being strong or fighting off rogues or being the best but the most important is caring for everyone in the pack. He made it known that he has also learned how to care for the welfare of everyone in the pack, he also spoke of some of the friends he had made and that they are people who he could count on when he needed their help. He spoke of one in particular who seemed to hate him for no reason at all well in life you do not expect everyone to like you, there will always be someone who will be jealous or who just doesn't like you because of who you are or what you have, am not bother about that because I know he can take care of himself. In my reply to him, I encourage him to remain focused and not to get distracted by anyone or anything. He also said he has also been able to learn some tricks of fighting which can come in handy when the time comes for its use He said, there are lots of skilled fighters he has come across in the training and had made friends with them and they might come handy when he needs them. In the other letters, he expresses his feelings to me that he misses me, that living without me is like living in h*ll, and that he loves me, this made me blush while reading the letter. Truth be told I miss him too and I love him just the way he does and am sure going to make my feeling too known to him because my life has not been complete since he departed from the pack to go for the training. He also told me to look after the pack, just like we both used to do before he left for the training which to the best of my knowledge I have been doing without being seen by any member of the pack, I plan on telling him of some of the rogues who have tried to attack the pack since he left for training because they thought his absence would weaken the pack and allow them to take over the pack. I was able to put a stop to the attack without the knowledge of anyone in the pack. I know this will put his mind at rest that the pack is safe from any form of attack. He also asked if his mother was taking good care of me. But how do l respond to this when his mother wouldn't want near the pack house? I don't want to lie to him so all I have to do is just pretend I have not read that part of the letter. She even made sure all the letters that enters the pack goes directly to her so the letters from Jake does not get me. l sighed as tears were clouding my eyes thinking of the things his mother has made my family and I go through because of the friendship between Jake and me. The only grace that woman is enjoying is the fact that she is his mother and I would not want to do anything that will upset Jake who I care so much about. She has never cared about the welfare of the members of the pack all she thinks about is her family and herself. While I was still busy reading the letter out to Lily I observed she was no longer paying attention to what I was reading but I ignored her because I was enjoying the words in the letter and I knew she will tell me whatever it was that was bothering her. After two minutes of keeping to herself, she finally spoke " Ly, let's go out for a run," my wolf said to me not showing any interest in the letter being read and I wonder why, she was the one dying to see what was in the letter " Lily we are still going through the letters, you were the one eager to see what was in the letter so why have you suddenly changed your mind, when we are through reading the letters, I promise we will go for a run," l respond to her and continue to read the letter out loud while I ignore her insistence. "I pray it would not be too late for both of us by the time you finish with those letters," she warned which was her usual way of alerting me of the rogues' attack in the pack." This brought my attention to her. You see Lily can sense danger before it comes knocking on the door and that has always helped Jake and me to know when an attack is about to happen in the pack because she always lets us know. " Rogues on the attack again? Where in particular is the attack coming from?" l asked her while getting ready to teleport there to make it quick for both of us before they can carry out the attack. " At the East side of the pack and they are up to twenty of them. We need to be careful when we get there so that we can catch them unaware. We need to take them by surprise so that they will not be able to organize themselves," she explains how we can lunch our attack. I stood up and got ready "We should teleport there so we can stop the attack before they start the attack," l quickly move to action as I know that a little delay will be dangerous for everyone in the pack We both teleported to the spot and cast a sleeping spell on the warrior at the east wing of the pack and changed to my wolf, there were like twenty of them truly which was quite a surprise to me because they are usually more than that, there must be a reason why they came but that is not the problem, for now, I need to deal with them. I asked what they wanted in our pack but they intend to try to attack me because they believe they can defeat me being the only one there, but they got the surprise of their life. " What is your mission here in this pack? Standing close to a tree I looked at them as they approach the pack and caught them unexpectedly because they were not aware of my presence " What right do you have to question us? The one who seems to be the leader of the group asked me while bearing his teeth to me and I just smiled looking at his display of power. " You should leave now because you are not welcome here or you will regret ever stepping into this pack". I warned them and they all started laughing at me because they underestimated me. Thinking I was a mere child they could easily deal with " What can a lone pup do? Do you see the number of or do you think you can scare us by threatening us? He smirks at me while coming forward to attack me. Being who I was, I used my powers to raise him into the air as he surge forward to attack and I threw him to a big tree close by, he instantly fell to the ground while the other rogues decided to attack all at once, I then froze them on the spot and I made weapon which was from sand in the shape of the arrow which I send to pierce their hearts which immediately killed them, I then commanded, the ground to open and consume the rogues. I also cover the ground and their scent with them so as not to leave any trace of them. I use my power to erase their smell to prevent the warrior from perceiving their smell. I hid behind a tree and use my spell to awaken them before l teleported back to my room and slept off because l have used a lot of energy for one day. By the time l woke up, it was late in the evening, so l rushed down to get my dinner with my parents who were already there waiting for me to come to join them for dinner. Lydia: Mom what for dinner tonight? I asked my mother as I hugged her and then gave her a peck on the cheek my stomach grunted as I sat down for dinner. Father: What is that sound? Someone is hungry." I heard my father tease me as I picked up my plate in readiness for food Mother: Your favourite chicken soup, potato pudding, and vegetables the way you like them. You have to wait for desserts because I will not tell you until after the food. You have to tease my daughter, she is just hungry My mother said to my father as she too sat down to eat. Lydia: How has been your day dad? I hope you are not too stressed. If only you knew what I have been through today. I say as I start to eat my food. Dad: No Princess, today has been a perfect day for me and there was nothing much to do in the patrol, we just sat chatting among ourselves, what did my Princess do that drain all her stomach today? Lydia: If I had not gotten there on time today, I wonder what would have happened today if those rogues succeeded in their attack. I explained everything that happened to my dad who was surprised to hear it because he was on that wing patrolling and they never knew something of the sort happened. " No one knew of the attack, we just sat and never saw them, probably they used some kind of magic to prevent us from knowing they were around. So you were able to defeat them on your own? That is great. I am proud of you." My father says and promised to inform the others so they can be more vigilant when on patrol but he will not let them know about the Saviour. " Dad, do not tell anyone about the attack because it is not going to happen again as Lily thought me how to put a protective shield around the pack to prevent further attack and I promise to do it tonight when everywhere is quiet," I explained to my dad who nods in agreement. We sat down quietly to eat dinner because my mother does not like talking while at the table. When we finished eating my mother went to the kitchen to get the desserts which happens to be my favourite chocolate cake and mango ice cream. I was so very happy and lick my tongue as I salivate. Lydia: You are the best, mom Mother: I just have to give you a treat this night for what you did today. I know what you did today to help this pack and I am proud of you. " Now tell me, have you read the letters, and is he doing well over there, my father?" My father asked me . " He is doing fine and he also told me he has learned a lot over there and also about taking care of his people's welfare" The training is helping him a great deal and I know for sure he will get the desired lesson by the time he returned to the pack," I told my dad. " So glad to hear that and l know he will do great after his training because he has a good heart," said my father. " Princess l need to go out now, am on duty this night and will not be back until midnight my father told me " Which side of the pack are you watching this night, why the double shift today?" l asked my father wondering why he has to go for another patrol again this night. " I will be by the west wing today. I need to help a friend who is sick," he answered but I know it was a lie and I was not in the mood to find out what happened " Oh! Okay and please be very careful because of Rogues," l warned He steps out and l finished up my food, cleaned the dishes, and went to my room to continue reading the letters. After going through the letters again. when it was nine at the night I went out to put on a spell that will shield the pack from any form of attack. I went around the pack to make sure all was safe before I went home to sleep. In my dreams, I saw Jake and myself holding hands while making promises of never leaving each other again.
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